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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well Ernie …………… as they say in the classics.... " beauty is in the eye of the whip holder"
  2. Bah! Typical tight [censored] lawyer! Invitation withdrawn!
  3. Kept coming up with a red line! That drives me nuts.
  4. Bah! It's over rated. If the lazy buggers studied consistently throughout the year they'd be a shoe in
  5. Ernie, would you stop your tiresome carping about this thread. You are starting to sound like a schoolgirl that's been interfered with.
  6. Silly of you to ask Red ( and please ignore the childish humour above) I am the perfect host and all necessary accoutrements for a pleasant evening are provided . However, a bottle, or two, of shiraz would be considered a friendly gesture. And …. given that you are filthy rich lawyer, who spends far too much time swanning about on cruises, I would consider a Grange appropriate recompense for my entertainments.
  7. Nicely put Red. I may yet invite you ( and your Mrs. of course) to a private dinner at The Manor.
  8. In an ideal world, Col would have just been coming to the end of an illustrious footy career. Life's a [censored] sometimes.
  9. Careful punt! You are impinging on dc's territory.
  10. I always perve responsibly dc. In fact, and I swear this is true, I received a compliment this very day ( through a third party) on my responsible perving. A female neighbour, who shall we say likes to enjoy the full benefits of the sun, apparently complained about a near neighbour being a perve. For some odd reason, my name was mentioned. The sun lover specifically excluded me and claimed I was "too distinguished" to be like that. FMD - it's an unjust world. Ha Ha Hahaha ! No shite this conversation occurred today!
  11. Your poor old Uncle has little interest in the sport of kings but I even I dragged myself away from completing my flower arrangements to watch the [censored] Plate. What a marvellous thing it was! I reckon The Champ could have lined up again against a fresh field and still won. A champion is a champion in any field of endeavour.
  12. Why the [censored] has a JW thread been dragged back from the grave?
  13. I once knew a fellow who attempted to plant a skeleton Ethan. Nasty business. No good came of it.
  14. Well … err .. sorry, I suppose, Biffen. It's just that your scribblings suggest that you are permanently on hallucinogenics . Plus the fact that I know this to be true.
  15. That reflected image looks eerily like it came from my private quarters at The Manor. Spies abound it seems.
  16. I no longer get invited anywhere Jack but even in my desperate circumstances , I wouldn't go anywhere near a building full of dangerous bogans.
  17. Among which, Biffen, your hallucinogenic meanderings have been particularly insignificant.
  18. Yes it's all been said before - but not a sod has been turned. More importantly, for members and supporters, what about a centrally located social club? Works beautifully for the toiges.
  19. I must say some of the above posts indicate that Ernie has become an even sadder shadow of his former corporeal self. However, that is not the reason for this post. Rather it is to share a new joy. I have just finished the first course of my dinner at The Manor and have to say that the chef has outdone himself with a new dish. It was a tomahawk steak. This particular cut was something akin to Tasmania in size - although , I must admit, it lacked the tantalizing shape of the traditional "map". He artfully topped this with a sautéed chicken breast and then wrapped it in bacon. A masterpiece right there ….. but …. the piece de resistance was totally immersing it in a delightful creamy asparagus sauce. A side dish of potato wedges was an appropriate accompaniment. MSG free and totally organic. I am currently quaffing a decent shiraz while awaiting dessert. LG!
  20. On a different note, I'd like to inform my faithful readers of a new (and never to be repeated) experience that befell me on Saturday last. I made my first ever trip to aami Park to attend ……………………. wait for it ……………… "Monster Jam" A truly memorable couple of hours.
  21. Give yourself a jolly good flogging WJ. And then give one to Ernie!
  22. This is a particularly churlish suggestion Jack. Do you think you own this site? This is where the great minds of Demonland meet. It is where lesser beings come to be uplifted by bitter philosophies. Jesse Hogans come and go but this thread is an island of certain idiocy in an uncertain world. Your malicious threat must certainly result from an unsuccessful start to the Spring Carnival as there could be no logical reason to deny the world the enlightenment this hallowed place provides. As to you Ernie. You have evolved from an amoral fornicator while alive to a sanctimonious phantom. I hereby abjure you and your pomps.
  23. Well errr yes ………….. unless convicted by the media.
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