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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. I was suggesting every time I saw his name it gave me a fright!

    Are you with me HT or am I just too obscure?

    Not obscure apart from the fact that what gives you a fright is singular form, not plural.

  2. Would have thought Moloney was within his rights to give a young bloke a serve if he failed to follow instructions. No point mollycoddling these kids. This the AFL they need to get used to it.

    I don't think it is Moloney's initial response people have an issue with... the problem was the spit (assuming it was directed at the kid); was it Moloney or was there a second spitter on the grassy knoll?

  3. Whether or not Beamer did what was reported I don't think that leaders should be critical of others and attempting to make them feel down. Leadership is the opposite - praise and support. (Been on too many lovey dovey courses)

    I suppose it really depends on just where he was hit and how hard - what looks slight is not always slight, particularly if the player on the receiving end is not prepared for the hit due to the nature of the exercise. Good leadership is definitely NOT purely about praise and support, it is also about teaching lessons and being open and honest... maybe Beamer just needs to refine his diplomacy skills :-)

  4. As usual a great report, so thanks for that. I too would love to know how Scully was going, as well as Blease and Tapscott.

    You did however, bring out the editor in me :) :

    Also, the guys who are new to the team all looked a bit lost and unfit which made for an interesting session.

    Dan Nicholson: Really liked what I saw. He looks super fit, quick and has the ability to keep running hard during drills.

  5. I started on Demonology early 2005 and joined Demonland just this year - it's no coincidence that I joined here at the same time as "Redlegs" raised his self-indulgent ruccus in Demonology. I had been reading Demonland for most of the last 5 years, but hadn't really felt compelled to join as I'm not really a high output poster anyway - I used Demonland as a good source for information coming out of the club (seemed a little more accurate). It was only when things started getting very personal between a handful of posters on Demonology and the rest of us were affected to the point where posting became almost impossible, that I decided to come here for some respite. I know I had the occasional difference with RobbieF in the political threads, but it was obvious things were well out of hand when he walked as (and I'm sure he won't mind me saying this) he was one of the thicker skinned poster's on the site.

    One thing though, I think the references to the age of posters on either site (and there does seem to be a school of thought on here that Demonology is a haven for the elderly and infirm ;)) are completely irrelevant as for the most part we discuss the current situation at the club and don't tend to get bogged down in history classes. I can't fathom why people might think that the older posters (myself, for example, fast approaching 60) wouldn't share the same thoughts/opinions as those in their teens and 20's for example.

  6. Seriously if you don't think this is lame you just need to take a step back for a second. There is no doubting it is good in some ways to promote himself, but it also cheapens his image as well. Still a legend and I love him.

    I don't mind his site at all. Rather than gratuitous self-promotion, he is giving us his own take on events such as the China Tour, the trip north to farewell Wona's father, his Movember contribution and why it is a good cause to get behind... etc etc. One thing I particularly is the fact that he is obviously not using a ghost writer and that he has taken the time himself to produce the material on the site; in other words, it isn't just some club produced marketing effort.

    Obviously his bio has been written for him (unless he likes to refer to himself in the 3rd person), but that is no big deal. We appreciate the efforts of our players on the field and some may even "worship" certain players... but I like the fact that in this case we can see and learn a bit more about the person behind the player.

  7. Yep - It is a good read, and Jonesy is a great servant of the club.

    But Nathan2jones.com????????? What a self serving piece of..

    I mean really?

    What's wrong with having a URL that is actually self describing? Not self-serving at all and certainly a lot easier to remember.

  8. So it isn't as big as the Olympics and we shouldn't even have felt entitled to win the Olympics in 96 but then we won it 4 years later.


    Actually, it is bigger than the Olympics with a much larger worldwide viewership.

    "The World Cup was first televised in 1954 and is now the most widely-viewed and followed sporting event in the world, exceeding even the Olympic Games.The cumulative audience of the 2006 World Cup — including all of the matches — is estimated to be 26.29 billion. 715.1 million individuals watched the final match of this tournament (a ninth of the entire population of the planet). The 2006 World Cup draw, which decided the distribution of teams into groups, was watched by 300 million viewers."

  9. Of course it is. And yeah, fair point...

    I think you'll find there's one poster who continually refers to 'land as "Strawberry Fields."

    TGR? A strange fruit that one, but can be entertaining on the odd occasion :-)

    The carry on that happened over at 'ology 6 months ago or so would never have escalated that far here.

    That would be Redlegs... who incidentally does post on here; I had an "encounter" with him here a few months ago, but can't remember his Demonland moniker (but he is definitely NOT the person who posts as Redlegs here).

  10. Yeah. 'Ologists are defecting left right and centre... and all the while the old farts that are still there whinge about demonland being too "positive."

