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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. You've just gotta love the linkage between the club's three greats, Norm Smith, Ron Barassi, Jim Stynes

    with Norm's "adoption" of Ron and Ron's Irish "experiment" with Jimma

    Smith "made" Barassi who "made" Stynes ( 1935 - 2010 -> )

    What a great story . . . . . and its still going

    I wouldn't even attempt to rank them

    Equal number 1 for mine between the 3 of them!

  2. IMO Tapscott is getting close to a token game as a taste, followed by Fitzy, neither are ready for a genuine entry to AFL, but come the end of the year, we may find space?

    Bails was quoted not long ago saying that Tapscott was the most AFL ready of all of our draftees from this year. That would mean he is ready for a genuine entry, and if he gets his chance I hope he really grabs it. From watching him play in U/18's, hit boot could really add another dimension to our half forward line.

  3. The video that accompanies it is excellent. The emblem itself for me has way too much going on and for mine really says we couldn't quite decide what we are so we have included everything. The southern cross for me adds minimal value to our brand and I actually would have preferred us drop the trident as well as a sign of embracing our true past but also moving forward. You dont need a trident on the emblem to be called the Demons.

    What I love most is the video that accompanies it.

    The eternal flame, the way RDB explains that is amazing. So much passion.

    The trident, like Bailey says, nobody knows what a Demon looks like, but we know they have a trident. He speaks with real passion and aggression at stages through his explanation and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

    The football, well we all know what thats about.

    The southern cross is again explained well by Davey. Its about the community, the coming together. It means alot to Australians.

    Finally, the MFC. Our ties to the MCC, the MCG - our home. We grew from the greatest stadium in the world, and will forever be tied to it.

    This is truly a great emblem, one that fills me, and I am sure every Demons supporter, player and associate with pride. What a great time to launch it. Bloody hell I would hate to be the Tigers this weekend. Give them Hell Dees!

  4. Quick question for anyone that might know - are the Red & Blue Foundation donations still in existence?

    My understanding of themwas that they were specifically for the purchasing of equipment or facilities forthe club and that they were tax deductible.

    Not to detract from the Debt Demolition because that is more important right now...

    But I was just wondering how our new facilities may have affected that option.

    Anyone know?

    No idea E25. I am pretty sure if you call the club directly that a donation can still be made to the R&B Foundation and yes that is tax deductible. The $200 raffle this year all funds are going towards new equipment and fitting out AAMI as well. In the past the proceeds of that raffle have gone towards DD.

  5. So we have wiped off our massive debt and my oh my how great it feels!!! :D

    BUT... I just got a call from the MFC asking if I'd like to buy a $200 raffle ticket to help "promote the boys" or something to that effect!

    So the lad was explaining everything to me and about 5 seconds into him explaining all the details I cut him off and said, "I'm in! Yep... I'm in".

    So there you go... the people down at Demon Land are not yet done!! There's more prosperity ahead and if more and more people can keep pledging in any way they can, our surplus will grow and grow - it's all about the future and the future is NOW!

    I feel very good right about now. I have barracked for the Demons ever since my auntie knitted me a lil Melbourne jumper when I was 3 weeks old! This is my second $200 raffle I have purchased, but this particular one has so much more meaning.

    GO DEMONS! :)

    I got a call not long after debt demolition was launched again for this year. I was in for a couple, I have been since it started. Would be nice to win something this year! :P Got $50 back on the instant win scratch panel this year.

    Its a great raffle, I am pretty sure this year it is all going towards new equipment for AAMI Park and giving the boys the best facilities as possible.

    GO DEES!

  6. It wasn't me (although a moth just flew out of my wallet).

    Haha I know mate! You should have claimed it though!

    Enjoy your night mate, look forward to a report if you can remember much after a night of celebration!

  7. In a team that just Ooozes Yzes, Robbo is right on target to kick the ton for the Shepparton Swans in the coming round or two.

    Currently sitting on 93 goals from 15 rounds (yep, 6 goals a game).

    He and Adem Yze have played every game for the season, injury free. Damien Yze also has 56 goals for the season, Adem Yze has 23 and Ramadan Yze rounds it out with his own 13 from the midfield.

    Might be mistaken but there's a Nathan Brown on the team list that I think is our own Doggy Brown - last I heard those three were all doing the grassroots proud.


    That sure is Doggy Brown. The boys are all up there together, loving it from all reports. Woewodin has also played a couple of games when he has had the chance.

  8. I'd prefer Warnock to Rivers on either Fev or Brown.

    Garland will go to Fevola tonight, with Rivers provide the chop out for both him and Chip on Brown.

    Garland will destroy Fev with his pace, just keep running Col!

  9. I'm trying the Leighoak Club tonight (MFC Affiliate, maybe owned?), they're showing the game. Haven't been there before so no idea what it's like but seems pretty schmick from the pics. It's in Oakleigh which is not really Bayside but not too far.

    Anyone been before? Quality?

    Leighoak is good mate. You will get a decent contingent of Dees fans there. Worth the trip from bayside to get there so you can be amongst some Dees, isnt that far really.

  10. Unless Grimesy has made a miracelous recovery (please please please let that be true), that injury list has failed miserably.

    Mind you, it's still the smallest it has been all year, which is great to see *knock on wood*.

    Sorry Jaded, see my other post. Bit longer!

  11. James McDonald (hamstring) test

    Jordan Gysberts (back) test

    Rhys Healey (hamstring) 3 weeks

    John Meesen (ankle) indefinite

    Ricky Petterd (shoulder) season

    Dees website states Jnr will miss this week. And the injury list is a tad longer too.

    Round 16 injury update

    James McDonald (hamstring) - test

    Max Gawn (knee) - test

    Jordan Gysberts (back) - 1 week

    Stefan Martin (hip) - 1 week

    James Strauss (knee) - 2 weeks

    Jack Grimes (hamstring) - 2 weeks

    Ricky Petterd (shoulder) - season

    Jake Spencer (back) - test

    Daniel Hughes (ankle) - 1-2 weeks

    Rhys Healey (hamstring) - 2 weeks

    Michael Newton (quadriceps) - 2-3 weeks

    John Meesen (ankle) - indefinite

    Edit - formatting: thought it would look better spread into senior list and rookies. And in test to length order.

  12. Have heard from a Hawthorn player that i live next door to that Jordan Gysberts may be the player from Melbourne's list heading north with some suncreen.

    Would be absolutley [censored] off and devastated if this was the case- seeing as a) he's a number 11 pick and B) he played very well in his first few games

    i'm wondering whether the club has found out hence the reason to not play him- the back injury seems a little dodgy as he pulled up fine after collingwood game and then had a week off for the crows.

    Thoughts? You've got to understand that there will be at least one player going to the GC from our list

    HAHA! Close to one of the best (read worst) rumours about GC I have heard to date.

    You've got to understand that there will be at least one player going to the GC from our list

    This quote is wrong too - they have the ability to lure one un-contracted player from each side. It may or may not happen, and I think there will be many sides where they do not get a player from.

  13. Does anyone know if the donations to this site completely go to the club.

    Yes of course they do longsuffering. The site is run by IMG who run most of the raffles etc for the club, and have run debt demolition all the way through for the club. 100% go to the club.

    If you feel more comfortable speaking to someone you can call (03) 9643 1760

  14. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, DEBT DEMOLITION is back.

    There's $767,000 remaining to repay our debt.

    Let's hope we can knock it all off this year - I have no doubt we will.


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