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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Could not agree more bb.the interesting thing for me is the new regime at the MFC seem so far to be leak proof. No one comments until the situation is finalised. I am amused every time I see in here that we are chasing x player. 99.9% of us have absolutely no idea who Roos, PJ and company have in mind. We have invested our future survival in this group. so far they have performed well and have my confidence. I wait to see what our list looks like come November. Interesting time ahead.
  2. IT is not a lot different dc Basic ingredient is the same product "Oats" with similar additions.
  3. No I have them cold with lots of additives like Bananas well not so much these days. Berries are good and wallnuts
  4. Special K Something from the 70's do people still eat that? Steel cut oats for this boy
  5. Except it is burning down in Northern Melbourne a long way from his lovely spot. I will be over there in early October I will keep an eye out.
  6. I hope it will be What is your best offer or you can try your luck getting him in the draft.
  7. I think this regime at the MFC keep their cards close to their chest on all subjects Redleg. Leaks are rare now and those that happen I suspect are intentional. Nil comments on Clark, Frawley, Tapscott, Blease Watts etc.
  8. Spot on no DF here bb.And on whole grain bread a veritable healthy sensation.
  9. No I am keeping that for the day Hird is flung from Essendon.
  10. Contrary to advice I had a banana and Peanut butter sandwich for lunch today. Occasionaly you just have to spit into the wind.
  11. They are not getting paid even close to $1million PA
  12. See my comment in another thread he has evidently been offered around and there are no takers
  13. I dont disagree Beats but it would be nice all the same. If push came to shove I would take HL in exchange at least we know his legs are ok.
  14. Gee wizz Demonland is jumping today the "big Thread ' was almost off the main page.
  15. My view is ask for HL and a draft pick if the Pies are the only bidders and wont play ball on that deal let him go into the draft and run the risk of the saints or GWS picking him.We would end with nothing which is what we have now but at least we would set a precedent of not being push overs as in the past. interesting that I heard Ralph on SEN saying the MFC are going to be ruthless with the list this trade period. JW and Toumpas had been offered but no takers, take it for what it is worth but I think on this occasion smoke probably suggests fire.
  16. I was not aware there was such a thing
  17. said unnamed person obviously did not go to many MFC games this year
  18. Then we now go as hard as possible on Clark. As well we refuse to play most games in anything but our traditional jumper until Richmond, Essendon and Collingwood come up with geniune clash jumpers. No more Mr. nice guys go for the jugular wherever possible. And when the tide turns it will be time for revenge. Remember it is dish best served cold
  19. You are sharp today R&B razor blades fro Breakfast?
  20. Yeah some over dressed shelias went to a party at Crown. Nothing much else bb
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