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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. What I really like about those stats is Luke Jackson covering 15.4 kms! Astounding for , basically, a big kid!!!
  2. Max _ That was a massive and dominant game. Captains' game. Kossie - We've picked up a future super star. Langdon - Possibly the trade that wins us a flag Could spread them around but Hunt Petracca Salem
  3. That's a giant win! Three zip !!!! We are serious contenders !!! Max - what a captain! Kozzie - just wow !!!!!!
  4. You’re all class picket! I reckon we’ll be drunkenly singing the song about the same time Make sure you’re in tune!
  5. You’re all class picket! I reckon we’ll be drunkenly singing the song about the same time Make sure you’re in tune!
  6. Indeed Wadda.. and she will earn her minimum wage after tonight’s game!
  7. Well it was a”donation “ Rusty and coin has been a bit tight at The Manor of late
  8. I've just been enjoying the Romsey sun while slurping down 4 stubbies of Jameson and cola that one of my acolytes left behind. It's rubbish but alcoholic - the sort of stuff that @picket fencewould rate as a very fine brew. Time to open a shiraz and start my pre game routine. I note that a few above are less than confident. Bah to that! I've loaded up on Sportsbet - my nethers tell me we're a good thing today!
  9. Myself and Moonshadow took a roadtrip to Cantberra a few years ago to watch the Dees take on GWS. It was a day where brass monkeys were looking for welders and a howling cold wind rendered one half of the oval totally dead. We had no idea of handling the conditions and were outplayed and ultimately flogged. My only entertainment was watching Moonie get [censored] that night. Anyway that's history! We are two zip and actually looking a capable football team. No doubt GWS will come at us hard so it will be a good test, however, if we are serious finals contenders then we simply must win it. Dees by 4 goals!
  10. I’m turning this [censored] off. I cannot stand seeing happy Essendon supporters
  11. Looks like Stringer is having one of those days! Cant see the aints getting back from here
  12. FMD. I know I’m half [censored] but I just posted and it came up in pink and “hidden” Could someone explain this ?
  13. Geez Stuie Dew could almost go guts for guts with me
  14. I would have really enjoyed that game if those whiners Scot and Harvey were still in the Norf box!
  15. Thought exactly that a few minutes ago od !
  16. No argument. Norf are bog ordinary at the moment Could turn very ugly in the second half
  17. Introduce the orthodontically challenged into the mix and you have “ The filth “
  18. A large proportion of illiterates among their supporters may be the explanation.
  19. That's the intellectual corner in the Saint's members area.
  20. It's a tricky one. We had stars and lesser lights but the lesser lights all contributed at times so you'd be stiff to get dropped out of a winning side. I'd be surprised if there is any change unless there is injury.
  21. I think a permanent change would be fitting Ethan!
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