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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. Harsh? Probably. But smug "life coaches" need to be taken down a peg wherever and whenever they appear.

    Just have a re-read of his last post.

    I read it properly the first time and it really doesn't bother me. It's no worse than much of what is posted in these and other forums (just different) - live and let live, I say.

  2. Just where are these horns given out? Do they arrive as part of the membership package a la bumper stickers and scarf, or are they handed out on entry to the ground? Having had no games played in Sydney for a few years, and no game until at least 2012, I have not encountered these horns.

    If they are mailed out and happen to arrive pre-xmas, I may wear them down to the local catholic church for midnight mass on xmas eve - provided they haven't installed non-believer detectors at the entrance.

  3. Girl says she took them herself...

    How, bet they didn't want the photos coming out regardless of whether they posed for them or not...

    The girl took the photos. The girl distributed them...

    Distributed them yes, but took them?... well it would seem the jury is out on that one. The St Kilda CEO seems to think that is not the case:

    "St Kilda CEO Michael Nettlefold told 3AW he believed at least one of the photos had been taken by a teammate on a football trip up to 14 months ago.

    It looks like she is one vindictive piece of work though. Wonder which player it was that obviously broke her heart to the point where she now has to rein down all sorts of carnage on the Saints????

    There is absolutely no argument there re vindictive, but if you read the article in the Age I pointed to, you will find the answer to your question.

    I think there may be a few nervous CEOs (ours included) about at the moment as she also makes the following claim:

    "She admitted her actions were based on revenge, and said she had photographs of other AFL players. ''There are players from other clubs: West Coast, Sydney, Collingwood, Richmond, Hawthorn and few of Melbourne. They are of a similar nature to the first one that came out."

  4. How? I said the males in those cases should be rightly criticised. But shouldn't the same be true of the females who do the same thing? What if Lara took one of Fev? Would she be attacked in the same manner as him for that incident? I don't know how i can make that point any clearer for you???

    This will be my last comment, but.... you actually said the males ARE criticised (not SHOULD be):

    Just as silly as when young girls allow their boyfriends or partners to do same. As the female victims are rarely criticised in those cases, and instead the males parties persecuted (quite rightly)...

    I made the point that the opposite is true... that the males are lionised by their mates and the females regarded as an easy target.

    My question asking you to elaborate on the photos was not about the poses etc... it was asking you to elaborate to the point of explaining how it was apparent that they had been taken by a female as opposed to a male.

    Yep. For sure. But are ALL parties always painted as fools? Or just some?

    And what message does that send to young impressionable females? That it is ok to go after these players in a predatory manner because if anything comes out it will ALWAYS be their fault...

    Celebrity will always attract undue attention and often unfair criticism... so in that respect you are probably right, which is why they should never ever allow themselves to be put into a compromising situation.

  5. It took two posts for someone to turn it around.....

    Turned it around? In what way? I merely suggested that your diatribe indicated that you may have some issues... I was not coming out in support of either male or female... you even admitted yourself you may have been a bit harsh:

    Having seen the photos, they are suggestion enough that the photographer was a female. As is the person publishing them. Don't be so ignorant or naive.

    My suggestion was no more ridiculous than you simply suggesting that the pictures appear to have been taken by a female... not having seen the images myself, and having to rely on your rather vague assessment/assumption, would you care to elaborate?

    Young men being photographed nude. Silly yes. Just as silly as when young girls allow their boyfriends or partners to do same. As the female victims are rarely criticised in those cases, and instead the males parties persecuted (quite rightly), will the opposite be true in this case (as it should be). I fear not and that is the point. Double standards.

    I would suggest that those comments are way off the mark. I would argue that in the example you cite here, the male usually comes of as being a hero among his mates and the female as some sort of easy target. However, regardless of who instigates it, as was stated above, all parties are fools.

  6. Will those who are always so quick to criticise footballers for their actions this time condemn the FEMALE taker of the photos in the same manner? Sadly i fear not. The footballers will be blamed for putting themselves in that position and they should have known better etc etc.

    It would seem you have some issues with regards to females, but I would suggest before going off with such a diatribe, you read the article you are directing us to with that link.

    Firstly it is stated that:"It is not clear who took the photo or under what circumstances."

    and secondly: "The club can also confirm that the photo was not taken by the person responsible for posting it online and believes that it was obtained illegally."

    Yes, someone with a grudge against them or the club has posted the photos, but she did NOT take them as you claim. There is absolutely no suggestion as to the gender of the photographer. And futhermore, I'm not saying that they deserve any blame and I have no idea what these images portray, but unless they are changing room shots or something in that situation, like that NRL player and the dog, for any participant in any sport at the top level to place themselves in such a position, is gross stupidity on their part.

  7. The young Lucas Cook looks to be an excellent rookie choice. He has VERY strong hands. I watched his group for about 15 minutes straight and it is simple: if the ball hits his hands, it sticks. He is still very thin and his basic build reminds me of a tallish Robbie Flower so he might not get too big but I imagine he will be buring it up in about 2013.

    Thanks for the great review. One question, did Gysberts appear injured, because I recall someone posting the other day that he had done a hamstring. Also, just one correctio... Cook was not taken in the rookie draft, he was our first pick at number 12 in the main draft.

  8. Oh great.. Looks like I'll be waiting til April. The club should be filthy with this stuff up and I would hope new balance reimburse us for lost sales.

    Well, I managed to order one of the retro hoodies online... although that was not without its problems as in the catalogue it mentioned sizes went to 2XL, but online they only allowed selection up to XL... a quick phone call and everything was fixed in a matter of a minute or two, so I'm a happy camper.

