Old Xav, your acting like the little private school boy you are, Go Away you [censored]!!!
Also we did not cut Jolly, He requested a trade as he wanted more game time, so do you still think it was hardly his fault for us "cutting" him?
Go back to where you belong tool...
Maric is ready to explode on to the AFL scene, i cannot wait till we have a forward line consisting of Watts,Maric,Jurrah,Bate,Petterd,Wona, etc EXCITING TIMES AHEAD!!!
I Seen Godders at the London tavern, and asked him about that goal, the smile on the mans face was priceless, his remark was "I always a natural kick for goal" lol
LOL, besides he has red hair, the kid can play football, he is young and still learning the game, his skills will pick up with more experience, he is in front of mcnamara, Bell, Bail, IMO,
Good Song to get involved in while at the game tho Gippy,
I wish our supporters were as passionate as the victory fans,
By the way Gippy where in Gippsland are you from?
Im Fat, but a decent fat player, if you get my drift!! lol
i look like a white Derek Kickett, but move and play like a chris Judd they should call me Derek Judd!! lol
Im Pumped!!!