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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Can't wait for it. About to head in now.
  2. Still love seeing Roosy in the Melbourne colours.
  3. Don't touch the song. I'm fine to change the jumper though. Where's Rangey? I want a poll. Give it to Bartlett.
  4. That's why I love the indigenous jumper. It's simple and to me it says Melbourne Football Club. That version of the logo with the simple red MFC has the potential to be the easily recognisable symbol, just as the Yankee cap is. I read that as him being a little nervous in the interview with Wilson and her quoting him verbatim. I assumed it was meant to be 'crawl, then walk, then run'. At least, I hope so, otherwise what the heck is he talking about? Spot on, Robbie. I'm not sure I agree with this though, Robbie. Collingwood has played in numerous grand finals, just lost them. And they are usually always around about. But, they have marketed the club well. Top post, GRRM. Totally agree. Ugh. This is not the sort of article I wanted to read, just as we seemed to be turning things around too. This talk should be left to the AGMs though. I want Bartlett to keep his mouth shut in the media. Get things done behind closed doors and if you're thinking of dissolving the Casey relationship, you'd better bloody have a gem of a plan B. I wonder what Jackson thinks of this sort of talk. I know he loves it at Melbourne, but I hope he stands up and knocks any rubbish on the head.
  5. Totally with you, Mike. Glad I'm not the only one who isn't that attached to our regular jumper. I much prefer the strong MFC logo in red. It's quite similar to the Fitzroy and Carlton jumpers, but I love it.
  6. Agreed, rpfc. I'd say it's a worrying article. It's sounding like Schwab all over again. Just focus on the bloody footy. Get the best people in positions of power. I like what he was saying about the ANZAC eve match with Richmond and the Field of Women game with the Bulldogs. These are great crowd drawers. We need to be thinking how to maximise the gate return at our home matches and build rivalries. I'm not against the Casey plan, particularly as we have no 'heartland', but if we were to dissolve it, I simply can't see where else we'd look to tap into. I'm completely behind the FD and Peter Jackson. I just hope Bartlett knows what he's doing. As an aside, I'm also acutely aware that the article was written by Wilson, who likes her agendas, so who knows. I'm not sure we need to cut ties with Casey necessarily, if we want our own reserves side. Just make them the Casey Demons and they play out of Casey. It does feel a little messy and icky though.
  7. That's because Craig Cameron is their recruiter.
  8. Was busy tonight, so I've turned on the replay because of this thread. The 'Press Red For Kev' version is hilarious.
  9. I don't have any evidence to back it up, so I'll have to concede, but I could have sworn we offered him a third. Ah well. I stand corrected in that case. A powerful body needs to get the ball though. Unfortunately, as it stands, Luke struggles in this area. I'd normally scoff at these types of posts too, but these days I'm not so sure. When blokes like Chris Johnson were picked up by Carlton and as 'Lamashtu' rightly points out, Shaun Hampson, any of our strugglers could get a game elsewhere. Particularly, in a competition that is spread quite thin for quality, due to the advent of GCS and GWS.
  10. I apologise. Tone is a tough thing to convey on the interwebs. To appear defensive wasn't my intention.
  11. That's not the sense I get at all. We haven't paid the full cap in years. We're obviously speculating, but I'd say we'd have plenty of money to offer four year contracts to say two GWS players for $500k.
  12. Exactly. We'll be fine. His manager obviously gambled on him having a better season than he has. I'd say what he couldn't have expected was that Frawley has clearly been put off by the pressure surrounding his contract. I'd front load his contract anyway, so that'll still enable us to go hard for other players when we come into our window.
  13. I think most know my view on the Frawley situation, but another consideration many don't seem to be making is the psychological blow this may signal to the MFC. We have struggled to hold onto any of our FAs and Frawley's signature really would be a wonderful symbol of hope and renewed fire in the Demon. While I don't want to pay him $1mill, I'm happy to back what the FD wants to offer him and if $800,000 is the price, then so be it. We have plenty in the cap and it would fix up any potential concern we had over KPD's. Frawley, Garland, McDonald, Dunn, with support from Pederson and perhaps even Georgiou for depth. I understand why a lot of people are being flippant about Frawley's signature, but you don't let an AA full back leave when he's coming to 25-26 years of age. He's an important cog going forward. Roos is playing the situation correctly. Plan for life without Frawley and if he signs at the end of the year, we're set for KPD's for the next five years. If he leaves, we can cover him, but make no mistake. Our defence is ultimately weaker without him. Frawley at the height of his defensive powers is just about unbeatable; his rebound and toe off half back is invaluable; and just imagine Frawley as the lynchpin with a functioning, dominant midfield in front of him. It's a dream. We must hold onto Frawley.
  14. Did you read the article that was posted, Ethan? I was mostly referring to the idea that 'a smooth sea never made a skilful sailor' and that if you come through the tough times, you'll be a stronger person for it. These experiences galvanise a person. And I wasn't saying he had a philosophy on upbringing. I was saying that I come from a broken home too, so I guess I can relate to some of his experiences. But, now that you mention it, I admire and share his view on raising children - putting children before relationship rubbish. I have close to zero respect for those parents whose immaturity is so great that they can't help but slagging off their ex in front of their children. Those people shouldn't be parents. Very illuminating article.
  15. It's his arrogance and whinging in every press conference that gets me, Robbie. The Maric thing is in the past. That was rubbish, but he still continues to be an arrogant, self-obsessed [censored] to this day. What a [censored].
  16. I have a similar philosophy on life and similar upbringing, so it's great to see him work hard and reap the rewards. Good on you, Lynden.
  17. Watson will likely face four weeks on the sidelines. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2014-06-07/jobe-blow-for-dons?utm_medium=RSS
  18. We can always make a late change and switch Gawn out if the weather is looking grim. Not the team I would have gone with, but I'll trust Roos and his FD.
  19. Treloar and Shiel are dominating this final quarter.
  20. He's dominating the hit outs.
  21. I think Sydney may well win the flag this year, but a few of their star leaders are getting older. Malceski, McVeigh, even Goodes. It depends if they can keep the rest of their team together while the pay Buddy and Tippett.
  22. Dunn improved last year, but I wouldn't have said he'd had a really good year. He was half decent for a Melbourne player, but wouldn't have got a game for many opposition clubs. He's been terrific this season, however. His consistent solidness is what is so pleasing for me this season.
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