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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Oh god I hope we win or this thread will hit 1000 in minutes.
  2. The most amazing thing is it was obvious to everyone with half a brain that in the year of covid that this was never going to fly. One thing that amazes me is why was an east coast competition called the VFL?
  3. I have a nice lobster in the frig and French champagne on ice for after the big win tonight. I will be nervous all day today.
  4. I would to see them delayed forever DJ.
  5. Thanks mate it is why I started the thread keep up the good work.
  6. Your not suggesting that they are not letting the truth get in the way of a story are you dc?
  7. You are assuming he wants to stay and I doubt he would accept a one year deal. Goes elsewhere and can get a two year deal on probably better money.
  8. You have forgotten the money element CB. Would he rather stay at Melbourne for 50% less than a down the list side.
  9. I have an overpowering feeling he will be a grand father before we get to that point CB. But yes agree.
  10. Funny thing this year I elected to miss out on the package of goodies that went with my membership to save the club money. As a part I went for the electronic phone enter card. Nett result my wife said that will guarantee a big 2021 season and you will have nothing to show for it. First I should have taken her advice and if I had this was what it took I would have given up those benefits years ago.
  11. Are fans allowed to watch training in Perth. I would love a report or two. How are we going to fill next week? At this rate it will be a long 10 day wait.
  12. You can have mine BM but how the hell are you going to get there. PM me.
  13. The only one I agree with is Dees to win the flag. Brownlow winner will not come from the MFC First goal to Brown Norm Smith M Gawn.
  14. I know the club is doing their best for fans in this horrible year but I had to smile when I received the latest email from the GM stating they would organising an event at the G for fans at some point. The kicker was gathering regulation laws providing. That May mean we get to celebrate the 21/22 flags at the same time.
  15. Oh hell what a horrible day I am going to have. I cannot even go anywhere to relieve the tension and fill in time. This is not news but Covid sucks big time.
  16. Is this another bl…. Night game? I doubt I can make it through that day.
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