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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Those Adelaide "showdowns" often throw up surprise results. I give the Ravens a good chance.
  2. It's still a shitty time Dr. I may not get back to The Manor until 730 /800
  3. Disagree Lobster! This is the business end of the season and contenders kick the [censored] out of weak teams. (it's happened to us often enough) If we can't beat this rabble by a big percentage boosting margin then it's going to be groundhog day 2017 for us.
  4. AVB (if he is cherry ripe) for Milkshake seems logical. I haven't liked Spargo of late. Flashy but neither consistent nor damaging enough for mine. I'm not writing him off as he is still a developing kid but I'm not sure that say Kent or maybe even Bugge wouldn't be more suitable coming into the pointy end of the year.
  5. There's a certain part of my anatomy that's caused me some problems over the years ……………….. must say though, the notion of amputation was never really a consideration.
  6. GWS must have theirs included with Krispy Kreem donuts
  7. Couldn't think where else to post this. Been reading, watching and listening to the media quite closely this weekend and the coverage begs the question. Is Scharenberg the only bloke ever to suffer an ACL? FMD!!
  8. You must write this stuff when you're pizzed fence - it's the only time you make any sense! Once again I find myself almost agreeing with you ( I must be pizzed) I would have marked Hogan and Smith a bit harder.
  9. "Give up the booze" !!!!!! What a silly thing to do.
  10. I'll give it to 3/4 time bb. I reckon by then I'll have reason to either drown my despair or ….. maybe start celebrating
  11. I've had lots of twists and turns over this and similar issues over the years and I've battled my own "demons" often enough. Now I reckon [censored] it - no one holds a gun to your head and makes you play a pokie. No one shoves a ciggy in your mouth and makes you inhale. No one tips booze down your gob and makes you drink it. Surely at some point we must take responsibility for our own actions. How [censored] weak has society become?
  12. Of course I'm still Bitter bb you [censored]. In fact you can all shove your banana splits , bowl included, where they will cause the most pain. Any more questions as to my Bitterness? As to Optimism. I was so [censored] off after last Saturday, I've kept away from this forum, papers , radio etc all week. However, remarkably we are still in the game. It's Saturday night, I'm sober, I'm alone - I reckon we'll win
  13. For how long must one be virtuously patient Yoda?
  14. Hey D'land your post is totally blank to me - no link, no nothing. This has happened before with your OPs. I know it's most likely a conspiracy against me but ….failing that … could there be an issue that even one with my broad command of technology is missing?
  15. I hate the way that smug little [censored] in the coach's box constantly plays his mock outrage role for the camera at every decision that goes against the [censored] . I also hate Hawkins' cross eyes - makes my think of ugly Mav.
  16. Well here's a sad irony, a thread like this usually allows a voluptuary such as myself to speculate on the pleasures to be enjoyed in celebration of a magnificent triumph. Sadly poor Bitter is smitten by illness and not one of life's simple (or even sophisticated) pleasures hold any interest whatsoever. Not even the fruit of the vine, refined into the perfect state of Shiraz moves me. Having said this, I have no doubt the fates that control such matters will grant us a victory for the ages while leaving my good self in fetid loneliness.
  17. Not much flashiness about him but geez he's a tough and honest competitor who is often forced to battle outside his weight. I hope he's getting a good quid. He bloody well deserves it.
  18. I'd be [censored] if Gawn and Clarrie didn't due recognition and I reckon Brayshaw's hot form over recent weeks might get him over the line. Three AA's ! That would be something.
  19. A few weeks ago I predicted 14 wins for us but that included a hopeful victory against Port and a shoe in against the Saints. We've got some work to do. However, what gives me optimism is that some recent other game results have worked in our favour. I'm hoping the trend of surprise or upset results continues. Provided of course we are not the victim of one!
  20. "It's not a head many seek in reality....just that he is but mortal. And like the other mortals on a team sheet should be judged upon merit...and well-being. Should he suffer form lapses ...or be set upon by a lurgy...he must be judged as an other." Agreed "It appears to this bench warmer that to suggest such reasonable direction is to have ones card marked ' off to the gallows'" I have not suggested capital punishment for any promulgating a "reasonable" argument. "He's not the Messiah you know" An unnecessary addendum. I do know, and at no time made or inferred such a comment.
  21. bb, I don't believe any would disagree with your point that time runs out for all - even the greatest. However, I have noticed in a number of threads this season that Jones is the target of some quite malicious criticism. His game against the Dogs certainly wasn't his best but was serviceable - his season has been solid and includes a couple of standout performances. No doubt his time will come but the sometimes manic clamouring for his head is quite irrational or, as Ethan so eloquently puts it above, "rubbish".
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