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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Some days I am more positive than others DC.
  2. If it was us and the dogs in this deal the AFL would have stepped in long ago. But it’s the pies, one of the untouchable clubs with too many supporters to upset. Come on Gil a little spine please.
  3. Forget about Port we are never going there Kent. As you know it is G vicinity or never.
  4. I don’t have an objection Bda but the board and the vast majority of members want it close to the G.Nothing else will get a look in.
  5. I have driving all over Melbourne in my jobs for the 45 years I suggest you should make the drive. But I am not sure why we are going on with this this as the MFC have said on numerous occasions that facility has to be in the vicinity of the G. Port Melb. Is not in the vicinity of the G no matter how you look at it. End of story.
  6. But what's just around the corner?
  7. 100% agreement from me LH.
  8. Yes Kent the only time it is ten minutes was in the middle of the lock down and even then I doubt it.
  9. Last time I looked it was not remotely close to the " MCG vacinity. "
  10. Sounds like LBJ. We know what that was DC.
  11. I thought you had a photo of me there for a minute LH but no he has hair!!!!
  12. It's all about the look and passing the pub test. They have to be seen to be in charge. Would not be a good look for a Labor government to be seen following a conservative silver tails club. They need to be leading us down the path.
  13. Spot on LH. While we remained welded to the G area it is going to be very difficult. It will be interesting what is said about the project the coming members up date. I just want a facility where it is I truely don't care.
  14. Correct that successive boards over 50 years have bought us to this point. However it is no use complaining about the past it cannot be changed. Unlike most I would be happy for us to establish a good training facility anywhere. I am not welded to the G. However it seems the MFC board are so we wait for the very difficult to be achieved.
  15. Looks like we are moving to Casey this year. Could be the start of the future.
  16. While I agree with most of that Binman I cannot see us making a GF at any time with the current coach. I have Zero confidence in his ability on match day. Very happy to be wrong but we are constantly out manoeuvred during games.
  17. Play finals but not by falling in during the last round of the season. Finishing eighth by the skin of our teeth is not good enough. That result shows you don’t have the skill to get a list that should have played finals easily in 2020 improved.
  18. I believe we have a list that should make 7-8 th in 2021. Time will tell if it is better than that. Ok for Max who is the captain push the issue. As captain if you cannot be positive for 2021 now when can you?
  19. Is it possible to get past MFCSS ? Other than that I agree AB.
  20. Dr unlike every other club we want a lot more than money. We need public park space. I MO that is the big problem. It needs state government and Melb city council and God knows how many government departments on side. It is again IMO a big ask. Especially as we are viewed as conservative silver tails.
  21. I would but they wont. We can very confident on that Dr.D
  22. I have for a lot of years considered a membership as a charitable donation LDC, as you say getting in 0n a match day is a bonus. However we are in the minority. A large group of members would not buy a membership if it gets to hard for them to go to games. Why would anyone make plans early to go to a game under the system for 2021 and you would definately not book an interstate trip. While i have been a member since 1972 ( with four lost years ) I am rapidly reaching the age that if it is too hard I wont go, then comes the question why am i bothering with a member ship? I enjoy going and watching a game live if going to watch the MFC gets too hard I would prefer to watch the seconds ( that too gets increasingly difficult in 2021 ) or the Amos. In 2019 I went to as many Casey games as the senior games. While I am a MFC nut case I really dont care about the rest of the AFL. If there was no MFC I would have no interest in Aussie rules at the senior level it just aint that good to watch anymore.
  23. Not as bad but a similar problem I think exists with the latest plan for the Goschs area. The big problem as I see it is loss of public open space. Clubs like Footscray and Geelong with grounds that already exist are no brainers for any government. But because we are wedded to the G area we add 2-3 extra layers of problems to get the plan through. Can you imagine the Melbourne council worrying about the MFC and loss of park space in the current environment. It would be close to last on a list of 1000 things to get fired up after the end of the lock down etc. Sadly I think we have quite some time to wait. Then the building has to start. 2023 looks about right to me.
  24. If this happens it is be because we are wedded to G precinict.
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