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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I pay a small fortune to be an MCC member every year and I'm not complaining that it's too rowdy. How exclusive can this place be? They're at the football FCS. As long as people feel 'safe', that's all that should matter. But in this instance, there appears to be more to it.
  2. Agreed, mate. As a filmmaker, I see the streaming boom (the soon to be norm) as the holy grail. The only downside to streaming is the lack of a decent NBN thanks to Murdoch, who lobbied to protect his Telstra (read FOXTEL) interests for another 5 years. In five years time, there'll be STAN (read Channel 9), an international player (probably Netflix), another international player (probably Amazon Prime), Channel 7, maybe Channel 9, ABC and SBS. In ten years time, if 9 are to survive they'll put all their eggs in the STAN basket, which will leave possibly Channel 7 (who stuffed up Presto and continue to lag behind with Yahoo) and the rest will be streamers. SBS and ABC will operate off streaming services and that will be that. I'm almost positive that potential sponsors would request site traffic before investing in the club and one obvious way to get site traffic up is video content.
  3. That's grandstanding to me and it comes off as pathetically petty.
  4. My point was he doesn't need to grandstand this fact. IMO anyway.
  5. The last time I went to Adelaide was for the game where Bernie was all over Dangerfield. I've been there a bit over the last few years when we play and every time you walk the streets with a Melbourne scarf on, people literally turn and look at you like you're unwell. It's a bizarre place and it's highly unfortunate I was born there.
  6. It's down to the Adelaide member's who brought them along then. I just think everyone should be allowed to follow their team (loudly if need be).
  7. The video player seemed to change a week or so ago. And I don't have a particular problem with any of the video content on the site. See my OP. I just think there needs to be more of it.
  8. I'm so glad PJ doesn't come out after a loss and bemoan opposition supporters being a bit loud. [censored] off, Fagan. What a mug. Sour grapes, arrogance and immaturity at the heart of this. Here's another article I just saw on one of the MFC Facebook pages: http://beyondthegame.tv/crows-ceo-not-happy-vocal-demons-fans/
  9. The Bulldogs made the finals in 2015 for the first time since 2010 and then won the flag in 2016. They weren't close for two years. You could argue they were close for 1 (finishing 6th and being knocked out in the elimination final) and then won the whole thing the second year. They finished 14th in 2014. I think if you're bringing in the Bulldogs to this debate, you're only supporting the OP, mate. They are the closest to us in terms of development.
  10. Just another update on this. The article with Craig Jennings on the MFC website should include a video and some footage of the Kangaroos' strengths, but also some of our strengths. People love video content. That's where it's at and I think is what's missing from the website.
  11. This isn't a very thoughtful post I'm afraid, mate. Both of those contracts were offered when we had players like Matt Jones and even Aiden Riley running around. They were necessities at the time and are now close to obsolete. We certainly won't need to offer cusp C graders that amount to come over anymore. Salem is the other. His kicking is what separates him from many others. And I still hold out hope for Gus as well. Keep these elite young talents together and add to them (as is the Hawthorn mantra), and we'll be going places.
  12. We were definitely the underdogs in 2000...
  13. Thinking aloud on this further, I'd hazard a guess that at least Hawthorn would care. We'd be level on 13 flags a peace and have also done the 3-peat (twice). They'd no longer have any bragging rights whatsoever. I think once we breakthrough, the Melbourne stigma that has pervaded the competition for so many decades will be quashed. Membership will be up (we'd easily get 50,000 the following year) and all of a sudden, we'd be back considered a 'top' Melbourne club, in the same way Hawthorn have managed to transform themselves since '96 into one of the biggest clubs going around. It'd be Melbourne, Hawthorn, Collingwood, Essendon and Richmond (for reasons unknown). At that point, maybe even Carlton drop out of that top group. Another great thing about our current list and the list of Hawthorn, Collingwood, Essendon, Richmond and Carlton is that only Essendon would come close to matching our level of talent. Their midfield is going to be pretty good in the coming years (McGrath, Parish, Merrett and Heppell). The point here is that we have a big chance to elevate our club to 'big' club status, given the enormous upside in potential members, once the ultimate success has been achieved. Any club that's been through what we've been through in the past 10 years (most clubs would have folded) and still managed to get 40,000 members without making finals, is a club that has resilience and attractive tradition. In many ways we are the sleeping giant of the AFL, with the uniqueness of our brand and our early tradition. And to tap it all off, we have a real chance to dominate these traditionally 'big' clubs in the next 5 or so years due to their relatively weak lists. From the perennial losers between 1965 and the late 1980s, we have a chance to snap this culture and expectation and finally become the club we should be. And perhaps we finally have the right people willing to roll their sleeves up and do the hard work that is needed to win flags and create successful football cultures.
  14. I don't want to be a negative [censored], but I don't see us developing a level of consistency this year that will get us there. Even when the Bulldogs finished outside of the top 4, they'd played a season that was capable of top 4 if it weren't for injuries. I don't think we're mature enough to play to that level. I've always expected 2017 to be another year where we find our feet, make the 8 and maybe win a final. I've always seen 2018 as a year we should be pushing for the top 4 and could pinch a flag, ala Hawthorn in 2008 or Bulldogs in 2016. I hope I'm wrong and we can get to a level of consistency sooner than even our coaches expect, remembering that McCartney has repeatedly said we're 18 months behind the Dogs in their development. We're certainly due finals though and 13+ wins.
  15. We all know the DE stat can be misleading, but it's kind of incredible a guy who plays under the most heat on the ground is going at 81.9%. What a star.
  16. Yes and no. Scoreboard pressure is vital. If he doesn't improve his kicking long term, there'll be no place for him.
  17. His second goal was a set shot from about 25m out directly in front.
  18. The only reason Tommy Mac forward permanently wouldn't work consistently is because of Tom's kicking. Wherever he plays, he needs to improve this part of his game otherwise he'll kill us. In other news, Frosty is quickly becoming one of my favourites. Just needs to work on his marking. He's dropped a few as of late he should be taking. But 1v1 and attacking off half back, he's been superb.
  19. Agreed, although I do it when I renew in October.
  20. Love him. Good on ya, Jeffy. Reckon he's even better than his first year with us. That's a terrific stat that tackle stat. Very impressive.
  21. Terrible news. Get well soon, Jesse. Glad it sounds like they detected it early.
  22. Well, actually, no. It's still nothing like the Toumpas/Wines situation. Even in the bolded bit you've described...
  23. Love how Brownie (J Brown) continues to pump us up. During ON THE COUCH a moment ago, he just said something along the lines of Melbourne have "arguably the best midfield in the comp". Someone fact check me there, but I'm pretty sure that's what I just heard.
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