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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. I am pretty sure Burgoyne is Melbourne bound if we want him.

    The facts are that Hawthorn will struggle to fit him in their salary cap and will struggle to come up with any sort of adequate compensation. Hawthorn will not give up pick 8 in the last uncompromised draft for several years for Burgoyne. If Hawthorn can find a way of fitting Burgoyne in its salary cap it will have to offer pick 23 plus a player or trade away one of their stars for an earlier pick.

    Essendon is in a similar position with draft picks and will not offer pick 9 but may offer pick 24 plus a player. I can't see Essendon giving away and star to collect an earlier draft pick so as they can pick up Burgoyne and Burgoyne has much less connection with this club.

    Melbourne would be able to keep pick 1 and pick 2 and offer pick 18. I doubt a player will be required. Simply this is the best offer Port will get and if they don't take it Burgoyne will fall through to the pre-season draft where Melbourne gets him for free.

    The reason why Judd went to Carlton is two fold:

    1. Carlton has pick 1 & 3 and had the picks and players and room in the salary cap to trade.

    2. Judd chose Carlton (despite his heart telling him Melbourne) because Carlton was completing its rebuilding stage where as Melbourne was just starting theirs. Simply in Chris Judds eyes Carlton was 3 years ahead of Melbourne in the re-build, he wants another premiership and saw he had more chance at doing this with Carlton than Melbourne. Guess what....... he was right. Judd would be 30 before Melbourne premiership window opened again and that’s assuming everything and I mean everything went right. Also throw in some extra incentive from Visy etc and you can understand his decision. (Chris Judd has told me this in person and yes I know him personally, but I have always felt apprehensive to discuss him.)

    With Burgoyne, Melbourne is in the position Carlton was with Judd. Ironically because we tanked and did not win 5 games and received pick 1 & 2 at the end of our rebuild. Now Melbourne holds all the aces. Trust me Burgoyne is Melbourne bound if Melbourne want him. The knee is a major concern (not dissimilar to Judds groin in 07). If our medical staff give him the ok and the FD decide he fits our profile (not to old) he is highly likely to be a demon next year.

  2. I think bias is going towards Melbourne.

    Two wooden spoons in a row, the years 1st (2nd?) lowest match attendance for the year, and we're also on life support. At least Port and North have won a flag in the past 5 decades.

    Sure I am bias, I love the MFC................ but I am also a massive critic and have not held back saying how pathetic we have been during long periods of my life.

    I truely beleive we have now turned the corner. A new board which has delivered in all ways, a new ruthless attitude by our FD, a new training base and home in a population growth area, an improved relationship with the AFL, a move back inside the MCC, improved lobying with the state governement and Melbourne council, and most importantly a new, young, exciting list has given me faith and great optimism. We are no longer the laughing stock of the comp, not everyone knows this yet but they will by mid season next year and this makes me feel good.

  3. Despite some improvements in attitude this season, I hold no hope for this player. Simply he has a questionable attitude, is extremly poor under pressure, is a pathetic set shot for goal as a FF, has sub standard skills beneth his knees and most importantly he has failed to take his opportunities in this the sport of "opportunities". He must go and I beleive the FD will find a way to rid itself of him just as it found a way not to win five games.

    In the unlikely event Newton is still on our list next year, I will once again support him as a Melbourne brother, wishing he could some how bring his very brief glimpses of brillance to his eveyday game........................ but the reality is he does not have what it takes, he is not made of the right stuff and has become a classic list clogger. Infact if he survives Clogger should be his new nick name.

    Saying that good luck to him in life with all his pursuits. I would love him to prove us all wrong, but would prefer our odds to win the premiership next year than the odds of Newton making it in the AFL.

  4. Ok then!

    I must admit the Demons were the joke of the competition from about round 3 2007 until some point a couple of months after our great man Jimmy took over the club. We were embarrassing and pathetic both on and off the field. Once Jimmy took over and changed the board and the CEO the club seemed to be back on track both on and off the field. Jimmy you have saved our club, thankyou.

    So who has taken our title? There seems to be several contenders.

    Here are the nominations.

    Port Adelaide: A club in turmoil. No supporter base to talk of........... the few supporters speaks no English and have no coin. A club that just could not turn up to make the finals, which is all well as their supporters can't afford finals tickets anyway. Terrible losses to bottom teams Richmond and Melbourne cost them a finals berth. Yet this club decided to re-sign its coach who seems to be fighting with absolutly everyone including his players. His best player then simply walks. PA is also on financial life support from the AFL. Yes a nomination is worthy.

