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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. No porn !!!!! What a thought. I need a bex and a good lie down.
  2. Haven't seen you on our favourite thread for a while Ernie and was actually a tad concerned. However your abruptness with the OP suggests all is well.
  3. The hawks rucks pushed him around early but he was smart enough to use his athletic ability and not go body on body after that Nic Nat might be a bit of an ask though As I said in another thread I reckon he’ll get. Few games at Casey before getting a senior run
  4. There are clinics that specialise in “groinal” issues MFM
  5. Mmmmm..... hadn’t considered that Moonie. I just figured it was some sort of inner urban hipster type peccadillo
  6. Fair point dc but she has been taking little pride in her work of late.
  7. We may need a nostalgic return to the days of yore dc when a torn up newspaper had to suffice for those specific ablutions. Off course good old Henry V111 had a more innovative solution He employed a Royal ..... err .... wiper to do the job
  8. I was just in a coffee shop and the Sheila in front of me ordered a “ half strength lactose free latte with ice” FMD
  9. The Local supermarket is currently sans toilet tissue dc ! A ridiculous situation as this corona virus thing would never be granted permission to enter the bucolic surrounds of Romsey
  10. I always buy a members polo top but I haven't seen them this year. Anyone know if they're available?
  11. I’m surprised Max didn’t give himself a vote for the Brownlow!!
  12. You’d have thought that , like the players, the umps would be practising what they were going to preach in the main season They were deplorable and confusing. I hope it’s not a sign of things to come!
  13. I don’t get it. Punching , by definition, is a deliberate act
  14. I didn’t know that. I watched the game. That is pure bull [censored]. Who copped the fine?
  15. Moonie’s gooney bag would likely contain enough salmonella to hospitalise a decent MCG crowd
  16. That’s only because you are too tightarsed to ever open a bottle Moonie
  17. I reckon I’ve bought worse communicable diseases to the footy than coronavirus!
  18. I would listen to the pressers LDC if some techno whiz could ensure that we hear the questions the coach is answering FMD. We dropped a bloke on the moon 50 years ago - can it be that difficult?
  19. I’d like winning “ to become recognisable to supporters” !
  20. Maybe od but with the new kid showing a bit, and the experienced Brown in the wings, Weid will have to be versatile.
  21. He certainly looks the goods but I suspect he’ll spend a fair bit of time at Casey to gain experience
  22. Agree entirely wayne. I am really impressed with this kid - he's clearly got football smarts.
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