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Everything posted by DV8

  1. I just don't know what Petracca's role should be, with his weight to speed/endurance balance. He hasn't contested enough contests over his AFL career to benefit the team Hes a 1970's - 80's build... probably 70's, to my mind. I cannot believe Tracca can be 96Kgs... as he appears to be, as well. How can his body manintain that weight... IF he's doing all the training and Klms of an AFL player ? Unless he is over-loading on carb's/sugars.!? He strength imv, is his hands... and his feeding out the ball, as we saw in at least one play, to Hunt in the goal square. He should be plying that skill in the centre. But his weight is a detriment to that role of covering the ground. My suspicion/worry, is he is not as committed to the game as needs be, to control his weight to that which suits a midfielder.
  2. Yep. Neita was a 50/50 not naturally overtly rugged/aggressive, almost needed coercing. But when he did, he was fantastic dishing out some hard but fair plays. Whelan was totally natural in the role. Grinter had a ni ce chip about his really skillful game. probably the best balance of skill/ruggedness. A pity John Fidge Wasn't a bit quicker. a very smart lumbering player with immense skills at forward craft, & a real Fidge trait of overt ruggedness. Tracca, I don't think Tracca has any natural 'mean' within his entire persona... much more Milton, than Hulk. Where are our others... rugged players going to come from ??? We saw how the Eagles had no qualms in dumping us, or tunneling, or cheating in some ways.. they play with graft. We play, far too Prim & Proper... always have had a tendency at Melbourne, because of the off-field persuasion, mostly of the Nrth. Is this because we are so abundant in law makers, or so conservative generally. We are certainly not like the Romans with they're Lions. Melbourne's conservative Off-filed elements, have always squirmed when we have had some rugged player types plying their trade. It's a particular persona type Who are our current rugged players ? I'd like us to name and count them.
  3. I suspect, he's always been a big lad in his age groups... a natural advantage thru the junior leagues. so little things then like how he gets the ball onto boot, maybe didn't show as a problem area, so much. Its certainly a habit he has. Maybe he just got so much of the ball back then. Well if he gets so much of the ball, and he has very good hands, put him in the Mid rotations, from the bench.
  4. Oh, it's too soon to say any of that... way too soon. He is just getting used to VFL footy. Next season will show-out where he needs to be, and how he will develop... one thing looks certain, is that he seems to have the presence for AFL.
  5. We have to learn to be clever, about when we really Fly our Flag in their faces physically. I wish Sheedy was around our club. I wish we had have hired Kevin Sheedy, back in 2007 or 8, whatever it was then. ...................................................................... That mark over Gawn, was in they're goal-square... no damage giving a free away, or a 50Mtr, because they would have only got 8 metres anyway... we should have really flown the flag. Instead I saw our players heads dropping meekly. But the point is our players in the area were no more than gently assertive, in politely pushing offending players away from Gawn. weak it was. Or should I say Meek. Gawns a big guy right... so if HE won't stand up for himself, then we can't.... Bull Shyzen !!! Not good enough. The whole team is letting the whole club down whenh they meekly walk away tails between legs. Right or Wrong, is irrelevant... It's right... if it's right for Us.
  6. That principle would be difficult, in Melbourne games.
  7. Filling in Petty's spot, and supporting Lever coming back. Did Lever play the whole game ??
  8. I heard that there was two local WA umpires in control of the game... if thas was correct, surely the AFL should change this ratio... 2 out of 3, IS bad. I would hope that Only one local umpire should be used, for interstate matches.
  9. Yep. All slowish players must be dual sided.
  10. He appears more likely, this year than last, in my impressions. I would have drafted/rookied him from his 1st season at Casey. I liked him/his game, from his first few games. I could see a fantastic footy canvas, to draw on and develop. So, 2 or 3 years earlier.? I'd like to throw him into the Mid setup in an AFL game. Tracca's spot in the guts. Give him some time in there, to see what eventuates.
  11. Myself, i'm not sure, as some times i sat and watched the game, and other times I jumper onto the internet, with TV over my right shoulder. It gave me a good feel for the game, and how we were traveling, but I am going to study the replay to see exactly where I noticed the change down in our mood/attitude. One thing I noticed was, at some point in the 3rd Qtr, we started to tire. Viney was one who really started to wilt in the 2ndf half. I fell asleep last night after 2AM without my breathing machine... woke up at 9.00am exhausted, went to Loo.. and back to bed, mask on and tried to get back to sleep. I ended up getting out of Bed, still tired, at 2.00pm. Memories faded so I am going to study the recording. One thing I was very unhappy about last night, in what was mostly a enjoyable game, was when the Eagles took that mark on Maxy. The Eagles player ran all the way along the flanks from near the wing... sprinted really. I was screaming at the telly at our guy, to get after him... sprint ya bastard... Our player stopped 20 Mtrs behind the Eagle, when their player stopped around the F/pocket. Our player was just inside our D50, when he stopped and looked back for the play. He still had metres to get back to his opponent. Finally he arrived to the eagle player... when the ball was heading to the goal square. The eagle player started to run toward the gaol-square, and the rest is now history. ... I could see it all unfolding ahead of time. Had our player been with his man all the way, he could have had body on his opponent, all the way to the goal-square... restricting his attack at the high ball. They're momentum from that single play, killed us. we didn't have an answer. But we allowed the cork to ease out of the bottle, some time in the 3rd.
  12. This is where our Passivity comes from... with thinking & attitudes of passivity from within the club.
  13. Goal kicking was not the sole reason we lost. We went conservative, stopping our aggression at some point in the 3rd Qtr. This took pressure Off the Eagles and they were able to slowly build back into the game. With that, they took control back, and found they're mojo again.