  9. Yeah. How dare he try to get the most out of his career in money and playing time. What a bastard...

    Fair go, these forums really are full of flogs.

    I reckon it's a little bit sad, but I wouldn't say "ouch" exactly. They can have him. He's not going to do ALL that much over the next two years (will be decent for them), and our time is directly after that anyway. Would have been nice to see him stay a one-club player, but I imagine if it really was that important to him, he'd still be a dee. So if he's happy, I'm happy. Good on him. I wish him well, but only because I'm not terrified that he'll kick 6 goals on us.

    Well said DD... regardless of what people might think of him now, Cam was a great servant of the club and put in many good years as a player as evidenced by his regular appearances in the top 10. Seems that none of that matters because he chose to keep his footballing career alive by going to a club where he is likely to get games and not likely to be "retired" before he considers himself ready.

    And the worst thing about threads like this is the sheer nastiness of the comments.

  10. I think this is what I'm alluding to...

    I mean, he's an A-grade player already.

    What do you want from him? A B&F? A Brownlow?

    It he maintains his current form I'll be bloody happy.

    I agree with louie in that Sylvia needs to play at his best, but far more consistently so... if he does that, then those other rewards (Brownlow votes etc) will come regardless. Another who needs to be far more consistent in 2011 is Moloney who many are touting as captain material (I'm guilty of touting him as VC material)... but he did go missing in action at critical times this year.

    Petterd and Jurrah just need to be injury free and playing at the levels they were when they were on the field this year... Jurrah has it well within him to kick 60+ in 2011. The other "correction" that needs to be made in order to ensure our success, is to get Garland and Warnock (assuming he gets a few games) to play without giving away so many free kicks.

  11. The first thing I'm doing is praying to whatever deity cares to listen, that we don't suffer any major pre-season injuries... once we are past that hurdle, then I'll start thinking about how many games I want us to win :-) Have to feel for Freemantle who appear to have lost Morabito for the entire 2011 season with a knee injury; he is an enormous loss for them.

  12. The magazine cover, and headline, says it. It's Green.

    Personally, as much as the romance of an indigenous captain appeals, Green is the better option. His form, his willingness to put the body on the line, his strength in the air, his reliability as a target for our blokes and his finishing are first class.

    Davey is already enough of a target for the opposition and has enough to deal with.

    You are setting yourself up for the cynics with that observation ;)

    They will tell you that it is because he won the Bluey and to an extent they would be correct... however, as I stated in my earlier post above "...but one thing that some may have overlooked, and which I think has much more bearing on his chances of stepping up to the captaincy, and that is the fact that on that same night he also won the Ron Barassi Jnr Trophy, otherwise known as the Leadership Award. And on top of that he was also awarded the Heart and Soul Player Award."

  13. I know I will get laughed at/derided, but I think that Jones will be the one who could really step up in a big way in season 2011. There are few who work as hard as he does, few who show the courage he does, and as his skills improve (it's already been stated that he is training very well and appears to have greatly improved his kicking) combined with those other attributes, he is a good chance to score well. I also believe that he will be a part of the 2011 leadership group.

  14. Received my copy of Heartbeat (Season 2010) in the post today, and it contains a new Demon Shop catalogue for Summer 2011... I think I will have to fork out $71 hard-earned for one of those Retro Hoodies... very nice indeed.

    Also, may as well take the chance to blow my own trumpet and say I was happy to see myself in the Shanghai Showdown pic of Jurrah taking the winning mark... standing in the first row in the stand (just to the left of the coaches table) about one inch in from the left holding a camera up to my head in a black t-shirt with what looks like a white square on the front from that distance.

  15. Green is the current pin-up boy at the MFC and yes I know a lot of that is because of his Bluey win, but one thing that some may have overlooked, and which I think has much more bearing on his chances of stepping up to the captaincy, and that is the fact that on that same night he also won the Ron Barassi Jnr Trophy, otherwise known as the Leadership Award. And on top of that he was also awarded the Heart and Soul Player Award.

    So, I am sure it will be Green with Moloney as his deputy.

  16. There is a Demons App on iphone it has news, fixture, ladder, song, on twitter and links.

    It's called the unofficial Demons app.

    Thanks for that little bit of info... have now added it to my phone and iPad and have to say that on first glance it looks great. And although this won't help the OP, there is now an HD version of Aussie Rules Live for the iPad (free thanks to sponsorship by carsales.com.au) - I have to say the interface for the HD version leaves the iPhone version for dead; although obviously less portable.

  17. Why do you think there has been no traffic on the general board Hardtack?

    Think about it?

    Who were the posters that kept the site active during the off season and where are they now.

    RF... I guess that was the point I was making (albeit in an obscure way)... the fact that so many have defected and the fact that no new registrations can be made, has meant hat activity has come to all but complete standstill spelling the sad but imminent death of the site.

  18. The traffic has certainly slowed at O'logy. For example 6 threads have been posted on today at O'logy. And there would be lucky to be - on a quick count - 20 posts registered there today. That is a treacle. That said, it is the off season. However, in comparison...there is an avalanche of posts posted here today.

    Well, just seven posts so far today on Demonology... but the strange thing is that where previously during the off-season there was a great deal of activity in the General forum (and it could get very heated/lively), there has not been a single post in that forum today (and just one post yesterday). Sadly, the way things are looking and unless someone can open it up to new memberships, I fear it will be lucky to see in season 2011.

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