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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Melbourne reacts savagely to the poor performance last week against the lowly Saints with one...... Oh hell one change!!!!!
  2. It is not the fans I worry about it is the 22 players in black and white on Saturday
  3. I think what you can smell is our lack of experience and talent.
  4. Yes I think your group would be close to one rpfc
  5. I agree C and B but I will be happy when we just have a good side that plays in finals. You can worry about the big prize it will be beyond my time.
  6. I think I will take them to the grave h_h God we were putrid !
  7. A truck load of cash? Would be counterfeit if we did.
  8. Be absolutely astounded and deliriously happy!
  9. h_h I was not saying it was the only thing he got right so the sentence could have been constructed better. Leaving that aside I agree with your comment above100%
  10. So was Dawes and we know how good he is.
  11. There is one thing that Mr. Roos and company got right. Clark.
  12. If the NOW does not start soon there won't be a membership to worry about it.
  13. Ok WJ I give up cannot see it for the life of me.Who?
  14. There is another alternative. Gawn has poor directional skills He just hits it wherever works best. It is astounding how often his hit outs go the only spot where there is no player.
  15. Mono it is a bad news week for the MFC Pederson story is them trying to come up with a positive story.
  16. If he is getting games instead of Toumpas then it says a lot more about Toumpas than Cross
  17. I am running on empty Django I only have one lifetime.
  18. Can't be that hard for our lot.Then again they seem to struggle with some simple things now.
  19. Now there is an idea New Zealand!
  20. Excuse me but there is serious error in your plan. The min. an AFL team can pay is 95% of the cap. So we are not rolling in money. Paying out Terlich would be a serious hit to the player payments cap.
  21. From the above jnr I conclude they are not very clever.
  22. Sadly that probably describes our situation perfectly
  23. it just occured to me that we are only a scant 10 weeks away from drafting and then off season training. Wow the best time of the year is only ten weeks away. I might start a count down clock! My god can you imagine if I did.
  24. Now I know you really have a problem Redleg.I prescribe a six week trip to Mongolia and Siberia there will be no internet and they will have no idea what AFL is let alone the MFC. You will rejoin the world to discover that nothing much has changed in Melbourne and drafting ( best time of the year ) is about to start. Summer training will soon begin and the world will be full of hope and bananas will taste as sweet as ever.
  25. I am surprised you still read these Chelly Take it all with a grain of salt. The only thing to believe about injuries is a player is uninjured when you see them run out on game day.
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