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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. I can't beleive this thread is still going.

    Switch your brains on people. Even if on the very unlikely chance he want's to come to Melbourne, which of our YOUNG guns do you want to give away for this middle age gun player................ though so, you want to give no one away, because he is older and thus has a shorter future.

    I think the FD will be thinking the same. Its never going to happen.

  2. I don't think anyone has forgotten how good Cale is!!!

    I for one still think he is the best of all our young stars. However, few know of him outside the MFC.

    Morton is the sort of player who may just go beserk in a better team! Can't wait to see him back to his best by QB. 3 to 4 weeks from senior selection one would think.

  3. Thanks for the information. My understanding was that the reality set in very early in the process. The meeting with Stynes might have been genuine but as the process went on the inference from his reactions and that of his manager was that his interest was elsehwere.

    I agree we are better off without him given timing and the cost of getting him.

    I trust this is a general spray because in no way did I question his integrity. He has every right to eek out every cent he can from the game.He saw better opportunities with Carlton. Fine.

    It was a general spay Rhino and certainly not directed at you. I always enjoy your comments as a knowledgeable high quality poster.

  4. The decision by Judd to go to Carlton was made well before the mock interview process was ever concocted.

    And at that time, it was not just the facilities that put MFC on the nose to the outside observer.

    Hi Rhino, I am good friends with Juddy & Bec. What you have said here is not true.

    Juddy's first choice was to come to Melbourne, in fact he came out of the interview with Stynes, Lyon etc and told me that the he was going to Melbourne. Unfortunately reality set it. Not only was the MFC a utter mess off the field, Melbourne also had an old list and was just starting its rebuild. Carlton had already been rebuilding for years. Juddy told me that he plays football to win premierships but unfortunately the MFC was at least 2 years behind Carlton in its rebuild. Even if everything went right, Melbourne’s premiership window would not open until he was in his 30s, where as Carlton premiership window would open while he was still at the peak of his career.

    Guess what Juddy was right! More importantly we are far better off having not got him. Due to the draft concessions we have received we have an opportunity to become a genuinely dominate team rather than just a finals "also ran" which would likely be the case had Juddy come to the Dees.

    Quite frankly I find some comments on this site from people who have never meet him disgusting. Show more class and stop questioning his integrity because this is one thing that can never be questioned. He is a professional player trying to make the most of his career. If the timing was different, if our current administration were running the show well things may have been different, but as its turned out we are better off without him.

    Now get over it!

  5. Don't worry mate, he will become a demon.

    I go to the football most weeks with his x-coach (a Melbourne supporter) who coached JV until he moved to Adelaide (with his old man moving to the crows), Jack is still very close with his x-coach and speaks to him regularly. His x-coach (who has coached a number of current AFL stars in their junior years) has told me he is the most talented kid he has ever seen, with all the skills and a monster engine. If there was a draft for his year today he would be number 1 pick.

    The only problem is that Jack Viney is a massive Hawthorn supporter (due to Todds involvement with the club when he was growing up). I am told he wants to play for Hawthorn but has succumbed to the fact it is Melbourne or the luck of the draft. Apparently, Jack has already decided he will go to Melbourne rather going to the draft and is very excited about our prospects (from a conversation Melb v Ade).

    I always thought he was in the 2011 draft but others on here assured me its 2012 draft. I must ask his x-coach. Whichever the case he will arrive as a readymade midfielder in the same vein as Trenners.

    Lets hope he does not change his mind!

  6. The facts are that if NEWs Corp did not own the NRL the sport would have died long ago. Its a pathetic sport!

    NEWs Corp has been proping NRL up for decades putting them on the back cover of the paper when few care (even in Sydney where I use to live) and ensuring great media coverage.

    ........and the winner in AFL!

  7. Actually Jordan got us Tom Scully rather that Jack Trengrove.

    If the Melb v Rich game result was reversed ie Richmond won by a point. Richmond would have ended on 4 wins and Melbourne on 5 wins. Melbourne would have received pick 2 (JT)and Richmond would have received Pick 1(TS) plus a PP at the end of the first round. This must really hurt tiger fans when you consider Tom Scully was a Richmond supporter.

    So heres to you Jordan! Your heart beats true.........

  8. Unfortunently, I no longer have Wonna in our long term plans. I simply don't think his body can withstand the rigours of AFL football. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think we are likley to see him play in the red and blue again.

  9. Very true.

    However, I can't see there being any zones this week. Brisbane play old school football and try and move the ball quickly through the corridor with LONG KICKING to their dominate forwards.

    They play a very 80s style game plan that suites their list.

  10. Hate to say it, but looks like Scully will miss to me.

    I think he is close to a breakout game and have mixed feelings if this is the decision. Nevertheless has had two disappointing weeks and needs to work on disposal under pressure. We know he has good disposal.... just needs to relax. A week or two at Casey to regain confinence in his kicking...... and really get him hot under the collar may be the perfect tonic.

