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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Provided you soak them in shiraz for an hour it's a deal. PS. P m me to arrange the pickup - we'll cut the lawyer out of the arrangement.
  2. Good point Red but since you will be working on a "no win no fee" basis, I suggest you make some sneaky enquiries.
  3. Along with the associated visual of Homer throttling Bart - parenting 101. As an aside SWYL, I presume the Knighthood was earned for various.... err "services" in Asia.
  4. Quite so Red! Anyway Red, since you are of the lawyerly fraternity, and I am currently a little cash strapped, have we any grounds to sue Ethan? Obviously we will claim the moral high ground but it's just the lucre we want. Maybe we could organise a class action - Ethan has no doubt offended many.
  5. A profane and blasphemous post. I'm offended.
  6. I wonder why they didn't complete the ensemble with matching beards.
  7. It's a real problem when the Mrs' "little gussy" goes into hiding.
  8. Well what did you expect dc? Who the [censored] knows where Borewood is?
  9. Good question Neil. It used to show up at the bottom of , I think, the home page but it seems to have disappeared. The answer to the meaning of life can be found on this thread ( if you know who to ask) so I'm sure your query (love that word) will be answered in the fullness of time.
  10. Try farting fish hooks Ethan.
  11. Well once I would have adopted the bah humbug line. But I'm a reborn citizen. I'll have all my fellow Demonlanders know that I'm a reformed character. No more sleaze or smut. No more bannings or deleted posts. No more multiple shamings on MeToo . I'm an empathic and sensitive male, ready to embrace a new world of equality.
  12. Bloody hell SWYL, you sleazing around in Asia ..again? You'd just about be eligible for citizenship! Have a great Christmas … and have a green curry for me …. but be sure to slosh it down with a few Singhas ...or similar.
  13. Naturally I wish you well in your lofty aspirations Earl. However …… you must know.. there are "rumours" going around on the social circuit wherein the good name of your house is associated with certain …… err indelicacies. Oddly, according to reliable sources, "garters" seem to have played something of an and up and down role in proceedings. I, off course, am not one to deal in such slanders but social media being what it is these days ….. who knows how high such tales reach?
  14. The gates are always open to the bearer of decent and plentiful booze picket.
  15. A brilliant poststructuralist thread which obviously challenges the normal contract between narrator and reader. I would even risk the assertion (though contrary views are welcomed) that "readers are free to open and close the text's signifying process without respect for the signified" ( Selden summarising Barthes)
  16. I must say I had a hearty laugh when reading this morning's Herald Sin. It seems there is a move afoot to have Warnie Knighted! FMD! Sir Shane of House Bogan! I reckon our own @Earl Hood who has been smoozing after a gong for years, would leap of the uppermost balcony of his Fitzroy Hipster Palace if it happened.
  17. How did you find that out Moonie?
  18. I received mine 2 days ago Earl. Obviously they are delivering on the basis of one's social status. "Romsey Manor" says it all really.
  19. Well well ….. there's a surprise! Against all odds my membership pack arrived this arvo!!!!
  20. Just received an email from Australia Post saying that my package from MFC is due for delivery tomorrow. That means it will likely arrive around Australia Day.
  21. I have no interest in AFLX I have never watched a game ( or "highlights") of AFLX I know nothing about AFLX. I see no reason for any of the above to change.
  22. I must be drunk ( well actually I am). I fully agree with your post Red.
  23. Yeah LDC, it's all a bit confusing for the filth. Mum and dad buy a family membership but they don't really know how many sprogs they have. Then son and daughter who happen to be married ( usually to each other) buy another one. Then someone gets locked up for doing burgs to pay for the memberships. Very confusing. Do the filth have a special prisoner category membership - limited games but you still get a beanie with a face mask?
  24. I believe, @Earl Hood holds the original sketches for these highly desirable object d'art.
  25. Death by suffocation. It would have been painless though - either the sickly sweet aroma of my armpits or the rather more pungent whiff of tinea would have nailed him
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