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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. No the number is 95 !!!!!!!!! Jontee.
  2. He has had some bad injuries which has limited his game numbers.
  3. You will be happy if we cannot beat WCE?
  4. Win today and we move to top and we can give the big game a real shake. Lose And we are pretenders. IMO it is that simple.
  5. But does he want to go to a bottom club? I would have thought he has been there why return. Of course if the MFC say go look at offers that might change things.
  6. It may well be your last “see” of anything.
  7. You can rub the salt in just about here…….. DJ
  8. She has been wanting to go for a while but of course Covid has killed that for two years.
  9. Would you believe she told her mother she was going for a bike ride and took off for Nana and Pa this morning. Her mother called her home half way when she discovered what she was doing. It was possible because of the smart watch we had given her. How can I not love this child she is the greatest.
  10. I have good news to report. Just 30 minutes ago we heard the whole thing about exposure at my GD’s school was wrong. A false alarm. Needless to say there are a lot of [censored] off parents. Some sat in testing queues for hours. But the problem has gone away I feel better than if we won the GF.
  11. It is not as hard for WA they are surround by thousands of km of desert and ocean with only a few crossing points.
  12. Well I don't care about football this morning. There has been a case at my GD's school. She has to get tested today and that is consuming my thoughts right now. It is no longer something that happens to other people it is at my door.
  13. Thank God over the last two years my daily Demonland fix has helped to keep my sanity.
  14. I feel the same tu. In fact it is stripping me of interest in footy I feel like with all the problems facing us but particularly the young I just feel numb most of the time.
  15. Had both mine and no problems at all
  16. Understandable to jump at shadows BB. You probably are but my attitude is what choice do we have. I have had my 2 AZ shots. I can do no more.
  17. There are a lot of good things about the human race but also among other things a selfish thing that means the rules don't apply to me and it won't Happen to me.
  18. As I understand it you can come down to 6 weeks from 12 but with every week you reduce the efficiency of the vaccine. Why do you want to reduce it? Hang in for 12 weeks it is worth the wait.
  19. I am no fan but I don't envy him
  20. I have to admit another lock down is not easy to contemplate as I watch the 5pm news. It is not as hard for me as numerous others but it must be tough for some. It must be hard for the young to see what the future holds for all those trying to make their way in the world. Lots of things that I have been able take for granted are now severely restricted to them.
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