    Richmond: a simple choice for a nomination. Pathetic is a word that is simply not strong enough to describe this rif raf of an organisation. The word "team" by definition can't be used when describing the tigers. The disgracefull tigers have appeared just twice in finals in 27 years, they signed and then carried a terrible coach who made all the wrong decisions when recruiting, did not have the guts to let the team bottom out, continiously came 9th and then convinced himself that they were a premiership threat and took a 31yo drug addicted Cousins who turned out to be their best player for the 2009 season. Seriously this does not say much for the rest of the list. Richmond then compounded all of this by beating Melbourne after the siren who were tanking like no other team in the history of the competition. Ironically this win cost them the number one draft pick and Richmond supporter Tom Scully. Richmond is truly a joke and is also on AFL life support. I hold no hope of finals for this ridiculas, joke of a club pre 2016 and thats assuming everything goes right for the tigers from this point forward.

    Fremantle: who can go past this team when talking about mediocrity. The only "new" team in the competition to stuff up the AFL bought premiership which comes as part of the package from the AFL when buying a AFL club licence. Two finals appearances with one win in their 15 year history is a pathetic return considering their concessions. This club seems to always be in the headlines for the wrong reasons and has failed to take its opportunities. Unlike its cross town rivals Freo seem destined to be waiting for a premiership for a long, long time.

    North Melbourne: A nomination simply for failing to take its best option and move to the Gold Coast where they would have become very strong, extremly successful and mega rich. Instead they remain on AFL life support with next to no support. With a very low, non affluent supporter base its hard to understand how they will survive. Norths poor decison to stay in Melbourne may well end up costing it the ultimate price.............. extinction. A nomination for not waking up and smelling the coffee..... A nomination for failing to take its opportunity.

    Melbourne: As carrying over "joke award winner" and wooden spoon winner, a nomination is automatic, however, recent on and off field performances and improving list suggests it no longer holds the title. Despite still being on AFL life support it seems the club will soon be healthy enough to stand on its own.

  5. We have to be some sort of chance to get Burgoyne. However, I suspect he will want to go to a big more successful club. He will not see Melbourne as a club where he is likley to play infront of big crowds or play finals. Our FD will really need to sell the abilities of our up and coming list to have any chance.

    We could offer pick 17 stright swap or pick 33 plus a reasonable player or two to free up players on our list. I think both could be fair trades. If Port says no he falls through to the PSD where we get him for free.

  6. Sadly there in lies the problem ... drumming up interest in our players when the whole footy world just wants to bag them Melbourne supporters included.

    Trust me hangon007, I only said this after establishing they had no interest. From my memory the comment was that there was only room for one Cloke on the Carlton list.

  7. You could well be right RR.

    However, I think it is more likely we keep Miller (unless traded) and redraft Buckley in the Rookie Draft.

    Even if Dunn was out of contract he would be safe.

    Also I am very close to a very senior person at Carton (will not tell you who, so don't ask). I was told by him that Miller wanted to leave the Dees. I told him "you can have him". But they have no interest.

  8. This thread is a total waste of.........um... well..... internet space and time!

    Why would our FD pick anyone up (no matter how good) that is not going to be around for our next tilt? Realistically this 2012 -2015 and I think 2012 is optimistic.

    Melbourne will not be picking up any players that can’t play a minimum of 100 games. End of story.

    If you’re going to waste your time talking rumours at least talk ones that are plausible. Just because someone said it on TV does not mean it’s real or plausible.

  9. Ox would have been as good as Wayne Carey and better than Gary Lyon if he was not subject by horrible knees.

    Breaks my heart that we found a true super star only for this to happen. Don't get it wrong Lyons bad back combined with Ox bad knees cost us Premierships.

  10. In my opinion the FD should continue to show the remorseless, ruthlessness it showed in collecting the PP and simply pay out Newton's contract.

    I feel the FD would now acknowledge the error in signing Newton to a 2 year contract last year last year. This is fine errors are made, but the FD should be judged on how they deal with their errors and much as their success. At the end of the day Newton has not performed and will never make it at an AFL level and should be paid out. I know that this may be unpopular with managers and some players, however, it is a statement of ruthlessness, the same ruthlessness that is required if we are to win a Premiership. Newton will be nothing more than a list clogger next year. Miller and Buckley deserve a spot on the list before Newton. I still hold hope that these players could be part of our plans going forward.

    FD: stand up and pay Newton out. He is a dud.

  11. I only support two things in football:

    1. The Melbourne Football Club: God Bless then and all those who support them

    2. The ABCs: Anyone But Collingwood................. may they lose by a point in the most heart breaking manner in a Perliminary Final.

    Outside of this I have a very low care factor.

  12. I think you are 95/5 safe.

    Richmond not only have a new coach who will most probably develop a new game plan that will take a year to be played well. AKA Melbourne 2008, St.Kilda 2007 (under Ross Lyon). They are also rebuilding and have slashed their list which as we know too well means initial pain. Further Richmond play Cousins, Richo, and Newton who are their best players, but also old. I can't see these guys being as good in 2010 and see likely injuries due to age.

