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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The feeling is mutually Barney. We have not played it well for 90% of the last half century and it is easy to see why not good enough.
  2. No send him to the Richmond doctor. seriously we have seen the flaws In playing players with foot injuries. Put him out for the rest of this year it is not as though we are going to make finals let alone do anything. We need him fit and firing in the first game of 2019, 2018 is already a bust.
  3. Well as you said our selections this year have left room for considerable improvement. How do we play a guy like JKH for weeks when he is clearly not up to AFL level. I am no fan of Bugg but he is clearly better value than JKH.
  4. We will agree to disagree on Petracca, grossly overrated IMO. It is going to be a interesting October when the new CEO takes over. He has no commitment to anyone in the FD. I reckon there are going to be a number of changes.
  5. There is one fact you keep ignoring we are not good enough to beat better sides we have lost everyone. Lost get it not good enough to win. As for not doing much wrong who was the rocket scientist who thought playing Hunt was a good idea? He has been poor all year played most of it at Casey, then an extended period injured then one average game at Casey and Inspite of the coach saying it is too early and is picked. That turned out well. We are doing lots wrong or we would be winning.
  6. If that does not happen we don't have a prayer DZ.
  7. Now I am as annoyed as most on here I actually thought at the start of the year we would make eight place and now that looks extremely unlikely however it should be no surprise to anyone that we lost today. We have been performing this way against the better sides since round 1. We had that game in our hands and kicked ourselves out of it, then repeated it against the same side three weeks ago. We have on average poor disposal skills. IMO we do not have enough players with the kicking skills required to beat the better sides, we have plenty of ball use but cannot kick winning scores. There is no use ignoring it we still need 5- 6 players with good disposal skills until we get them we will remain in the wrong half of the competition not sure how the find the replacements in the short term but that is the job of the FD. On top of that we have a pretenter or two who think they are better than they are who need to be used in trades before they get to Watts stage and have no value. Not happy Jane but that is our lot as I see it, still way better the Neeld era at least we have a good base now.
  8. My Dad used to say every cloud has a silver lining. Just remember RM you won't have to worry about getting finals tickets.
  9. We have beaten no one of any consequence . Does that not tell you there is a serious problem with the average level of talent ?
  10. We should learn from past mistakes IMO Petracca is like a few we have had shows brilliance against poorer sides but not up to it against good sides. Use him as a trade to get a good player who gives every week. Before we have another Watts situation.
  11. No it is more simple than that we simply don't have enough players with good disposal skills. And some of them never will. Right now we are a ninth placed talent still some recruiting to do before we are seriously good team.
  12. Why on earth would you give the sole captain job to a guy who is struggling to play more than half a season?
  13. Not sure if you noticed JJC but we lost and again to a half decent side. Do you see the pattern here.
  14. Correct my error but it still does not talter that he has been inconsistent all his career and is out injured a lot.
  15. One of the very good recruits from our terrible decade. He given us way more than I thought was possible. Thanks Bernie.
  16. There is a reason that Hannan is the emergency tomorrow and not Kent. Hannan has youth and a sound body working for him. Lets not forget Kent has never been consistent and has a bad record with getting long term injuries. He is not the future. IMO the only way he will get another senior game is through injuries and God forbid that happens in the next few weeks.
  17. I decided months ago, having seen them a number of times this year Casey play to loosing rucks every week. If you cannot even break even at VFL level what hope the the AFL ? We definitely need a new back up Ruckman.
  18. You expected more? They are serial offenders since entering the league.
  19. My feelings too Nasher.
  20. Undoubtably shows he has more empathy than his coach and club
  21. WCE's all over again DD. They have been poor in the ethics department since day 1. Just look at the way their supporters treated a certain Brownlow medalist, ignored drug takers and the way they cheered Gaff after the event. Low lights of the AFL.
  22. I have not had any love to get him Mr. Leg. Seems we need other position players a lot more than an expensive mid fielder. North can have him for mine. Still think he will stay in WA.
  23. You are guessing, the only fact we have is that he hit him in the mouth with a clenched fist which resulted in a broken jaw and damaged teeth. All the rest in conjecture. Buggs was a stupid act which could have had far worse result. Were the Dees fans cheering Bugg on after the hit? No of course not because it was a stupid and a dangerous act, any other response is condoning the act.
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