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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Some also thought similar about Watts. I'd also argue that free agency will actually slowly cripple Hawthorn. You need to keep drafting young blokes as well. You can't keep going to the FA pot. It's a bit like Daniher topping up in his final years.
  2. He's 24. Bigger blokes usually take longer. I think it's a smart move by the club and it's more than merely back up, although that is where he finds himself at the moment. They obviously see his potential though. We just have to be patient, I'm afraid.
  3. I think there is going to be a bit of a changing of the guards over the next twelve months. The likes of Geelong, Hawthorn and Freo will be taken by the Suns, Port and Sydney will be around the mark too. There are a lot of ordinary teams in the comp this year. If we continue to show consistency, we'd certainly be value for a top 8 spot, but we won't make the 8. No one seems to be unbeatable this year though. It's arguably the most even competition in years. Anyone can be beat anyone. The AFL would be happy, I reckon. They'd prefer if their big drawers Essendon, Carlton and Richmond picked up their performances though.
  4. I just got home to catch the last 1.30 of the replay. I think it was actually more satisfying the way it panned out. Now, I hope they get thrashed next week. Our mate McLean's poor positioning allowed Selwood to kick the winning goal. Hilarious.
  5. He signed a three year deal. He's been cruelled by injury, but when he has had a run at it, he's not particularly impressive in any one area. There's a little bit of Bail in him, but he seems to be on the outer at the moment.
  6. I disagree, B. Frawley's agility and work rate is far high than Gawn's. Let's have this conversation when Hogan returns.
  7. Not only that, but he then nailed a difficult shot with ease. Loved it.
  8. Bergman is genius and Polanski's done some beautiful work. Don't rate Fellini though. Prefer Bunuel. It's more the DIYness of those hands in the wall. I went to Deakin, then did a couple of years as a production assistant, now I produce my own films - mostly docs. Had no idea about the bluescreenness of TSOM. One of my favourites as a child. I would watch it religiously. Some of the greats have been fans. Tarantino, Truffaut etc. You don't have to attend film school to know anything. Watching heaps of movies is education enough. They'll be those around the traps that can help with the technical aspects.
  9. Once again, there's no evidence Frawley is necessarily looking to jump ship, just because his management are talking with other clubs (if indeed they are). In this age of free agency, players will use opposition clubs to drive up their worth. Frawley and his management may well intend to stay at the MFC, but still talk to the opposition, because they'll get a better price from the MFC. Footy is a business these days and this is a tough, physical, professional job that probably takes years off your life. I don't begrudge players for 'holding their clubs to ransom'. Footy careers only last so long. Cash in (literally) while you can. Frawley's manager is doing the right thing and he has a business to run.
  10. I think you and M are both right, Saty. I've no doubt that PJ looked at the QB fixture and said this'll be a big money making day. It has to be a big money making day. PJ would say, 'Roosy, you have the bye round to assess the list and then we can roll out a couple of re-signings in the week leading up to QB that will enable us to get 80,000'.
  11. Spencer is still a reasonably cheap back up, GRRM. He works tirelessly and as we know, big guys always take longer to impact on games. I would hope by the time his next contract comes around, he's taken the number ruck mantle. That's not to say Gawn couldn't either. I just expect bigger guys to take longer.
  12. I'd prefer Frawley rebounding from defensive 50 than McDonald though. He's a better kick and a marginally better decision maker.
  13. My sister and I keep parking across the river and walking. It's a 10-15 minute walk, but it's free and a lovely walk through Gosch's Paddock.
  14. Ah, that's a bugger. Totally get you though. I probably won't be going along to much at MIFF, unless I get free tickets. It's a short film I produced earlier in the year. Quite female skewed, I suspect. I'll be interested to see how it goes. Yeah, I guess for the '60s it's okay, but I always had a problem with the groping hands. It reminded me of being in film school again. Shall certainly let you know about that drink. I haven't even looked at which hotel they've booked us into yet. My old man lived in Sydney for a few years in the early 2000s. Haven't been back since, so I'm intrigued and vaguely looking forward to it.
  15. Not with the new sponsor on the back, chook.
  16. I'm really happy he's getting his hands on it too, Mike. His physicality has been left wanting on a couple of occasions though. I've also seen him lay a crunching tackle or two too. I'd prefer Toumpas, but won't be disappointed with Riley.
  17. Maybe it was his second or third game then? It's been a while, but I remember it being against FItzroy. In any case, Yze had immediate scoreboard impact with bags of goals. Salem has hit the scoreboard, but not to the same extent. EDIT. Or was it the Bulldogs?
  18. I could see Riley playing, but I get the feeling Roos wants to keep giving Toumpas a chance to play at this level, backing him to eventually deliver that intensity and physicality. Jimmy seems to be a bit of a confidence player, so this might be Roos' way of getting the best out of him.
  19. Totally endemic of that era, unfortunately. Took some great marks and kicked some wonderful goals. Loved him as a player early on, but slowly grew to find exactly those negative traits that you outline, M. Very, very excited by Salem though. Can't wait to see him in this game.
  20. Gotta be Tyson. Bloody hard choice though. Good luck, C&B!
  21. I reckon the bench will be JKH, Salem, Terlich and Toumpas as the sub.
  22. Give Tapscott a role under Roos and we'll see. If he can stay injury free, I'm not going to rule him out. This pretty much goes for anyone that hasn't played a few games under Roos.
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