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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. Anyone who seriously thinks we are going to get a first round pick for Jamar is smoking the good stuff. If he had of played 22 games this season rather than 7 and peformed all season as he did in those 7 maybe.............. but he did not.

    Jamar is worth more to us than anyone else.

    As for Burgoyne, I consider him about as good as Yze pre 2007. Would be great to get hold of but at what cost? It is unlikely Burgoyne will get to us via the PSD as he will also nominate for the National Draft where you would expect Hawthon to pick him at 9. If he nominated for the PSD he want to come to us.

    Can't see us getting him.

  2. when all is said and done, Morabito has X-factor and speed that Jack Trengove will never have. Perth clubs would take Morabito before Scully if they had the number 1 pick. Morabito and Trengove is a still a 50/50.

    Not true, according the Cameron Schwab both WC and Freo would 100% take Scully with pick 1. I was speaking to Cameron during the season and he had absolutley no doubt about this. I think he would know.

    Also Morabito will not be coming to Melbourne. I understand Trengove is now locked in for pick 2. Our FD have made it very clear that they rate quality kicks very highly, and will always pick the good kicks with priority. There is question marks about Morabito's disposal, and Trengove has made more of an impression. This also comes from inside our club.

  3. Trade tracker: If this is true, and you have pulled this off you will be in a league of your own. To this date every first poster that has made a massive call, or declared rumour fact on their first post has turned out to be bullshiit.

    We will wait and see but your trade sounds fair, though I would also be suprised if we traded our only good ruckman and our general of the back line. This trade would create two holes in a list that already has many missing pieces.

    I give this a 10% chance of being true. I will take my hat off to you if it proves otherwise.

  4. 1 - Scully

    2 - Trengove

    9 - Jetta (if available. I expect West Coast with Pick 7. Jamar + another player to Port for Pick 9)

    11 - Panos/Talia

    18 - Black/Temel

    34 - Majak Daw

    Pick 50 - Pass or traded

    PSD1 - Best available

    No rejects please!!!

    So who will be our #1 ruck? This would leave 3 injury prone ruckmen Meesen, Spencer, Johnson. Meesen and Spencer may develop but are still someway off. Do you not remember the BOGs these ruckmen gave so called "B Grade" ruckmen during the season. Jamar must stay.

  5. If Collingwood are desperate to get Fev, they will almost certainly need one of our picks to do so. Thus we have all the cards. Why not Anthony for pick 18? With Fev at Collingwood, Anthony becomes very expendable. Do demonlanders rate Anthony for pick 18? If not what collingwood player do you want (be realistic) for pick 18? We are in a strong position to drive a hard price.

    I would prefer to keep pick 11 rather than trade pick 11, but we could use this pick for a young A grade player instead. Anyone we want from the scum?

  6. Well said AdamFarr,

    At last someone talking sense. I agree Davey was a keep at all costs prospect. Not only is he our best player, but he is the leader and mentor to our indigenous players. Lose Davey and you risk losing Turtle, LJ etc.

  7. Fev will not be going anywhere. I mean who in there right mind is going to give a first round pick and a decent player for a 28 year old with a massive contract. just scare tatics

    I agree with you Clanger. As desperate that Carlton is to get rid of him (and they really are.... I have sources), they are not about to give him away. They will find it difficult to find a suitor who:

    a: wants Fev

    b: has the room in their salary cap

    c: can offer Carlton something in return for the trade. My source (very high up at Carlton) who initially told me this would happen at the GF (refer earlier post in demonland normal section) tells me they want two first round picks or equivalent (ie first round draft pick and very good player).

    I ask which club can fill all boxes?

    I think he will stay a blue.

  8. I ended up sitting next to a person at a lunch who was close family friends with the Trengoves and comes from the same SA country town. When we started talking football and I said I was a die hard Melbourne supporter his ears pricked up. He said Jacks first choice was to play for Melbourne and was hoping to get drafted to the Dees as he saw young tallent in our list. He also said that their would be no "go home" factor as Jack came from a country town hours away from Adelaide.

    Can't wait to see him in the red and blue.

  9. No way, Fev is cancer to a playing group. This is the real reason why Carlton wants to dump him. He undermines the coach, captain and playing group. He sets an appalling example to young players. He has no care for his club or for that matter any of his team mates. He only has care for himself. He is a poisonous, thorn that would work directly against the fabric of the culture MFC is trying to build.

    Luckily our FD knows this and will not consider him.

  10. I agreed Fev trade talk is just a smoke screen.

    The truth is that Carlton and Judd would love to get rid of Fev for fair value but no other club is interested. Carlton can't make the finals without a fair trade. In other words Fev is worth much more to Carlton then he is to any other club. Thus when the dust settles he will still be a blue. Carlton will be hoping this kick up the arse will work but the truth is Fev could not give a shiit about his club, or those who play for it. He only cares about himself. That’is why he is a poisonous, thorn and untradeable.

