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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. This is another shambles by the AFL. After ASADA provide the B sample it is up to the AFL to get on with the process. Why after five months has nothing happened Gil?
  2. I suggest it was the opposite Nasher. Cynical? yes with a capital C. Same as Saad, should get one year minimum.
  3. I enjoy your comments joeboy even when I disagree keep up the good work.
  4. Some things have a faint chance of success Bossdog but I thing you are a bridge too far on that one.
  5. There is my opinion exactly SPR. 100% agreement.
  6. Well bb it has happened. This may be the occasion that we agree on this subject. Who would have thought...
  7. Gee you expect a lot Choke. The next you will be expecting people to use the spell check.
  8. Poor timing Sir The day of the GP is far from ideal, if not for that day i would have gone with my Grand Daughter and tried to brain wash her.
  9. I think every MFC supporter who has been on board for the last 50 years is not quite the full dollar dc.
  10. That will make two of at a match Bossdog. There are probably a few more like minded souls around.
  11. Yes how silly of me How does bravery grab you?
  12. I think you are confusing Brave with Stupidity dc
  13. Whatever you think of Denham he was dead right in quite a few areas.
  14. I have seen two but I don't see what that has to do with it. He is gone and remember that saying that is close to "Hate consumes the Hater way more the the Hated"
  15. I agree with the above Mr Leg However that could still see 6 - 7 changes which is not out of the question IMO. The players you nominate will need good years to survive. I still think we have ten players out of 40 that not up to taking us out of being a bottom four side.
  16. I cannot get it work in Firefox either. This method usually works but not today.
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