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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Actually, that's not at all true: "Wearing a face mask is always mandatory in indoor public places throughout Italy. Masks are no longer mandatory outdoors, but you must always carry one with you and wear it if you find yourself in crowded conditions that do not allow the 1 metre safety distance to be maintained." As for quarantine, you only escape it if you're fully vaccinated, and even then, arrivals from some countries still have to do the negative test/quaratine routine. Same as for most European countries.
  2. Maybe Melksham for Neil-Bullen? Melksham has been consistently decent and "a class above" at VFL level for a while now, while ANB is probably the least effective of the forwards. Equally, we'd lose some tackling intensity, but perhaps it's something they'd consider. At some point soon the selectors will be looking at bedding down the team to take us into/through the finals - is ANB in that team over Melksham (or Jones)? Similar conversation perhaps re VDB - he'd bring more pressure and agression than ANB, though he's a long way behind Melksham as a disposer. Yes I know, Melksham is a frustrating player, or has been over the past couple of seasons.
  3. Better than nothing perhaps: “… a Canadian study that's still awaiting peer review found that a single dose of Pfizer's shot was 56 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections caused by Delta after two weeks. That rate was 67 percent for AstraZeneca's shot and 72 percent for Moderna's.”
  4. Big Tour de France night as well: bunch sprint into Nîmes, will Cavendish equal Eddy Merckx's record of 34 TDF wins? (Cavendish, now there's a story. Bigger comeback than Tom McDonald.)
  5. Also the way to preserve businesses and the economy in the longer term.
  6. Well, that's because there's a reason that these kinds of opinions are outside of the mainstream in the first place.
  7. Agree, but suspect they'll leave him there for a while, let him really build on the work he's doing.
  8. Still feel we're a couple of years away from being a serious premiership contender, and today showed why. Inexperience gets you in the end.
  9. Nothing to do with Ben Brown not being out there. Nothing.
  10. Different approach in the UK ... they're now playing by their own rules. (Which is why you effectively can't travel from the UK to Europe unless you've been vaccinated.) In France you can't get into a football stadium without having been vaccinated, similar across most of Europe (more or less). Equally, it's summer, so apart from the UEFA matches, there's not much going on sport-wise.
  11. I'm in France. We have a suppression, minimisation strategy. And 110K dead from Covid.
  12. If it's for venous thrombosis, which is where the scare is, incidence is much lower than that. "The European Medicines Agency has estimated that the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis after the AstraZeneca vaccine is 5.0 (4.3 to 5.8) per million people." (https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1005)
  13. They've now corrected that section of the article. That you're quoting sources that are clearly wrong says it all. Confirmation bias on steroids.
  14. Yes, what's being proposed ... in countries where Pfizer is widely available. (e.g. Canada). Interesting as well that Spain have gone the other way: given that incidence of TTS is almost non-existant with AZ second dose, they've opened up second doses of AZ to under 60's. So, Pfizer (or whatever) first, AZ second, to all age groups.
  15. Did you even read the article? They're preferred because recent studies have shown that mixing vaccines can give increased protection. (Also because there's limited availability of AZ in North America, as production is centred in the UK and Europe.) “I wish to emphasize that people who received two doses of AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD vaccine should rest assured that the vaccine they received provides good protection against infection, and very good protection against severe disease and hospitalization.” and “We still know from the information that we’re seeing here in B.C., but also primarily in the U.K., where a lot of AstraZeneca has been used, that vaccine effectiveness is very good for both AstraZeneca and the mRNA vaccines,”
  16. This is just BS. None of those countries have suspended AZ. I'm in France, I get my second AZ this week. Germany continues to inject 100K+ AZ doses per day (up to 11 million now). As for Spain: "Spain to lift suspension of AstraZeneca vaccine for second dose in people under 60" https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/spain-lift-suspension-astrazeneca-vaccine-second-dose-people-under-60-2021-05-19/ etc. etc.
  17. A premier who was recently reelected in a landslide.
  18. More codswallop. Also ignorant codswallop, because there is any amount of data out there from multiple studies looking at the effectiveness of all these vaccines. But heh, why bother when conspiracy theories are so much more fun.
  19. No Melksham anywhere. Hope he can get some form back, but at the moment, he's obviously a long way off it.
  20. Nothing to do with agreeing with your flawed reasoning, everything to do with the demographics of those who will have been/remain to be vaccinated. Jesus.
  21. Nonsense, it's not "many" at all, it's a tiny % (1 per 100K = 0.001%). Your anti-AZ diatribes are not based on facts. Meanwhile, Pfizer are showing 2-5% with a serious reaction to the second dose, and Moderna are showing .1% with adverse reactions bad enough to require hospitalisation. Also Meanwhile: "statistically, aspirin is two hundred times more dangerous than AstraZeneca" https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/getting-a-covid-jab-is-safer-than-taking-aspirin
  22. Even countries like Albania and Cambodia have higher vaccination rates than Australia. The doses are there.
  23. Don't hold your breath. On the other hand, plenty of studies give figures around 80% (e.g., WHO), though more and more studies are showing a substantial % of "mild" cases where symptoms persist long-term, often with fairly debilitating impacts on quality of life, work etc.
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