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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I’m amazed he’s not already listed here, but The Wizard (Jeff Farmer)
  2. If he regretted posting it, I think Werridee would probably have removed it by now (or if unable to do so, should have requested the mods delete it). Werridee has been posting elsewhere on these forums since that post was made, so it's not as if he's not had ample opportunity to delete, apologise, or even to explain that it wasn't a serious comment.
  3. I was reading up on that before I flew out to Taiwan. Apparently most modern jet liners get 50% of their air from outside the cabin and the other 50% is cycled through the same filters that are used by operating theatres. The only real danger is if you are seated in too close proximity to an infected person; so hopefully the airline counter staff are seating passengers taking into account the "social distancing" guidelines. Safe travels!
  4. There’s always a sympathetic ear here Skuit. When times are tough it’s good to get things off your chest, even if the listener can’t necessarily provide useful solutions. Please take care.
  5. Possibly the states have decided to attempt to take control because central Government is not acting decisively enough?
  6. Well, that’s pretty much how we’re playing.
  7. OMac has actually been one of our better players! Take off the blinkers.
  8. Don’t worry, you’ll still be allowed to name your teams for each round.
  9. As someone whose only real source of income and pleasure, is performing in a band, we’ve had all bookings cancelled (3 just this week alone) as venues are now shutting up shop. I know numerous others in the same boat and I can’t help but think that as we’re not registered businesses, there will be little to no support from government agencies; it’s a shame they don’t look back just a couple of months at who it was that were giving up their time and income to support those who lost everything in the fires. I’m going to be looking into live streaming options, and possibly taking performances to apartment blocks where we could possibly set up in courtyards and play to people on their balconies who in turn could live stream, but that in itself is not a simple process. Anyway, that’s my whinge done for the day ? In the meantime I’ll console myself with some live footy. Edit: Oh, and I’m not saying we’re a great band by any stretch of the imagination (we’re not), but the point I’m making is that we lead a very tenuous existence ?
  10. No, I send it to you, because you’re the one with the agenda. The Italian Govt was “lazy” (to use Palu’s own description) and were slow to act. The virus may have originated in China, but it’s the world’s problem now. The blame game solves nothing and if you’ve been following the real news (as opposed to right wing publications), you might have noticed that Chinese medico’s from the Wuhan epicenter are there advising and assisting in Italy... but of course it doesn’t suit your agenda to make mention of that.
  11. How they managed that is anybody’s guess... but all credit to them.
  12. We are looking lazy... don’t deserve to win.
  13. I’ve seen Joker, Parasite, JoJo Rabbit and Once Upon a Time. At first I thought Joker would win, despite being fairly derivative of King of Comedy, but then I saw Parasite and my mind was completely changed, I absolutely loved that film. I’d previously seen the director’s earlier film The Host, so I wasn’t at all surprised that it was such a good piece of film making.
  14. They could splice in crowd scenes from the chariot race in Ben Hur.
  15. The smartest move is to pay by card. If you can’t avoid cash, then you take your chances. There’s no way that all money already in circulation can be irradiated and if an attempt was made, the danger would have passed by the time the task was completed.
  16. I’ve got so many discs at home that I’m yet to watch. Classics like The Dambusters, The Cruel Sea and more recent stuff like The Lighthouse, The Dead Don’t Die, Ford v Ferrari etc etc. I’m currently watching the HBO/BBC production of His Dark Materials. It’s brilliant.
  17. They are probably requested to do that, and it’s probably just as much about sending a message of responsible contact to viewers, as it is for their own benefit.
  18. Ride of the Valkyries... appropriate for the apocalypse.
  19. And Princess Panda, Funnyface Gordon and the rest of the crew.
  20. No... but it should have been; we won it.
  21. Yes, and I didn’t see him in Shanghai.
  22. That’s probably Ron Blaskett or Happy Hammond; posthumously.
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