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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Among which, Biffen, your hallucinogenic meanderings have been particularly insignificant.
  2. Yes it's all been said before - but not a sod has been turned. More importantly, for members and supporters, what about a centrally located social club? Works beautifully for the toiges.
  3. I must say some of the above posts indicate that Ernie has become an even sadder shadow of his former corporeal self. However, that is not the reason for this post. Rather it is to share a new joy. I have just finished the first course of my dinner at The Manor and have to say that the chef has outdone himself with a new dish. It was a tomahawk steak. This particular cut was something akin to Tasmania in size - although , I must admit, it lacked the tantalizing shape of the traditional "map". He artfully topped this with a sautéed chicken breast and then wrapped it in bacon. A masterpiece right there ….. but …. the piece de resistance was totally immersing it in a delightful creamy asparagus sauce. A side dish of potato wedges was an appropriate accompaniment. MSG free and totally organic. I am currently quaffing a decent shiraz while awaiting dessert. LG!
  4. On a different note, I'd like to inform my faithful readers of a new (and never to be repeated) experience that befell me on Saturday last. I made my first ever trip to aami Park to attend ……………………. wait for it ……………… "Monster Jam" A truly memorable couple of hours.
  5. Give yourself a jolly good flogging WJ. And then give one to Ernie!
  6. This is a particularly churlish suggestion Jack. Do you think you own this site? This is where the great minds of Demonland meet. It is where lesser beings come to be uplifted by bitter philosophies. Jesse Hogans come and go but this thread is an island of certain idiocy in an uncertain world. Your malicious threat must certainly result from an unsuccessful start to the Spring Carnival as there could be no logical reason to deny the world the enlightenment this hallowed place provides. As to you Ernie. You have evolved from an amoral fornicator while alive to a sanctimonious phantom. I hereby abjure you and your pomps.
  7. Well errr yes ………….. unless convicted by the media.
  8. If you're going to riot Super, I reckon an AK47 for would be more useful.
  9. Crikey Ernie, now you've done it! You just made me tear up. My bacon, egg and quadruple pancake sandwich is ruined. Shame on you.
  10. Mav "strabismus" Weller - love him! Great photo potential.
  11. Glad you're back on this thread Ernie. Now you can tell me ( in total privacy of course) the filthy details about your "open marriage" experiences. As you're dead you can't be sued, so cut loose.
  12. I reckon this rule change could produce some interesting plays. Once the fullback leaves the goal square, I presume it is a normal play on situation. Does he then have to kick or can he handball? I just picture a play where another defender is positioned to sprint in to take a handball while the defender guarding the square is wrong footed. Possible?
  13. Nah ! Even lawyers would have better things to do …………………………………………… surely?
  14. A Phd at the very least I would think dc. However, who would be interested in reading about lawyers?
  15. Imagine the excitement that must be building among the pieshop fraternity in Melbourne.
  16. Given the rate that the Jesse Hogan thread is rollicking along it will overtake this one before long. Redleg would be well and truly f....d then!
  17. I'm going to stop reading this thread - it is seriously [censored] up my head space!
  18. Bring your own fried ( or baked, fricasseed, boiled etc etc) frog.
  19. I've encountered some wonderfully aromatic cream cheeses. In the most unlikely circumstances, I might add.
  20. Exactly Gnasher! This was the point I was getting at with my above post. The have extended the goal square by stealth.
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