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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Sorry, these are rubbish comments. Just because you take issue with the President, doesn't mean you then have to stand for the position yourself. Similarly, you don't have to play football to pass comment on an AFL footballer. My god. We wouldn't have a media industry. WYL has a right, like we all do, to question the club when the results continue to be dire. We are the shareholders. We are Melbourne. The members. The supporters. That doesn't mean you can't question.
  2. Melksham butchers the ball regularly, but can find it. Colyer is Sam Blease with less upside. No thanks.
  3. The upside with Watts is still huge too. Josh Hunt says hi. No deal.
  4. We need to snare a midfield coach from a successful club. Meanwhile, can anyone tell me if we have anyone in the role of opposition analyst?
  5. Agree, RE: competition for Tommy Mac. I'd give him one or two more weeks to run into some form and then it might be worth playing Sellar instead for a few weeks. Just to ensure he doesn't become complacent. Obviously, you're then flirting with a player's confidence, but if he's to make it, he'll stand up.
  6. He might get that chance next year with Hogan, Dawes and Clark up forward. I wonder if that spells the end for Sellar? He still can't cement a spot in the senior side. Still early in 2013 I guess.
  7. Not sure he would have been much use though. He doesn't work the other way.
  8. Hopefully something will click with his mentality then. I'd keep dropping him. One way player at the moment. Yes, he offers run, but may as well be a witches hat going the other way.
  9. Disagree. Sellar can play that role better and offers stronger depth. However, if we add another tall down back, we're too top heavy. The three lynchpins are Frawley, McDonald and Garland. We need an elite user by foot, say hopefully Strauss. That's how Josh Hunt played in premierships. Soft as butter one on one, but if the defence work together, they allow a rebounding player of Strauss's apparent elite disposal to set up attack from defence. Obviously the other three have rebounding ability too. I think we also lack another small defender with pace and an ability to run with speedsters like Rioli and Gartlett. I think I've probably digressed far enough though.
  10. Our only chance would be to restrict scoring, hence Nicholson's inclusion as a running defender.
  11. Yeah, we were leading the competition before last week. Adds further credence to the fact that if we improve our midfield, we start to look dangerous with increased forward fifty entrances.
  12. Well done, Col. Beating his man as well.
  13. Work rate. It's work rate. I feel like a broken record. If you've been to those matches, you would have seen players walk and jog. It's the way we lost both of those games that was so appalling and highlights where we're at.
  14. That's because they were only having to run one way. Everyone loves being able to just attack and not put in the hard yards at the other end of the park. But at elite level you have to work both ways.
  15. Do you actually watch our midfield on game day? We let players waltz through the corridor by themselves, we barely lay any tackles. I can cop the lack of experience card, but there's also a lack of work rate not intrinsically linked to experience.
  16. The answer to both of these questions is competitiveness from the MFC midfield. If they work hard enough to gut run both ways, they'll get more of the ball and find themselves in goal scoring positions. You can't tell me that we couldn't find five goal kickers from the midfield if we were working hard. And change our stoppage set ups for starters. That will improve the centre clearance deficiencies. If we are switched on and adhere to viable midfield structures, we can at least break even with opposition midfields. Royal is a hopeless midfield coach and Neeld is just as poor for not picking up on it. What are they doing during the week? Do they not have opposition analysts? Do they not analyse these basic fundamentals? The way we set up at stoppages is flagrantly pitiful. Our list could improve across the ground, no doubt, but it's not as simple as saying we don't have the cattle. There's no work rate in the midfield. There's barely any work rate across the entire ground. But every time we're involved in a stoppage, our abysmal set ups mean we're already behind the eight ball.
  17. I'd be inclined to agree if we showed any semblance of work rate on game day. We don't.
  18. Lazy coaching. Try and replicate a situation the players might face on game day. Intensity. Pressure. The things we clearly don't cope with. That way on game day, when faced with the same situation, they might improve.
  19. Well that pretty much highlights why most of the time our players handball to static team mates. I'm a coach and I've gotta say that sounds like a drill you might get away with in primary school. A disgraceful lack of innovation for AFL standard.
  20. I don't buy the time angle. This is merely an excuse to ward off attacks stating that because we're young, we can't put in basic footy fundamentals like chasing, tackling, manning up. Things turn around quickly in footy. If we can recruit two A grade mids, I can see our fortunes turning quickly.
  21. I agree that if our midfield can become competitive, we'd be starting to look a lot better. Cotchin and Martin are genuine midfield talents though. That's two more than we have. I think players like Trengove, potentially Grimes, Viney with games under his belt and say a Matt Jones could take the step up if they had a Cotchin next to Nathan Jones. We have to get that Cotchin and fast.
  22. Admittedly, the slightly cynical side of me says, well, we're going to have at least one top 3 pick to trade come season's end. That'd have to go into somehow wrangling an A grade midfielder from another club. With money in the cap (Davey retiring at year's end for example), we could truly chase an A/cusp of A grade mid OOC or in FA. When you look at it this way, our list isn't too bad. Neeld and our recruiting team have shored up our forwardline for the next 5 to 10 years. It's the players' input on gameday that we're so abhorrently lacking. If a coach can harness that, well, who knows.
  23. The thing about Richmond is they found a midfield. We're not going anywhere this season or next unless we unearth/trade for some genuine ball winners. If we can, then I've got genuine hope that we can turn this around, given solid structures and work rate.
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