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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I seriously doubt they will make the finals in 2022. Then they will have a big payout to consider. Stars are fading fast. They will start to get beaten at home then it will really hit the fan
  2. I see today that the Vic government has generously allowed 10,000 patrons into the Melbourne Cup. That would hardly cover training staff, broadcasters and owners. In that light it is hard to see the MFC being able to have 30k+ at the G for any sort of celebration this side of next year. First we were being lockdown to save us, now we are being lockdown because the hospital system cannot cope. My god they have had 20 months to prepare for this and have it would appear done very little. I have a close relative who works in a hospital ICU department, she tells me there has been no changes to expand for increased patient levels since Feb 2020. I have no idea how she keeps fronting up for work every day. Back to the MFC, the future for celebrations in the next couple of months looks bleak.
  3. Well behind I would think. I have watched him a few times for Casey and he has been average at best. The problem all players like him have had is that due to the lockdowns they have had almost no chance of developing over the last two years. Tough on all players trying to develop and stay on a list.
  4. I had not been born in 48 DD. Soon after though.
  5. Spot on WJ a few on here need to take a bex and have a good lie down.
  6. For the past umpteen years this time of the year has been the most interesting time of the football year. This year I could not care less, we are the premiers on the back of some very good recruiting. The FD has iced these details in the past I trust their ability this year and will be interested when it is concluded just for a change.
  7. For the first week I could not the song out of my head. Must have sung it 2021 times.
  8. Oh No he has gone to the dark side.
  9. Me too DZ but will we be able too?
  10. I know I made comment but this thread is supposed to about NC's Grandson. Congratulations NC.
  11. I love the ones that tell you your Telstra account is about to be closed. Handy as I don't have one.
  12. NC you are about to experience the joys of being a grand father. Over the last 2 years our GD's have keep us sane and I hope the same applies to them. Good fortune sometimes comes in small starting packages.
  13. Same here however we do have friends and family in its system and they show up if they call.
  14. Hi Ernest yes I cannot think of anything else at present and don't want to.
  15. There would be a very long list every week ET.
  16. But I cannot go to a game to enjoy it R and B. It is however way better than those days.
  17. I feel we have failed again DF? The 100 plan has been shattered. We Will just have to be happy with the 4 year plan!
  18. I hope that over the next few years we gain a number of young people to replace old pr.ks like me who’s days are numbered.
  19. I seriously did this and only had one comment though a few looked strangely at me. The comment came from an Asian lady of middle age who said to “ I assume your team won” then we both laughed.
  20. DC we won the grand final!!!!!! One of those stripped ones might sell well dc.
  21. Good try DD but this week I am not taking the bait.
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