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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Bitters, I'm impressed. Is this your first football opinion ever?
  2. This is the obvious area of our game to improve and will take us to the next level - forward half pressure. Yes, I know we pretty much led the comp in this area, but we lack pace. If we can add more pace, we'll be able to hold the ball in even better, which will enable our dominant stoppage game to strangle teams. I'd love two Poppy and Rioli types in there, but with Petracca mostly playing forward and Spargo looking the goods, we probably only have room for one more.
  3. My understanding is you can delist and pay out, but you're right. I suspect his contract is the main reason why he wasn't moved on.
  4. I'm intrigued by our treatment of Jeffy in the past 12 months. He's exactly the sort of player that doesn't fit our system anymore, but can snatch a victory still when he's on by bobbing up and kicking a few (ie. the Brisbane game). I was expecting his delisting too. He simply doesn't attack the contest hard enough. However, given we've kept him, I suspect we think he can turn things around or they think he's good depth. Particularly, with the departures of the likes of Kent and Bugg.
  5. I think you're thinking of Robert Wagner, mate.
  6. The first half is riddled by the studio interfering and the second half is the director's vision. The second half blew me away. Such a missed opportunity. The director's cut one day could be insane.
  7. Haha. Cameron Diaz? Seriously? It's not 2002, Picket. Not sure about Hannah or Lee Curtis on that list either. Portman's film Annihilation this year could have been one of the best films made this century if the studio hadn't [censored] around with it. Check it out on Netflix, but it looks like you'd prefer The Children Act, given the actresses you've mentioned. That's also on right now. You'll be able to get it at Cameo. You're a strange fellow at times, HH. FWIW, Portman does a lot of incredible community work.
  8. Do we need anymore evidence that millennials are now running the video content on Melbourne Media? What a blessing. Loving the new content.
  9. Very little football sense. He's a good tackler and he's an okay interceptor, but he's poor positionally, his kicking is weaker than Frost's and he's a poor decision maker, as he's clearly not a natural footballer. The FD are reaching with Smith for mine. He doesn't have enough going for the top level IMO.
  10. Midfields win flags. We strengthened our midfield. Win. I'll trust our FD.
  11. Apologies if this has already been covered, but does anyone who has seen a bit of our draftees play, have any idea whether any of these kids will be able to step straight into the big time? Or are we looking at a group of kids who will need a few seasons at VFL level before they can step up?
  12. You can't help but think Goodwin has a bit of influence on all these SA guys coming into the club. Retention-wise, I'd say having an SA legend as senior coach, would help, as will playing in finals consistently.
  13. Going very early on this, Jack, but I reckon we'd be very happy we can pick him up later on and stock up in the midfield with earlier picks.
  14. Haha, indeed. It's general excellence these days. The APS doesn't allow sports scholarships. Didn't Trenners captain PAC?
  15. Judd, Shiel, Ziebell, Goddard, T Phillips. Good pedigree. But yeah. I'm biased.
  16. Just spoke to my mate who coaches at CGS and Oakleigh. Asked him about Jordan. Said he's a ripper kid, clean ball use, more contested than outside. Reckons he'll get better over the next few years as a late developer. Not much new info, but good to hear we've got a clean user who is more contested than outside too.
  17. He seems to have a little bit of a Dayne Swan-like gait to his run from the very little footage I've seen. I like that we've gone for two guys that can roll through the midfield. Need to keep building and replenishing that midfield.
  18. I've said that though. That Lewis is more likely to find himself outside of the 22 sooner, but at least his calmness and kicking is more of an asset than Jones' toughness on the outside. Unless of course we get some significant midfield injuries.
  19. His journey is only relevant in how we handle his retirement over the next 2 years. His commitment, his loyalty and his club history is wonderful and he will be commended, but we're in the business of winning flags. So let's ensure he is treated with respect and dignity in the next two years, but unless he develops another string, he certainly won't be there past 2020.
  20. Good to hear Salo out on the track early too. A sign of intent. ?
  21. I don't think we can play Jones and Lewis together. We will for a time I'm sure (due mainly to their experience), but if we can remain relatively injury-free, Jones will be tried on a wing and potentially at half back or half forward, with stints through the midfield as you say. Lewis will play half back and that's it. He's probably first of the two to get pushed out and that could be as early as the first half of the season. I think with Fritsch, VDB and KK spending more time on the wings, they will soon push Jones out too. I think Jones will probably go around again in 2020, but it'd be without the captaincy and he'll find himself playing at Casey unless there are significant injuries or he reinvents himself.
  22. Everyone else's opinion is wrong. Yours is right. Well played. Pretending to be a supporter. I go to 17-19 games a year and I'm a paid up member. Have been for 30 years. Get your hand off it. Spot on. @Fifty-5 love your work mate, but let's put aside the sentimentality and then I think we'll be closer to agreeing. Jones, like Brayshaw, is a starting midfielder. If he's not in there, he's lost. I don't think he has a position in 2019. Will he play? Of course he'll play, but he shouldn't be captain IMO, because we might require a more balanced lineup as the season progresses.
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