    Personally I love this.

    Carlton can't win a flag with him and can't win a flag without him.

    Poor Judd, he is all class and deserves better. I don't care what anyone else has to say on this site. He is quality on every level, and deserves the best. If the Dee's were not riff raf in late 2007 he would be a Dee right now.

    Ironically though we are much better off without him as we would have not received the early picks and PP in the last two seasons if he was on our list and thus we would not have a premiership list going forward. MFCs incompetence in getting Judd has created a premiership list.

  11. Excellent news!

    Frog is out of contract next year. It is a well known fact that the two Davey brothers are desperate to play together. I understand Melbourne will now make a play for Frog this year and if that fails will go again next year when his contract is complete.

    Now lets put our logic cap on. Say you are Essendon and you know how desperately these guys want to play together. If you are Essendon when Melbourne approaches in regards to Frog do you:

    a: dismiss the approach and back yourself to resign Frog next year when Melbourne will not have the run of the mill as far as picks etc.

    b: take the conservative road. Except that there is a high likelihood that Aaron will try and push Frog to Melbourne at the end of next season when his contract is up. At that time Melbourne will not have the riches to offer Essendon due to GC. Thus it is in Essendon's interest to deal this year.

    The pendulum has swung in our direction. Don't be surprised if Frog is a Dee next year. Now we have signed Aaron to 4 years it would be in Essendon's best interest.

  12. Ridiculous thread.

    Fev is in contract and its Carlton wanting to get rid of Fev not the other way around. thus he will never end up in the PSD.

    Fev is a first class dick head. He does not care about his club nor the players who play in it. He is only interested in himself. No club wants this, thus no club wants him. Saying this Carlton will keep him without a trade. He is afterall the Coleman Medalist and Carlton cant make the finals without him...................... Problem is they cant win a premiership with him.

    Happy I am not a Carlton supporter. Would much prefer our Davey problem than the Fev problem.

  13. Freo talk is ridiculous.

    There is only one place Arron is going if he leaves Melbourne and thats Essendon to play with this brother. No time should be wasted talking about other clubs as possibilities.

  14. I have always been 99.5% certain that Arron would stay at Melbourne, however, events of the last few days have weakened my confidence.

    At the end of the day we know three things:

    1. Money Talks

    2. Arron is desperate to play with Alwyn

    3. Davey is a family man who has states he is looking at making the right decision for his family. His club Melbourne and his brothers at that club are of little importance in comparison.

    This being the case the deal put on the table of $2.3 Million over 4 years must be very tempting for him. Personally I still think he will stay but I am 70% confident rather than 99.5% confident.

    If we do lose him we will get pick 9 plus a player. That would give us Picks 1, 2, 9, 11, 18. With the next 4 years drafts compromised, this will give Melbourne a massive advantage moving forward assuming we pick the right players and hold those players.

  15. Well this is an interesting one. I work at Safeway and was just going about my business when a guy stacked in MFC gear came up and asked where the rubbish bags are located. First of I told him where the rubbish bags are then also alerted him I'm an MFC fan as well - to which he replied Oh I'm not a fan, I just work as a runner with the club.

    Anyway we got talking and one stage I said it must be a great job. He goes dont read to much into it, they're just AFL footballers mate. Nothing to special. I just replied with oh yes. As we continued chatting he went on to say McLean was told to find a trade, he was bringing a culture to the club that staff didn't like. Also that Scully & Trengrove are locked into to be 1&2 and that the club are chasing Steven Dodd from Fremantle.

    It was good to recieve some inside information. Anyone know exactly who it may of been?

    For those who did not believe me. This is further evidence that Mclean was pushed as I suggested with logic and some evidence at the time. As time has gone on it has become clear that this is the case yet I don't see any apologies for the aggression some of you showed with my initial post on the Mclean thread last week.

  16. Twitter is stupid.

    People should live their own lives rather than trying to live someone elses life. Quite frankly, unless you are my family I could not give two shiits what you are doing now.

    Further do you really think Swab, Robbo or for that matter anyone else is going to twitter complete strangers anything important, secret or worth reading. THUS ANY COMMENT FROM TWITTER ARE MEANINGLESS AND VALUELESS..... TWITTER IS FOR TWITS.

    Shurely twitter is nothing more than a craze that will burn itself out.

  17. refer to article-http://messenger-news.whereilive.com.au/sport/story/roosters-sign-son-of-a-gun/ where he was only 14 at the time of story which was March 2009.

    So we agree then. If he was 14yo in March 2009 with an April birthday he will be 16yo in April 2010 and eligible for the 2011 draft. This being the case if he is any good he will have to make a choice between MFC of West Sydney. My understanding is that he has already made his mind up to go to MFC if given the f/s opportunity.

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