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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. No need to apologise Ernest I thought you were on the money. I have the same problem next Sunday. Still have my fishing rods. Following game is interstate and the next one is probably a night game. Best team in 54 years and I cannot get to a game.
  2. Agree 100% your last sentence says it all.
  3. They are paying for 9/10 of nothing this year Bbo.
  4. Good to see you on full voice Ernest. I think the basic problem comes back to too many media with too much space to fill. So the mundane becomes a major story. All these commentators fighting to be noticed to maintain their jobs.
  5. Well after all this time you would think the answer is there is no suitable spot. We have hitched ourselves to the almost unachievable. That may be the bigger problem.
  6. After 5 years due process is very slow to the point of dead stop. I get the feeling the club is now hiding behind winning a flag. Talk about the premiership and we will forget about the new home
  7. We have heard that from numerous GM,s and Presidents for 5 years LN. What is the hold up?
  8. We are all soon or later coming to this view LN. Keep us hanging for long enough and all of a sudden Casey looks a lot better.
  9. Will they still be in power in 2023?
  10. But that does not fit the club's stated preference. Why is that after 5 years and 2 presidents do we still have no stated plan. We are clearly not going to get any money from this government and it is hard to see much happening before 2023 even if their is a change of government. Just tell us what the problem is.
  11. All of that is worthy but it would appear that the club has trouble delivering. So we need to look at the alternatives.
  12. So nothing for us in the state budget! It is time to forget this dream of a seperate admin next to Goschs and concentrate our efforts and finances on Casey, Goschs and shared facilities at the old Olympic Park area. The rest is a bad dream.
  13. Why? didn't we just win a flag from there and will give another a shake this year.
  14. If there is no money for us in this weeks state budget there will be some big questions to be answered.
  15. A long time ago my father told don't make a threat unless you have the will to carry it out
  16. Spot on tu. I think what a lot on here forget is that the MFC have a lot more high age group supporters than most other clubs. Older age groups don't like night games.
  17. I see a story in today's HUN about the state budget tomorrow and money being allocated for improvements to the MCG. If we do not score in this budget I will assume the project is the BS file. It is well and truely time to put up.
  18. After the drug times and there attitude to the competition I find it hard to have an sympathy. May they rest at the bottom for an extended period.
  19. Still haven't beaten anyone above us. Oh!
  20. When you win under those conditions it proves you are a very good team. Go Dees!
  21. We will get some idea in the next week. With the loss of three premiership players he has the job in front him. Lucky we are playing Hawthorn.
  22. I have a metal case they came in way back when. I think you put the cigs from a cardboard pack into the metal case. No filters from memory.
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