  14. They seemed to come out after half time to try to level up the rotations... rotations they were down on due to injuries. Trying to bring a heap of aggression to us. We didn't like it. ... we go into our 'shells', when oppositions get physical with us... Just like back in the 80's. This team/club gets timid, when opposition get physically aggressive with us. We Have Got to change this feature of our club. This is why our Rodnney Grinter's and other aggressive players are So important to the Team, Club, and to the Supporters... With that Our supporter go into their shells... and start to boo and get Negative.. and then start to put negative feedback out at our team. Instead of getting more aggressive and hostile at the opposition, and to will our own team on... We turn on the umpires, and on our Own side, in a critical manner, at our own players mistakes... unless a Player shows a heroic act. We have to get more uplifting in an aggressive way, for Our Team... and against the opposition. When WE go negative.... So does our players... they Hear the tones amd wehn we put out Fear in tones, Our Players perceive that, and instinctively react similarly. We set the Tone people, at the ground. .
  15. Thanks, 'OB'. I've just put Casey radio on.
  16. The problem with Tracca is he won't build a tank, if hes left to play a cameo styled game role as some sort of passive opportunist off the flank. He will never develop properly like this. I cannot believe how a talented person who is in the AFL, doesn't work on his fitness to develop an elite running engine. Kicking... He leans more forward when on the run 'accelerating', naturally... so he doesn't swing his leg across the ball so much... But when running to kick, his radar is OFF... because of his set-shot 'non routine'. I noticed he got angry once last night, and that play was brilliant. IF, he did that constantly he could be a champion. The club has to change his attitude, or he's a bust. his weight and his kicking and his efforts are all due to a passive attitude. ... It's almost as if he feels like he's 'entitled' to hold a spot in the Jumper.
  17. Goal kicking was not the sole reason we lost. We went conservative, stopping our aggression at some point in the 3rd Qtr. This took pressure Off the Eagles and they were able to slowly build back into the game. With that, they took control back, and found they're mojo again.
  18. McGovern got off the leash, after tSmith got smashed into the turf. The only reason.
  19. As an aside, I can't believe many here were talking about putting May into our leadership group, THIS year.
  20. Demon woes... Rnd 9 Let me say I think this was our best effort so far this season. even though we cam away minus the points. I think it was our best shape, and best flow. BUT we leave so much left behind every match. Far too many players only play parts of the game and stop. Let me look at just tackling for an example, with some stats. https://finalsiren.com/MatchDetails.asp?GameID=8147&Code=bd1702eee047aec8033d7ee99c1a14f6&Sort=Tackles Desc Check those with the least tackles. bottom third of this list... don't worry about our defenders so much, as they have yo keep their feet... cannot afford to go to ground. So I'm really looking at our Mids and Half-forwards, and generally forwards. Fritta, 0 tackles... not good enough Fritta, your a 2nd year player... bruise-free isn't the future, its the past. Hunt, 1 tackle, Your big enough and quick enough to run down Oppo players, Jayden. You've got to have 3 or 4 tackles in you, Per game ??? Petracca, 1 tackle, Plays like Jane. Christian, your like Milton the monster... Although one passage of play when you got angry... you showed what you've kept hidden. a powerful build unused... have to work harder defensively and your build should be crunching tackles on Opponents... at least 4 Per game, minimum. Lockhart, 1 tackle, not good enough for a running mids to only get one tackle. Neal-Bullen, 1 tackle, Same as above, Nibbler... wheres your aggression hiding ? Baker, 1 tackle, 1st gamer, has some strength... has to be good for 3 tackles a game minimum Garlett, 2 tackles, You've got to get more Jeffy. chasing down opponents. Brayshaw, 2 tackles, Not enough Gus... Have to be more accountable, and both ways... kicking, and defending. Surely these guys can do more over 100 minutes of a game.? Maxy had 4 tackles, common Maxy... your got things round about. Don't tackle so much Ol Son... but you only took 2 Marks... for the whole game.... this us where you should be trying for domination... holding your ground and body shape, and landing on feet. Taking Marks Maxy... this is where you'll help your team Go Far. can't fault the rest of your top game tonight. Marks Marks Marks, Max. IMO, all this ^ ^ ^ is about workload, and Mindset. and a focus on where you can help your team-mates to be WINNERS. .
  21. Its not just this adzman... the lacking aggression, and defending our players honour... not just that. We have too many players who do not work hard enough generally, letting others pull up the slack.. It all gets past down the line, to the next stop. Passing the Buck... I'll mention some things in the post match thread.
  22. Fritta is Not as switched-on, as he was last year. Most of our kids who went well last year, have all fallen of the cliff, this season. Fritta I think needs 3 or 4 weeks spell with Casey, to rediscover the Need to be playing AFL.
  23. chell who used the words 'punching on' You, are the very first person to change the meaning,m to something else.. in your wards "punching on" This is not what was meant around this 'passive argument'... push and shove is not punching on.
  24. And also they came out after halftime knowing they were vulnerable with rotations. etc. they went hard and tried to hit and hurt and they did send a couple of ours off. they tries bending some rules as far as they could get away with... and we let them get away with these plays without a whimper. Because we pride be correct, politically correct club... we obey the law far far too much. Our love of the 'high-moral ground', is used against us off field by Oppo supporters... and its used against us On-Field, by Oppo teams who love to Hate our 'holier-than-thou' way of looking at our world. We place ourselves above others and clubs. This works against us ever single season... and every single round of footy. The only time other clubs & supporters respect us, is when they feel sorry for us... when we are impotent, and down on our knees. It's our own fault.. we are a sanctimonious type club. and because of this perpetually affirming ideal... we cannot sustain our aggression over a season... let alone over a 5 Yr period, before it starts to dry on the Viney. What can we do... What can we do... to change ourselves... to save ourselves, from our own self-damning ideals ???
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