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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Kia & the Bank of Melb were both mentioned---I suppose with Skullduggery taking place over the last couple of weeks- Schwabie can get back on the case..
  2. I don't thionk it was wiser but I feel we have benefited strongly in the deal.Scully is definately a risk and now we can sit back and gain a two for one first round pick.We need to obtain a similar type to a Martin fron Richmond type.And if Jack Viney can end up around 183/4 cms tall- we have one.
  3. We have a plethora of developing mids now- throw in Viney and gee-I think we need just one more- an experienced mid leader such as a Jordon Lewis or a Kelly from Geelong type to educate them.Our major weakness is in the coaching ranks and that's where we need to invest in most -along with the recruiting of a versatile tall- such as a Jack Gunston to go with our list now.An Elton would just icing on the cake..
  4. With Junior going up to Sydney ,just shows what a pitiful decision our football department did last year sacking him, Miller and letting Bruce all go at the same time.Pitiful in my opinion.Every team needs experience and we chucked ours out.
  5. I disagree- we have a very good young mid field group developing now, add in Viney and we seem to have a good mix. We need to have a go at O'Meara but we don't need to offer the kitchen sink for him.
  6. I think your on the mark but come and watch him play against Jack Viney at Visy Park this Saturday at 1.45pm. BE THERE ?
  7. I agree but unsure re the situation with Viney.
  8. And they intend to get Natham Carroll as well.
  9. Another one bites the dust---we really have to find a very strong coach.I feel Eade is best suited.
  10. Just heard this myself- good news --now it is up to B.P to gain best recruits once again.
  11. Do you suggest we offer Brock a 5 year contract and Cam a two year contract now that our football department realise we need leadership ?
  12. And what do you think that will be- he is resigning to take up the role of foorball Director at the MFC? Or Ward now at GWS along with Palmer, Davis, Cornes/maybe both?,Brogan etc.. I don't think Scully's name will be involved-GWS would want a secondary marketing spot for Sculls alone. These are my thoughts on the subject...what do you think Rhino??? & others.
  13. God bless him- I miss him even if most don't...
  14. And the players are a damn lot prettier in most cases.
  15. Glad you brought up Serhat again- he would be our Full forward now..if I had my way.
  16. Thanks for coming on site and explaining the issue.
  17. I concur but never ever will I put my aggotts on the line Range Rover.
  19. And I wouldn't mind Robbo himself back at the club as a forward coach himself.
  20. That is NOT a silly suggestion --I've heard that Tom Hafey & John Northey are also rumoured to apply if Bomber does.
  21. They are a pair of geese if you ask me.
  22. And smoke it- great news.he will be in the leadership group next year.
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