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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I agree with that summation. I tend to think of Jack as being somewhat similar to Sylvia... definitely not in what he got up to outside the club, but in terms of him giving the impression that he liked the "status" and "fame" associated with being an AFL star, more than the work involved in taking it to the next level. They both demonstrated moments of brilliance, but more often than not, demonstrated moments of mediocrity.
  2. You're comparing apples and pears. Most (apart from you it would seem) agree that climate change IS happening, just not at the predicted rate. You are right, "common sense is to be expected from you"... unfortunately, to this point in time, you are not living up to expectations.
  3. No surprises there; this is exactly what I expected from you Wrecker... you are only concerned with the here and now and have absolutely no interest in what we are leaving for the future generations. As I have said previously (on a number of occasions), for you it is all about the hip pocket... nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that does surprise me where you are concerned, and that is your arrogance... you have shown absolutely nothing to indicate that it is in any way warranted.
  4. There are other means of prevention such as quitting smoking, reducing alchohol intake, avoiding/removing asbestos etc etc... scientists will tell you that these are all ways to prevent cancers, yet their projections on life expectancy (or even the actual contracting of cancer) are very often wrong. In other words, even if the climate change modeling and the resultant projections are wrong, that is not a good reason not to take preventative measures. In both cases, lives are at stake - prevention IS better than cure.
  5. Yes, they're constantly getting those projections wrong (pretty much that same with both of my parents).... so what's the point in taking any preventative measures?
  6. Maybe he should change his name to Laurie.
  7. Just go and look at what Adelaide gave up for Gibbs, then you'll feel better.
  8. You mean the same Adelaide that gave up picks 10, 16 and 73 to the Blues along with a future second-round selection for a 28 (soon to be 29) year old Gibbs?
  9. And even less likely that the MFC would accept it. We are making a tilt for finals next year and won't want to be bringing in top 10 draft picks that will be at least a couple of seasons away from providing much in the way of benefits.
  10. If it makes you feel better, you are.
  11. Yes, it goes some way to making up for the Watts trade and leaves us with 29, 31 and 38(?) and is it one other pick in the 80's? Not sure what they'll do next as they might need all available picks to top up the list in the event that Garland does announce his retirement.
  12. It's already been reported in Real Footy that the trade will happen tomorrow and that we will be giving pick 66 for him... as mentioned above by another poster. His off-field issues related to anxiety caused by being away from his extremely close family... apparently his mother was quite distraught that he went to the west and his father had, jokingly, offered him $70,000 to stay home. But of course that probably doesn't fit the doom and gloom narrative that is ever popular amongst many posters on this site.
  13. I hope it was a Spear & Jackson #9 with brass binding around the handle.
  14. Interesting factoid: The first 122 pages of this thread took 33 days. The second 122 pages of this thread took 8 days. I guess this means that with practice, we got better at regurgitating the same rubbish in a more efficient manner.
  15. Is it not possible to delete your own post anymore?
  16. siren ˈsʌɪr(ə)n/ Greek Mythology each of a number of women or winged creatures or rumour mongers whose singing lured unwary sailors and demonlanders on to rocks.
  17. No, no, no... that's a refreshingly and completely new take on this whole sorry saga! ... sorry, couldn't help myself
  18. On that we definitely agree... as I said about 30 pages back, this thread should be renamed jack Watts Groundhog Day Thread... and it's only deteriorated in the pages since!
  19. You're right, McCartin has had just 3 years in the system and remains pretty much unscathed, but Watts was copping it from day 1 and it only got worse from that point on.
  20. Yes and no... yes, he has failed to apply himself to improving his game and is now responsible for his own demise... but I do find it interesting that McCartin, another under performing #1 pick, manages to fly under the radar. Watts became a target because early in his career the club over-hyped him and he was played when obviously not ready, in the interests of marketing.
  21. Was that actually reported anywhere of note, or is it just another chinese whisper?
  22. I find it more like the "Argument" sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
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