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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That line had me wondering too LH " A completely new club"?????
  2. Jaded I am not sure how many social media sites you visit but believe me Demonland is very tame by comparison.
  3. I think that may be the most honest assessment I have ever hear from a player when discussing the season. Very little if any "club Speak". Thanks Max. PS read the "Ruthless" comment near the end with interest.
  4. Hmm not usually done on B and F night it takes away the limelight of what is a players function. I will believe it when it happens I still think he is weighing up his options.
  5. Let me first say I don't want him to leave but where is the proof he has signed? If he had re signed surely the club would be crowing about it.
  6. WE have had some shockers over the years but this thread must be close to the worst. Unbelievable idea.
  7. Yep But wait we can trade an injured player who has played one good game in two years for a round 1 selection. Give me strength!!
  8. Think it might be quietly shelved. Along with playing finals ever year and winning a flag by 2023. Bottom drawer stuff. Wonder what the new plan will be?
  9. Last year the club started an information and review night for members which was run by Pert. I found it interesting and informative. Will there be one this year. My main question would be. What is wrong with Tmac? I wonder will we have one this year? Might be shelved with a virus excuse?
  10. I find this time of year very entertaining, honestly most of the time these commentators have no better idea than us here on d land. They have to justify their existence so all sort of stories are floated and they never have to in the end justify their comments. I actually think they get most of their info from sites like this. Very funny
  11. There is a way to make a profit out of MFC memorabilia?
  12. Sorry but I cannot help myself. cannt is not a word and will not are.
  13. Could not agree more. Majoring in minors is our Mr. Stevens.
  14. You can only trade someone who has value, right now he has close to zero. I want to know what the problem is. He has slowed substantially Why? You don't lose talent. Please tell us what is the problem.
  15. Probably just me but I find B and F awards in a failure year of little interest. It is probably a big deal for the players but as a supporter it is like celebrating mediocrity for me. Whoever wins it is no doubt a good player in the scheme of things, just does not work for me.
  16. It is not the first time for him pf, there is a story in today’s HUN that he was told last week that his father has a very serious health problem. That may have been the trigger. Also mentioned his wife is pregnant again. Has big mental problems it would seem.
  17. My name is not there, I wrote to them about it but no reply. I know they are all working reduces hours and days so I have cut them some slack in 2020. At the end of the day it ain’t that important.
  18. It got mixed in with the “Blazers” pile.
  19. Brown hardly got a look in till late in the season.
  20. The only one you can send to is the general email addressed to the chairman.
  21. There was an extremely low chance of this working but it was worth the risk for the cost sadly the cost just blew out by $50k. Not so sure anymore.
  22. I know what you mean but he has done A great for job for “resign” ing sponsors Poita.
  23. Well if the dogs beat us and We could not beat either of them that screams at me that do not have a better list than the dogs.
  24. 56 years and getting closer at this rate we will get there about 2064 when we are all in the ground.
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