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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I can honestly say bp has never passed my lips DC. However a bottle of French bubbles was much more successful even if I could not afford petrol for week.
  2. Now there is a long forgotten drink Bbo. A hoped l-g op-ner back in the day. Have to say it never worked.
  3. Pessimism and MFC went hand in hand for decades Ernest. Of course I want to go to a very large number of victories over the next few years but now that we have broken the Premiership drought I feel very content with the world of sport and particularly the MFC.
  4. It's amazing I am so calm about season 2022. First time in living memory I feel confident and no need to study the team in detail. We are in good hands on and off the field. Just awaiting the season start.
  5. It seems to me that as usual the AFL is doing the usual of trying to be the social conscience of sport. Without the men's competition being strong the deck of cards comes down. The men's competition needs to remain strong which means a good reserves competition is needed. Then the Women's competition not the other way round. Yes both at the same time should be the desired objective but that is not how I read it.
  6. We have had 2 minutes rain in my part of melbourne, hardly enough to wet the concrete so far LDC.
  7. That’s hardly politically correct dr. and we know how correct the AFL wants to be seen.
  8. I was there that day the only game of football I saw live last year. He had a good game that day, sadly has had to wait months to show us if he is destined for greater glory.
  9. I am surprised there is enough oxygen up there to sustain the flight.
  10. Update: Her husband has tested positive today, so far a bad headache.
  11. There is your main mistake it’s not meant to make sense. It has a life all of its own.
  12. The current numbers are not accurate. My sister in the country came down with covid last Sunday. She was quite sick Monday and Tuesday. Her only breathing problem was a cough, it was the worst flu experience she has ever had. She had the rat test at home ( she had bought some 3 months ago) to show she was positive. Her husband so far has no problems. She did not notify the government. In her words what would be the point! She is ok today still got the cough but not as bad. They have been isolating, her husband starts work tomorrow and will test himself tomorrow morning. Both had AZ and were due for boosters this coming week. Now I know she is just one but how many others are there in a similar position? How many people have covid like my sister but cannot get get tested and are just going through the process at home. As my sister said it would have been impossible for her to go to a testing place and wait for hours. She said going to the toilet was a major experditíon.
  13. A couple of great reports thanks guys. No one mentioned the Weid was he out there?
  14. I don't blame them for trying to keep Omicron out DJ but there are penalties that you must be happy to take. I don't share your optimism that Omicron will be burnt out by March, I see 2022 being the worst year yet for sport and Sport attendance. I recently read an article saying we should be prepared for a decade of associated Covid problems. That might just about see me out. So I need to accept that the current is my new normal. If true that means we have approx. 8 years to go.
  15. We now see WA completely cut off from the rest of Australia. Will they be part of the Commonwealth in 2022? To be honest I don't care if they stay locked up in WA. As far as AFL men's competition is concerned you would think the WA teams would have to base themselves in the East or not be part of the competition especially in the first half of the season. I won't miss them but I doubt the AFL would want to lose the money associated with having them out of the competition.
  16. It doesn't pay to try and read too much into the second day back after the Christmas break LDC. Having just won a flag I find myself in the position of thinking they obviously know what the are doing, I will worry in early March.
  17. They have been ordinary since the league cracked down on paper bag payments. That made it very difficult for them to go out and buy the best players. They failed to adapted to the new system in the similar way that the MFC did in the 60'S.
  18. With the covid thread slammed shut I am left to discuss the problem on here. Will we be able to attend games again the season. With the case numbers mounting will we get some sort of normal season? 2 weeks ago I thought yes now I am far from sure.
  19. I doubt that is a symptom DC. More likely the result of the 57 years wandering in the wilderness.
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