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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I don't live at Brighton coach but I can guarantee you from the northern suburbs it is a three day route march. Not a chance in hell I would go there ever.
  2. Willmoy have you been there recently? It is a postage stamp with no parking and no room for development. It is not an option!
  3. Spot on bb. My expectations just rose. Finals for sure.
  4. But is in the boonies RN. I hated going there when we played games there. No chance I would go there for a "club house" feel.
  5. Exactly so to say that either part is big on locality in 2018 is stretching the truth.
  6. That is correct but if you are confronted with "we don't want you any more and you will not play seniors again" that is a fairly confronting situation. No many would say ok I want too stay here. All I am suggesting is that if either party wants out the contract means very little. JW had a contract and he wanted to stay but the coach wanted him gone. Nett result he is playing fro Port in 2018
  7. That is where I was coming from CB now all a contract guarantees is you will be paid nothing else. Too bad if a player actually wants to stay at the club. From the other end all the clubs get is a guarantee that the have something to trade if the player changes his mind about where he wants to play. So As a general statement I believe loyalty both ways if not dead is a seriously ill.
  8. Oh cheer up Cassiew you are a member of the greatest team in the competition when we beat the Cats in the first game you won't remember the letter. A small item in our 2018 year.
  9. That last line probably covers the feeling of 40 000 others RB
  10. Hell no and at Waverly how does that help us?
  11. I don't think either expects loyality in 2018 fd. The player knows they have loyality that is as long as their contract most of the time. The club hopes the player is the same but recent events show the player is as long as there is no better offer. Cynical? Yes.
  12. I think at the time Barnaby he was absorbed by one item dc. i reckon he is now hearing the echo loud and clear.
  13. Ancient history. This time last year the statts were saying the Tigers had buggar all chance of winning the GF. The statts that count will be the ones that we create this year
  14. Some good points RN and a question when you went to the Hawks, Bulldogs & Cats facilities how many people were there? I understand that it is better to have a facility than not have one but is the expense of creating one from scratch worth the benefit? Personal needs I guess, in the 80's I was a Redleg member and there used to be a facility in the old northern stand for Redlegs members after the game which I did enjoy but that was 35 years ago and I was 35 years younger I have no desire/ need any longer. I am not saying that club should not have one it just holds no big desire for me. And thank you Carn the Dees.
  15. Honestly RN I care about as much as I do about our clash jumper. As long as the team has good training facilities then I am happy. Do I need to have a supporters area ? No What I really need is a side that is a power club that wins 80+% of its games and plays regularly deep into the finals. I would like the Dees to be around and relevant in 2050. The rest will happen as a result of winning lots of games and having a larger supporter base.
  16. A good friend of mine says "as smart as a rat with a gold tooth".
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