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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Talk is cheap bb. You watch the IOC they will go to water as usual. They do Corruption better than anyone. The chiefs need the Russian block votes
  2. Looking at those you would have to say we have been confused for some time. We must be close to holding the record for Logo changes.
  3. The suggestion was that you were too young to remember REV
  4. I am not putting the club down for doing these things I just find it hard to be excited about them. I am excited about the Quality of our squad improving, the coming draft and the 2016 season.
  5. Like the Bombers bb Nothing has happened and if anything it will be minor. The IOC is corrupt and weak. Not a tram ticket but a couple of pages of a rolled up news paper. The Olympics are a drugs play ground. They have been for 30+ years. I gave up watching a long time ago.
  6. Not me H_T I disliked the CS Logo from Day 1 It was simply too busy. I like this more. Good move by the Marketing department. However I do agree with rpfc All these things like clash jumpers and logo,s are now of little consequence to me The only thing that gets my attention is winning games. When we have won 10 this year and 15 in 2017 I will worry about these items.
  7. He got a run because we had a lot of injuries.Without the injuries he would have finished the year at Casey. Ordinary with little future IMO
  8. My judgement has always been that you were an honest person Rev. Hmm there is now serious doubt after that comment.
  9. Bend It Brings back great memories Rev Thanks !
  10. First you would have to get his agreement. If I were Terlich I would do as he has apparently done and say No Deal. As for Michie ordinary is the best I saw
  11. Done my $5 cheque is in the mail
  12. Could be useful to remind us all of how we got to the hole we were in at the end of 2013 dc
  13. I was suggesting things would not be perfect at the first session or next few for that matter.
  14. Keep in mind it is the first session on 9th November for the kids
  15. Seems like the right decision to me. The question is would he have played in the later part of the season if we had not had so many injuries? The answer IMO is No.
  16. Again I will say it just in case Someone thinks I want a low sentence. I pray they get hit hard. However I just don't see it happening. As to wet or dry? Pretty much the same wet or dry a tram ticket does not cause much pain.
  17. The first issue of tram tickets is taking place. Plenty left in the book.
  18. But does it makes the players play worse? I doubt it. It seems to make little difference what the Hawks wear they still win. The colour did not cost us the Dogs game it was as you suggest Valds decision
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