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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Good games 5, average 5 below average 36. In his sixth season for 46 games says it all for me.
  2. Yes and as long as no one is being put at risk then so be it I guess.
  3. All fine, go Dees ( whenever we play ).
  4. That is exactly what I am asking people to do “ get a grip” A little bit less of self interest would not go astray on any web site.
  5. I would be very surprised if they postponed the round. A game or two perhaps but there will be games played and broadcast. You can bet the house on that one.
  6. Yes but it is only one match tomorrow, another of the weekends games can easily be put in its place. you would think from some on here that the game by our team is the be all and end all it is one game of football tomorrow.
  7. With all the things happening including a person now in hospital I am struggling to have concern about whether this game goes ahead or not. Can we get real its only a game of football.
  8. Maybe we need to replace him he just ain't good enough. VFL talent who cannot cut it at senior level.
  9. Just what I needed this morning a little humour!
  10. Hardly surprising, well I have plenty of single malt, bananas, a Netflix subscription and toilet paper so happy with world
  11. The only reason she is not having it because she thinks she will blood clots.
  12. I am operating on the basis that 65% is better than zero. My Dr. Says for my age group the difference is no astra and you get covid then the chance is you end up in hospital on a respirator and probably die. Get the jab and you get The virus probably have a bad flu at home. Gets my vote.
  13. In spite of having my first shot a month ago I won’t be going until at least the end July when the second is due. May not have to worry of course they could be all in QLD again.
  14. Spot on, I would say I would be more confident in any state than Victoria.
  15. Hardly a surprise DJ. I have a bad feeling about this out break. At best I think games will only go ahead this weekend without crowds. But who knows where we are headed. Netflix looks like getting a return not that I have stopped.
  16. Fines if don’t have it would work better.
  17. Agree 100% binman. Not that it matters I guess but the friend is a female. Also added wait for it. Kills more men than women! I left the room at this point. As I said earlier it beggars belief.
  18. There is almost no reason not to have the Astra one. Add in you don't know you are in a safe area that is the whole point. 95% of people at the G last Sunday thought they were in a safe zone.
  19. I am probably more bolshi than most if I was the PM it would be compulsory. Not that long ago it was compulsory to have a X-ray for TB.
  20. IMO it is partly the result of getting in control of the virus spread very early on. We have not had big numbers of people dying so the majority are complacent. Just this morning a friend told me ( over 70 ) I am waiting for the other drug. I am not in any danger area so I will be ok! Beggars belief.
  21. All I see is what happens to me out in the real world.
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