  11. I can confirm this.

    My friends at Carlton (very high up, inside the club) told me that Brock did his hip very early in last weeks game, but attempted to paly through it. As such had a very poor game. You would think he will be out for at least a week.

  12. Enough is enough!

    Richmond are close to the bottom of the abyss at the moment. They have a young and inexperienced team of mostly high draft picks combined with some underperforming low draft picks. They have a new coach, new game plan, but not the talent or experience to execute this new plan. I have watched two of Richmonds games this season and they have good intent and pressure and tackle hard. However, simply they have no where near the talent to be competitive....... and thats before you take into consideration the long injury/suspension list.

    People are comparing Richmond to Melbourne 2008........... however, from what I have seen the tigers of 2010 are worse. They may not win a game this season. They could well prove to be the worst team since Fitzroy.

    I for one will not accept Melbourne not going as hard, not tackling and pressuring to the same extent as the previous two weeks. The new Demon team must set an early precedent on playing against teams you are expected to win and show no mercy.

    Our old team use to fail at these low hurdles time and time again and as such failed to finish in the top 4 and thus win a Premiership. In 2005 Melbourne lost twice to Carlton who only won one other game. These two losses were the difference between Melbourne finishing 5th and 2nd. Even if they had won just one of these games they would have come 3rd.

    We have a new team and need to create a new culture. Now lets, run, pressure, tackle all day, and we will smash them

  13. After watching the replay last night I am suprised anyone could suggest Bruce should be dropped. Maybe peoples expectations are too high with Bruce, regardless I thought he was one of our best. He is a versitle, experianced, utility and there is no way he is about to be dropped.

  14. We are a desperate lot!

    Clearly too many of us have nothing better to do than dream on a Wednesday night............ somewhat pathetic!

    We should go back to our family’s. Make babies or something .............. actually replay Collingwood v Melbourne starts in 10 mins... stuff the wife................ well maybe later.

    ...... but in reality....... reality is something we would prefer not to think about. ..... and that’s because................

    The Dees are not good enough to win more than eight games!

    Replay about to start!

  15. Newton was at his absolute worst that day. Missed two or three absolute sitters.

    I remember going on my own and laughing to myself that, even though at half-time we were goalless, we were still in with a chance. And with 5 minutes remaining, we still could have won.

    Joke of a game.

    Hopefully this Sundays game won't be as bad.

    I hate Newton and wish he was delisted. His performance that evening was up with the single worst performances in AFL history.

    However, if he is ever going to berry his demons (for a lack of a better word) he has an opportunity this weekend. A match winning performance would be a fairytale and would go a long way to setting up his career.....

    Ok maybe I am dreaming...... but the opportunity of a fairytale exists and that opportunity does not present itself every week.

    Dare to dream.

  16. 6: Jamar: Destroyed Jolly in the ruck, gave our midfielders first use. The best ruck performance I have seen in red and blue since Jeff White 2004 (before the White rule).

    5: Pettard: Best game in his career but needed to win the game when he had the opportunity.

    4: Davey: imaculate delivery to the forwards all day.

    3: Grimes: impressive again off half back.

    2: McKenzie: best rookie listed player since Davey.

    1: Joel MacDonald: Kept his side of the bargain.

  17. OUT:

    Bennell: I like the kid and think he could become a fine player, however, you simply can't let any player get away with not going hard enough, skirting when it was his time to go. An example must be made, a week or two at

    Casey to refect will set an example and hopefully teach Bennell a leason he never forgets.

    Bartam: I was happy with his game on Saturday, but simply must get dropped for a better player "Sylvia". If a good match up (Tag) exists for Bartam then Strause may be the unlucky one.


    Maric: direct replacement for Bennell. Was a goal kicker during the preseason (in every game) and although slightly disappointing he seems ready for a break out game.

    Sylvia: must return

  18. Gerard Healy left when the Dees were in a similar position, and he had his brother at the club. For some, money talks. Hoefully you are right about Petterd.

    Too right. In my opinion this cost us at least one flag as well. How good would have we been in 1997-1991 with Gerard Healy (at his brownlow peak) during this time.

    Pettard is out of contract, Pettard is on GCs radar, he will be offered more money to leave (if they cant get JAMAR), the decision will end up being his if Jamar stays.

    Jamar is the one Melbourne player GC have expressed interest in. I would assume that Jamars 1 year contract was a direct result of GC interest and Jamar thus wanting to keep this options open. I believe we will at least match what ever GC offer Jamar.

    Weight for age Pettard is a better player than Robbo. At 21 Robbo was a one trick pony who could, not tackle, run, or kick. His kicking in his early days was terrible with poor accuracy and a range of about 40 meters. Pettard could develop into a "A" grader.

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