    Well, I for one am not defecting as such... I will continue to post there and read the discussions, as I often like the tone and there are some with a lot of knowledge of the game. Sure there are a few there who are intent on pushing their own little agendas or being disruptive just for the hell of it, but there are also many who enjoy a good open discussion and engage in the right spirit. This site is no different in that regard, but the numbers mean that the impact isn't as great. And in all the time I've been on Demonology, I can't say I've really noticed anyone whinging about Demonland being too positive - generally they have been pretty supportive, because there have always been quite a few who reside on both forums. It's a shame they can't fix the issue with allowing new members to join, as that is what is snuffing it out.

  11. As far as i am concerned it's up to Jamie Bennell. Is he happy changing from 43 to 7.

    He may wish to keep that number. Remember the Wiz when he changed to 8? no, i am not suprised & he went back to 33.

    Numbers can be important to a player. Up to him, as long as he gets better next season i do not care.

    For some the number is almost a trademark (I might be wrong, but didn't Judd carry his number over to Carlton from West Coast?) and I suppose there is a (small) possibility that a single digit number is more easily identified, not to mention that fact that it will save mum's all over the country considerable sewing (or ironing) time ;)

    Numbers can have a meaning to the players... in a different sport, but along the same lines, MotoGP rider Valentino Rossi, despite being world champion numerous times refuses to wear the number 1 and has always carried the number 46 because it has become his "trademark".

  12. Cook #7

    Howe #23

    Blease #17

    Bennell #32

    I hope your numbers aren't granted based on a player's value... you have three virtually untried players rated ahead of Bennell who has shown more than a few glimpses of brilliance and is likely to step up to the next level next year. He is thoroughly deserving of the #7 based on any criteria the club may want to apply. Put simply, he IS going to be a star!

  13. What makes you so sure in Green's case? He doesn't even have it yet (although I see it as a formality).

    I think he has already been playing at the peak of his abilities for the past couple of years.

    I don't think he has any improvement in him.

    I would agree with you on his playing at the peak of his abilities, but the improvement I could see would be in terms of his ability to motivate other players around him. Some players like Moloney and Sylvia seem to be naturals at providing vocal support and encouragement on-field whereas I think Green tends to be less so... perhaps the Captaincy would see him improve in that area. I don't think there would be any doubts about his ability to inspire with his actions... leading by example is something that comes very naturally to him.

  14. If you team it up with the other merchandise that Brad Green is fronting at the moment then you might have a point, but even then I don't think it suggests anything.

    May well be right if what MK08 said on Demonology has any truth to it: "Just spoke to the club who mentioned captaincy will be a player vote that is recommended to the board. Awaiting rookies to get drafted votes lodged by Xmas".

  15. E - Let it go.

    H - Is this really worth a thread?

    Haven't we got players to worry about losing to other clubs?

    Maybe worth a thread or maybe not but when I saw the email, that was the first thought I had... yes the best and fairest makes perfect sense but that didn't occur to me at the time... but did it warrant the response it got?... it was merely a rhetorical question and was certainly no more a waste of time than many others. However, if people want to respond with "clever"/"satirical" (read, smart-Rs) remarks, then yes I agree that it all becomes rather pointless.

    Since you raised the subject, let me ask what's to be gained by discussing our worries over the possibility of losing players? As has often been proven, those kinds of threads tend to feed on the negativity that has been the unfortunate domain of the average Dee's supporter for far too long.

    Edit... so much changes during the time it takes to type out a response... seems this discussion visited Jenny Craig while I wasn't looking :-)

  16. Yeah, fancy having a photo of the Best & Fairest winner on a club email. Strange decision.

    This must mean that it's been decided that he's the new captain, but they are keeping it under wraps.

    Obviously they want to slowly release suggestive emails and subtle hints without revealing who the captain is.

    I can't think of any situation that would make more sense.

    Ok ok.... a simple, I don't think so would have sufficed :-)

  17. I've given it the arse too.. all you need to know about the current day posting experience at ology is right here:


    I still post there and still enjoy it... just take certain posters with a grain of salt. I figure that on any forum it's necessary to develop a thick skin and not take anything too seriously or, more particularly, too personally.

    Besides, this place isn't without it's recalcitrants; the only difference is that there is a far larger posting population so they don't stand out quite so much... but they are there.

  18. Like everyone else, I'm a huge fan of your brilliant posts.

    (I find it hilarious if not ironic that your extremely light jab at Chopper was the straw that broke his back (no offence Chop) and drove him to Demonland. 1. You hardly ever pot anyone in a spiteful way and 2. you are 'Land's most vocal supporter)

    And I'm hardtack but not the hardtack that's on 'ology... it seems he appropriated my avatar though... the noive of thay guy!

    Anyway, I too found it funny that it was Nasher that took on the role of the "last straw" :-)

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