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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Carefully K you cannot criticise. Don't you know by now!!!!!
  2. It would be funny if you weren't serious.
  3. After reading the covid news this morning with a little Luck Victoria could be hub for the AFL this season. Qld and NSW out with cases, Tas,SA and WA locked up tighter than a drum. Vic it is then.
  4. I think we can forget the Weid Mr. Leg he will be elsewhere in 2022.
  5. It would appear both Browns are on the outer or it maybe they have not played a game in weeks.
  6. Bummer I was planning a trip to windy hill for my first game of real football at the ground on Sunday.
  7. Hard to beat that one BC
  8. I have friends whose daughter's wedding was first March 20, then July 20 then Oct 20 now Oct 21. They first 2 cost them a little in $ terms and last one was a big $ loss.
  9. Back to Jack he used to say “ if you don’t mind umpire” when he disagreed with a decision.
  10. Journalists guess because they have to fill space. I doubt he has any better indication than us.
  11. Spot on dc the only stat I am interested in is the one looking at 70+.
  12. Well if his is on at present it ain't working so turn it off.
  13. I won’t claim to have seen all his 50 games, that game against the Pies was his worst by far that I have seen. I don’t believe he has the ability to be a very good player at senior level but he could be a good player in the future. Is that at the MFC? I doubt it.
  14. Read my comment from 15 mins ago.
  15. Sometimes a person gets to a point where you cannot see the forest for the tress rpfc. From my personal experience when that point arrives in spite of your best efforts nothing change until you change your surroundings. If he has a viable option outside of the MFC let him take it. The most important thing at this point is his mental health.
  16. That covers a lot of it Super. I have said before I have friends ( a couple ) who fall into the your second paragraph. Don’t travel, have no intention of doing so and have the “ we won’t get it” attitude. They will wait till they can get the Pfizer vaccine. In their view if that is next year so be it.
  17. There are times when predictive script makes me want to scream. Should be clapping. I have a friend whose name is Ken and it constantly changes it to Jen and it is not me hitting the wrong key as I now watch it do it. Yes the world would be a better place without boorish fans of which Australia is near the top of the list.
  18. I know this has nothing to do with AFL but last night I got a good laugh after reading that local spectators will be allowed into the Tokyo olympics. They are not to cheer or stand / jump however clubbing is allowed. Monty Python in real life. I could not stop laughing for five minutes.
  19. It’s time we let him find a new club and some clear air.
  20. That’s quite a collection, DVD’s?
  21. Just checked the VFL site. Essendrug home game but says time and date to be confirmed. So we wait.
  22. I had not thought of that DJ. I need to check. The no.1 question is will there be spectators?
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