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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Soft tissue injuries have crippled his chances in recent years bb
  2. There was supposedly a meeting last night redleg but cannot see any mention in the media so far.
  3. Reverend I think Deemachine is way past the level of single malt help. Single malt may be God's elixir but he needs serious medication
  4. That is the longest Bow I have seen so far this century
  5. Nearly fell for it mate. You would have had me but the 13th. is a Wednesday
  6. Only if we played a home game at Geelong. A double header will never happen at the G or the grave yard.
  7. I think I am too scared to make a prediction RobbieF Or it may just be that after the last 48 years I am now total cynical. I hope not. I think my overall feeling is " can it possible be worse"? God I hope not. A decision you scream. Yes we will improve.
  8. I am confident we would all like this but it simply will not happen at the G.
  9. Ok but I am not sure that anywhere near the whole of the other 35 000 members would be. The point I was making is that it will be an expensive option which I think you understand. We probably don't have many options.
  10. Are you prepared to double the size of your membership fee?
  11. You may never speak words truer than those jnr Particularly " winning will cure a lot of ills".
  12. Sorry McQueen that was not my intention. quite often in recent past i have made what I thought was a little light hearted banter. Unfortunately it was not seen that way. So I am a little jumpy.
  13. Finding it hard to disagree with you
  14. rumpole you don't seriously expect her to reveal her source do you? Come on a little touch of the real world please.
  15. Gee McQueen we can't have a little friendly banter? my comment on Watts relates to him splitting packs as a CHF. ( which was many people's view ) He a good chance to be a good player for the MFC but splitting packs as a CHF IMO not likely
  16. Gee PaulRB when you list them like that I get really depressed Might go and have a Bex and a good lie down. We would have to make a serious effort in 2013 to top that lot. PS I did think of another couple to add but decided to think positive
  17. Just a small injection of reality mate oh and by the way Am I wrong?
  18. Sorry to talk negatives but I will be impressed when the guy gets on the track on a regular basis. Tapscott looks good but has been plagued by injury and when he has made it into the seniors has not looked better than a average player IMO. It is a great start to have the body for it but lets see him in action with the big boys before we get too hot and bothered.
  19. I am glad of that McQueen as I remember similar comments ( don't think from you ) about Watts And then there were the ones about Cook and how in 2 years time when he puts on weight! I have seen the false dawn a few times in the last 48 years I will just wait and see
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