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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Having plenty of money seldom hurts.
  2. He is Kent mark two. If 3 years is what it takes then as you say like Kent then good luck son.
  3. They still have to go out and win.
  4. We should have so bad over those 14 seasons.
  5. If he plays for us next year and kicks forty goals he can wear his hair any way he chooses.
  6. I am glad someone was watching last night. Thanks binman.
  7. I thought that in 2018 and guess who made the GF and who finished 9th?
  8. Could not agree more adding " and back" suggests we are winners now. Which we all know is far from the truth.
  9. Correct sue and I am blaming being locked up for so long.
  10. Coves it fairly well, we have been amateurs among Pros for over half a century
  11. All that proves is how much better Dusty is to every other player Bda.
  12. I was tempted to say could it have been worse? however I quickly realised the answer was Yes and the memory is fairly fresh.
  13. Imagine what it would have been like if we had made eighth place?
  14. Thank you without this site I am confident I would have tossed in the MFC towel some time ago. Sorry to be negative but can we slow up the period between now and season 2021? I am not yet able to contemplate another year as an irrelevant team.
  15. You are getting confused. Richmond is a good team with an absolute star in Dusty no other player in the league is as good as him. They have a good coach who is not afraid to throw his team around when they are not performing well. Versus the MFC who are an ninth place talent with no player even close to Dusty with drive intensity good enough for one quarter coached by an average coach who keeps doing the same things and expects a different result. Comparing him to Dimma is like comparing Diamonds to lead they are both made of carbon but that is where the similarities end. No matter how much you polish lead it will never be a diamond.
  16. Not sure what you had for breakfast but can you publish the recipe please?
  17. In the 21st century sports demand big fees and the only way they can be recovered is to charge subscribers, you get what you pay for pure and simple. I don’t like the system but that is the rules. Why a night GF? A few more points on the ratings chart for broadcasters all the other stated reasons are crap. On that subject I could see nothing about the night GF that was better than day time. Perhaps it is just habit but having to wait all day just seemed to dull the enjoyment when it finally started. But you can bet today or tomorrow the AFL will be gushing about it. I will be surprised if the day GF happens again. It is just one of many things that I don’t like about where sport has landed. Yes I am old and won’t be around much longer But to me not all change is for the better.
  18. What annoys me the most is that we did not even interview him.
  19. That fateful day when we were trying to lose and Richmond were desperate to win says it all. Ten years later we are still irrelevant and they have won 3 flags in four years and another beckons. We will struggle to make 8th.
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