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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well pit, personally I’d rather [censored] myself in the privacy and warmth of The Manor than venture out on a miserable night to view a public flogging Edit Note. Re the censorship program. It seems one may participate in a flogging but one is not allowed to [censored] oneself!!??
  2. What happens behind The Manor’s barred doors must remain there Rusty!
  3. Do you need to wash your bedding everyday Ethan?
  4. You know guys, I always start the season with a good dose of optimism. This year more than usual. However, the tank has been well and truly drained, and at the moment I am but a dry and extremely Bitter husk. I think I shall give the maid a jolly good flogging
  5. Thankfully I was also roughing it in the mulga at that time
  6. Indeed od!! We’ve never been reticent to pay/trade overs [censored]. I’m getting really depressed I was hoping to watch the Test but it will probably be washed out
  7. And od .... FMD twice over ... the [censored] is on about 2 mill a year!!! FMD again!!!
  8. Well Doc , I’ve just spent a month in your part of our great country. [censored] if I’m going to venture out on a miserable night to celebrate the [censored] that’s been dished up to us supporters this season
  9. I agree on both points od ... although I believe my liver’s future prospects are tenuous at best
  10. SIGH !!! 55 years of basically..... well [censored] The worst part is we have the occasional false dawn to raise hopes ..., and then .... it’s back to [censored] I was going to have a quiet night but I’ve become depressed thinking about the rubbish we supporters cop and so I shall seek solace in the bottle
  11. Mmmmm ... yes od ... I suppose I am asking for a major upheaval!
  12. [censored] me. I’m glad I’m in North Queensland and only had Rugby to to concern myself with i used to reckon rugby and soccer were [censored] but after following Melbourne for about 60 years I’m having a rethink
  13. Indeed Jane! I shall enjoy the weather more than the footy I suspect
  14. The Bitter Travelling Circus is currently in Longreach. Today I shall concern myself with Jackie Howe’s tally rather than the shemozzle that the MFC has been reduced to.
  15. Thank you Neil. Happily , or should it be sadly, I do see something of my wonderful and vile self in this verse I shall now proceed to thrash the maid and then sit down and have a jolly good cry.
  16. Mitchell Marshmallow gets another go at Test Cricket!!!! You have got to be [censored] me! Quite upset my Kakadu Dreaming
  17. I shall be adventuring through Kakadu today surrounded by my many faithful acolytes I doubt I shall hear much of the game but I fully expect to hold a victory celebration at Caravanserai Bitter The Aints are nothing special and the glow of that new coach euphoria will wear off like post coital charm Dees by 20- 30.
  18. I can say with 100% certainty that I shall [censored] myself when required sounds like blog
  19. I don’t know which we’ve had more of - proposals for training facilities or rebuilds
  20. It doesn’t really matter who is to blame , because if we are in the same situation this time next year ............ the last person out can turn off the lights!
  21. I shall lend you the above whip to self administer a jolly good thrashing REd
  22. Please close this thread before it does my head in
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