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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. No doubt you are speaking from experience here dc. I'm sure you flash the old school colours around the fleshpots of borewood and have the blue rinse set gasping.
  2. It's a huge question dc . We are talking something akin to the meaning of life here. But then again.... he's a lawyer ...... so who knows what to expect. Except the bill of course.
  3. C'mon dc - a borewoodian with your influence on this thread should be able to get a name from Redleg.
  4. I humbly advise you to give up all other petty pursuits picket and go into the highly unpaid profession of writing training reports full time. I will consider offering you a Manor quality shiraz as recompense. ( it will energise your taste buds far and beyond the cheap booze you currently favour)
  5. I vote for the the one shown in the op. The image of Max and Goody is more defined. BTW. Will you be offering polo tops again?
  6. Haha not bad Col ! Some years ago, I did suffer an allegation of such behaviour but disproved it on the basis that I would never have been seen in the ugly shirt worn by the fat guy who was captured on film !
  7. Pleased to see you're looking after yourself od !!
  8. Indeed! On occasion, one's baser instincts do contend with the vagaries and complexities of our language.
  9. Well, I must confess, I had some stumbles when trying to spell it.
  10. It's quite titillating to know I am in your thoughts WCW.
  11. I'll be going just to see a live game for the first time in about 2 years and ......of course... the historic unfurling of the flag. However, to be honest, the midweek time frame just plain [censored] me !!!
  12. That is the "brick outhouse" personified!
  13. Stewie Dew appears very accomplished in such matters
  14. If it goes to Borewood first dc , I can only assume alphabetical order rather than any sort of qualitative criteria is being employed. As to taking the lads and the maid, I am assuming that will be unnecessary as said cup will visit The Manor first.
  15. I'm waiting for the cup to visit Romsey. Can't find any info on the date though.
  16. Article in yesterday's paper about Daisy being one of 7 AFLW players chosen to undertake a coaching (level 3 I think) course. Given her comprehensive footy knowledge, as demonstrated in her special comments, I suspect she will one day be a AFLW coach
  17. Biffen, I see you still haven't learnt to show respect to your betters!
  18. I don't recall seeing any of the goodies you mentioned Luci. Simply a notice informing me of the date my hard earned would be debited!
  19. I’m not sure what all the confusion/ chatter is about My Trident membership rolled over as usual - no mention of any other conditions or changes
  20. Good news for the club and the majority of Hawthorn supporters I'd reckon.
  21. You don't need videos or fancy technology to [censored] up cats supporters. Just remind them of the average age of their playing list.
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