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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Thus is not a problem I will be in the early adopter group LDC. If we cannot go in 2021 then I will just have to get used to tv games.
  2. 0Either you miss read my comments or I am not doing a good job of communicating. I am not fixated on this year at all it is done and gone. Do you think everyone is happy to sign up for a membership if they cannot go to a game in 2021? For a success starved club like the MFC getting value for money is an important item. Just look how many members wait every year to see how we go in early games before buying a membership? People on here are rusted on and will buy a membership come hell or high water. After another failed year a lot of members will need a reason to buy a membership in 2021 other than supporting the club. Giving them some compensation for 2 years of no games seems a modest thing in my view.
  3. To be honest RB how many of us know how well he does his job? I would suggest none of us. The problem is lack of success finally lands at his door. His other problem is he was one of the main supporters of Goodwin getting the job in the first place and has backed him in all along the way include the infamous new contract before a ball was bounced in 2019. Now if it is already ordained that Goodwin is staying ( as it appears to be the case) then it would be a bit rough to fling him now. I am more concerned about who is conducting this review. The silence from the club is deafening.
  4. I have to wait five years? doubt I will make it!
  5. This is one player that had to stay at the club, for Viney to leave It would have just been a bridge too far. Is he worth a five contract probably not. But and it is a big but he is a Viney, previous captain and a current vice captain. Who played his heart when we could not beat time with a stick. If he had walked I suggest a large number of members would have walked as well. There is IMO more to his signature than just his playing ability.
  6. A few weeks ago I suggested that club members could be given access to games that are not on FTA. I doubt that will happen as there is too much money paid for media rights. But I can guarantee I will not be attend mass people events like AFL games. I like football but I like being alive one hell of a lot more.
  7. What happens if we cannot go to games again in 2021? I am of the age that is in the death danger zone for the virus. I won't be going to a game next year until there is proven effective vaccine. I love going to real game at the ground, I go to seconds games I love AFL at the ground. Watching on a screen is a much less enjoyable experience for me. This year I had less interest than all my watching over the last 60 years. So what is the club going to give me next season to compensate? This year I took the loss thing on the chin and will probably do again next year but I reckon that the MFC will struggle to get membership above 25K if you still cannot go to games. They had better get creative or the income will drop considerably in 2021.
  8. That seems lost on a lot LH. Simple facts, the FD have had a lot of player changes over the last few years this their list. We have played finals once in the last four years and once in the last 13. The results stop at the FD door.
  9. Besides media reports I have seen nothing officially from the club that it is even happening.
  10. You are not alone, while we might differ on the quality of the list there is no doubt in my mind that the FD cost us finals this year. There performance in the first half of the year in particular was deplorable. Selection seemed be made with darts and a team list.
  11. He was a big supporter of Goodwin when he got the job and has over seen the operation for a decade. Like it or not he has not got us to being a regular finals team. In the end team results stop at his door.
  12. I have a subscription and a) I cannot find it and b) that address will not load. Sorry
  13. Excuse my ignorance but what is so special about Richardson? Does not seem to have set the world on fire anywhere he has been.
  14. In past years there was a date in August that according to AFL rules off field staff had to be notified if there services were no longer required. God knows what the date was / is this year. But I suspect that the date has passed e.g all the North deletions. I also suspect that any coaches that are not required at the MFC would have been told by now they have just kept it in house.
  15. That is possible, but one would assume that a review would be needed to be undertaken ASAP before drafting of players / coaches etc. the longer the time goes by without comment makes me suspicious.
  16. There is still nothing official that I can find that there is a review going on. If such a thing is happening it is most certainly looking like an internal review and we know what happens with those most times. Two weeks ago I wrote to Mr. Pert ( not Pertie!!!) asking if there would be a Members review night this year, via Tracy I received a reply this morning saying there would be one but date unknown. Still no reply from our Chairman on the review! I wait in expectation. Ha ha!!!!!
  17. It is early days right now but this kid looks the best of the three taken last year.
  18. Not so sure about "very" LH
  19. Clearly the Saints, they are playing in the second week of finals and we are not.
  20. Kent may well have been the most inconsistent player the dees have had in the last decade. 1 good game in 5 and the other 4 were crap or injured.
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