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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. But we didn't win! Please don't tell me you think Weidman played well.
  2. The pies are the only ones who know what they will be wearing every week!
  3. Could be LH it is all too hard for me. The AFL have so many rounds now that have themes I never know. The game has past me by.
  4. I think there is next to zero chance of a bye. They will move heaven and earth to keep games going. If it goes pear shape in Vic start looking forward to games coming from QLD again. To be honest if I cannot go to a game in Melbourne then I don't care where they are played.
  5. Now there is question to ponder over the weekend LDC.
  6. There's more to like at DM so it is entirely appropriate the it takes over from the dees and covid LDC.
  7. What jumper tonight? A mainly white probably works best against the dogs. I cannot imagine any red and blue combination that would not clash with the dogs.
  8. It's difficult to give what you don't possess.
  9. Have never tried it, I figure there are plenty of other options outside of Sherry.
  10. Dogs easily they will be too talented for us. The early shine has come off the last couple of weeks, we still have a number of players who fade when the real pressure comes on and one who is not senior standard in tonights game. Dogs by 8.
  11. Each to his own Polly. I have been known to have the odd Cognac. So far my experience is all good quality booze is nice in its own way. The only thing I cannot swallow is Sherry no matter the quality even the smell turns my stomach. Enjoy.
  12. The local one is inside 5 km so safe there.
  13. You are correct binman I had not considered both.
  14. I am perplexed as to why? He is all of a sudden going to be better than his previous 46 games?
  15. God no! Did not help us last year.
  16. On reflection LN this site helps me more than the team actually playing. I guess the reason is interaction with the fanatics on here. Whereas the team I get no interaction watching on TV. I would not be surprised if they don’t know I exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I can make it LH single malt or not. Just remembered we have a planned power outage here tomorrow. That will increase the fun. Had better dust off a book. And make sure the emergency internet modem is charged up. The fun never ceases.
  18. I am headed for the single malt after that comment LH. However Not sure the supply will last 3 weeks. relax everyone I just discovered a bottle of Irish SM that will help.
  19. Good to see you still have your sense of humour or is this just bizarre scream for help?
  20. Than before Jontee? This year it has been sweetness and light even after last week. However I might hibernate if we get a licking tomorrow night.
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