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Everything posted by DeeGee

  1. Agree- I said exactly the same thing at the ground today. Most of the noise is just [censored] as well, and detracts from the spectacle.
  2. Understand the theory but we have been waiting for years for this to happen. I think the key to having the right age/experience spread is for players to be “good enough” to play 150+ games. In the past we’ve waited for our players to get to the required experience level, but as it turned out- they weren’t good enough. ps. Hopefully we’ve got enough good players now.
  3. No problems with my MCC/MFC membership- I paid it for next year the other day. I think it was a 30% discount to cover the lack of games this year.
  4. I watched him at training in January, and he looked so ripped then he almost looked out of proportion. It was clear to me he was up for a big season. i think the main thing was he knew he could take on anyone and beat them. Massive confidence to be able to do that.
  5. Agreed. My dad and I spoke to him on game day last year when he was injured. Top bloke, had plenty of time to chat. Great leader on and off the field. I also liked his comments about not having the flag this weekend. It’s ridiculous it can’t be shown.
  6. I think one of the problems is that the entire AFL industry has assumed that the broadcast rights would keep on expanding exponentially. This has lead to a massive blowout in costs to run clubs. But even aside from COVID I think we are getting close to saturation in the Australian market. Ultimately all the money comes from the punters - in the form of tickets, memberships or advertising (companies only advertise if they can get people to buy their product). i think they need to wind back costs but have to keep the old guard clubs. Melbourne has 50,000 odd members but about 250,000 supporters. If we fold, I would bet many of these would be lost to the game. At least I would. Same for the other clubs I reckon. Why dilute your loyal fan base and cut the ultimate source of revenue. Even the rich clubs need someone to play against ( preferably a decent competitor to make it attractive).
  7. Neita spoke at a MCC/MFC members function I went to with my dad last year. He was awesome - he told some great stories and the crowd loved it. Top bloke
  8. Spoke to him before game today. He hopes to be available for selection this week.
  9. My mate’s dad passed away late last year (64 year member). I called the club to let them know and they rapidly arranged a card for the family (also long term members). Subtle, classy and excellent customer service I thought.
  10. Hard to say as the line snakes around in corrals. I’d say maybe 200m, but in terms of numbers perhaps 2000-3000.
  11. I got to the line at 4.30 and the gates opened at 5 pm. Once they opened it didn’t take long to get in. By 5.25 the only walk up seats we could get (there were 6 of us) was at the top of level 4. Couldnt get tix today, so will be a similar experience this Friday.
  12. Universally admired by Dees supporters I would say. Not many people can claim that. Thanks Peter.
  13. Can someone explain how you get a surname with all lower case letters except a B somewhere in the middle?? Important issue I know...
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