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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Just watching 360. Had to turn it off. Robbo is a nong!
  2. 360 is a very good show. It would be a great show if they kept Robbo off it!
  3. Exactly Red. Is there / will there be, a detailed statement of the ruling?
  4. All the above information and speculation is bloody confusing. I wish the club would just release the scan result and provide us with a realistic prognosis.
  5. I'm hoping that the appeal process (regardless of outcome) will shed some light on how a collision between 2 players going for the ball is adjudicated. I won't be holding my breath though.
  6. I don't think there's much deliberating involved Red - it's chook lotto. I have seen the Rankine incident a couple of times and his hip is moving as it contacts the Dog player. To me Hunter was stationary at impact. While it beggars belief that Hunter is penalised and Rankine not, it is no longer surprising. The MRO has a history of stupidity and inconsistency. What truly amazes me is that nothing has changed !!!
  7. Just thinking the same - this is [censored] !
  8. I wonder if the blue's supporters have started heading home ?
  9. Well if you put our Friday night form against how the filth are playing right now, they would [censored] on us from a very great height.
  10. My early tip is that the paper baggers are going to get the [censored] kicked out of them!
  11. This may well constitute an assault - a matter for the police. As Jaded and BB state state above it should be officially reported. There is a good chance the incident has been captured on security cameras and , if so , the perpetrators maybe brought to account.
  12. When I was younger, I was a bit of a DH and often had run ins with oppo supporters. I had a big mouth and a big body so i I never really worried about it. The behaviour you mention above though is just plain bullying and I'm glad the knuckleheads were thrown out. Sadly that behaviour is indicative of how society is at the moment.
  13. Hunter seems to have pulled up to me. Not much else he could do except step away ..... and that's just not football. Who knows? We'll just have to wait for the chook lotto draw.
  14. It's been so bloody cold here DD the shiraz was freezing.
  15. Correct as usual chook - defrosted a couple of other important attachments also.
  16. GREAT NEWS !!!!! The Manor's central heating is back in action. I can enjoy the Dees inevitable victory in comfort !!!!
  17. At The Manor's theatre of course ! Unless the useless bastard who's been promising to come for the last week and fix my heating lets me down again.
  18. Not fanciful at all Steve! I reckon somewhere in the 80's is certain - so beyond that ........... ?
  19. I am going to spend a lot of time trying to un-visualise those mental images
  20. My dogs have no interest in sport - in fact they hate it! When I watch ( particularly AFL ) they retire to The Manor's garden. My yelling and cursing totally unnerves them.
  21. I think it's time to check the qualifications of your chicken sexer WCW !
  22. Nice thought mate .... but sadly .... too many of his mates will steal votes of him.
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