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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure what all the angst is about. Good sides win no matter where or when. Poor sides look for excuses. We will win both.
  2. You have my vote, it may be a good idea to have every summer out there until the holy grail become available in the next decade.
  3. Yet he said on the info night that it was because Casey has a better per surface and is much bigger. Seems like the story changes depending on the day and who is listening.
  4. It's just a bit of fun in a very unfunny year. Cheer up.
  5. Surely that is a ground somewhere between the G and Casey that could be developed. They have hitched their wagon to a very difficult to train horse. It may be their swan song.
  6. Prefer to be alive than watch an average football club Bbo. Looks like a TV game for me in 2021.
  7. I think I said I don't need all the pack only entry card whick I again think was electronic on my phone. Really don't care when that comes as I won't be going to a game this side of July.
  8. Hell yes I don't have an excess of years left.
  9. That about covers it but first we need to shed the anchor.
  10. I hope your long term is not as long term as the current wait 40+ years and counting.
  11. All that maybe true but the only thing that matters is winning games and we seem we fall at that hurdle most years. Potential is basically BS.
  12. You have my vote, it is a way better place to train.
  13. Not sure their player stocks are better than ours and would they honour a deal?
  14. Easy bingers like everyone in high office the family is the excuse used to cover up the really reason. Eddie got the message he was about to be pushed after the players payments disaster.
  15. I would love to be hated like they are instead of being pitied.
  16. Agree DS. Clubs say how much they need members etc but they usually manage to ensure there is not more than one person standing to fill vacancies. Giving members a say is usually not high on the priority list. One reason is of course the cost of elections the main one IMO is to have no one on the board who is of a different mind.
  17. They have a decent coach Clint.
  18. In spite of all the negative comments on here I like Eddie and he has done a good for the Pies. I wish to God we had him in control for the last 22 years. We would have had a lot more success under him than the procession of very ordinary people we have had running the MFC.
  19. Don’t you just love it’ dc?
  20. Good to hear you are still with us Ernest, I have a feel for your pain at society. The entitlement of younger generations leaves me breath less. 2020 has certainly not been one I want to repeat but I have a feeling I am going to have more of those than the opposite in the years ahead. Let’s hope the Dees can Brighten our lives in 2021.
  21. Good question 2 days ago there was nothing on the MFC site.
  22. He lives I believe in Richmond so I don’t think he goes to Casey. In fact it would appear no one does. We need a scribe from Casey to give us reports.
  23. I am sure the move to Casey is the right move because training will be better than Goschs. However it sure is not good for getting training reports.
  24. I assume you did not see him last night. He looked terrible. Would not be surprised to hear he is sick physically or mentally.
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