    Melbourne beat Richmond twice this season (yes round 18 was a win on all levels). We were a better team this year in all manners except the ladder........... and we all know that story. I certainly don't expect Richmond to improve more than Melbourne next year. Infact I expect them to be last most years for the next 5.

    Think you can keep your pants on!

  13. Thank goodness they don't watch our games.

    Otherwise our "megatank" would have even got more bad press and traction from these very well respected xplayers.

    In any case Davey is unlucky not to be in the squad but in my opinion is not worthy of a AA gurnsey.

  14. Scott West has a family and is unlikely to want to move to Perth unless he is offered significantly more coin.

    I think Scott West will want to finish what he has started at Melbourne. I am sure he can see the upside in the demon midfield. Probably can't wait to coach Scully and Tengove. I think he will see what great things it will do for his career if he coaches our midfield on the rise.

    I would be very suprised if he left to go to Freo.

  15. I'd just like to say I'm glad I'm a Demons supporter as opposed to a Hawthorn supporter.

    They have just recently, in my eyes, shown that unsociable football undoubtedly breeds [censored] people and a [censored] culture.

    Recent successes be damned - I'm glad I'm a member of a club that has some semblance of integrity.

    I like the fact we don't look elsewhere to find excuses.

    That club reeks from top to bottom.

    I have no problem with playing the game hard or not being not liked - but I am much more content that we are producing young men of character and will not likely have to endure such a petulant display from our players in the near future.


    Let’s just worry about our own back garden, who cares what any other club does when it does not effect us.

    We have not won a premiership in 45 years, they have won 8? in this time.

    We are in debt, they were financially ruined and are now are a financial power house with 50000 members. Wealth goes a long way to breeding success in the AFL. (Sorry lefties, its just a fact).

    They have a culture of ruthlessness that allowed them to trade for draft picks get Roughead and Buddy and win a premiership last year.

    Personally I a jealous of Hawthorn’s success and I can’t understand how any other MFC member could not be. After all it was not long ago we nearly took them over. Since then we have gone on life support and they have won a premiership and become a powerhouse. If they can do it we can do it.

    I am happy that we tanked harder than any other team ever (even harder than Carlton 07) to get draft picks this year, this remorseless, ruthless display is something the MFC has never shown in my life time and is something that you would expect from teams like Hawthorn, Carlton, West Coast............. hang on............. all these teams have won multiple premierships in my life time……...

    I am happy, but would have been happier if we started acting like this 30 years ago. Maybe we would have a couple of premierships to boast for it.

    Again be careful paying out Hawthorn, we are following in their footsteps.

  16. With a good run of injuries we will finish in the top 8, around 5-8.

    With a bad run, just outside, 10-12.

    If the coaches box hadn't have been pulling on the reins this year we would have had 6 or 7 wins.

    Exactly my thoughts AJ.

    The reins were pulled hard despite an extreme injury list. We are building skill, pace and depth.

    Some may say threatening the finals in 2010 as over the top, but I for one believe this is possible.

    However, I will be satisfied with any significant improvement!

  17. I agree with DB.

    My top 3 for Bluey:

    1st - Arron Davey: A sensational year. Has put his hand up to take over from Junior in 2011.

    2nd - Brad Green: Was set to top Davey until a late season injury. Is super skilled and super tuff, I find his courage inspirational. Should be our next Captain.

    3rd - Brett Moloney: A solid year. Inspirational at times, played all but one for the season and should poll well in the Bluey.

  18. thats not meant meant for you RR,thats for the twirp that thinks hes an enforcer.

    So I guess that’s for me then!!

    I have an opinion, as we all do on this site and I will always exercise my right to give my opinion if I feel strongly enough about it. Is that not what these forums are all about? I respect RR and all others that have different opinions to me but I take no offence of their opinion, I want to hear these views and most importantly I RESPECT others views even if they are not my own. For the record I agree with 90%+ of RRs views, but it would not make any difference if I only agreed 10% of the time. As I respect anyone’s view who cares enough to write in these blogs.

    I am no enforcer?!?!?!? If giving a different view to your own makes someone an enforcer its time you took a long hard look at yourself JACKtheRIPPER.

  19. How ridiculas!

    Even if our best team was playing we are miles away from being able to beat the saints. Add to that our 20 person odd injury list and we are no chance.

    How many times has the last team beaten the top team in the second half of the season? I would suggest that this has been rarely acheived in 112 years of AFL/VFL football.

  20. Demon25:

    I agree completely. He will kick 40+ goals next year if fit and still demand the number one defender. This must be good for our new forwards. He kicked 25 goals from what…… 8 - 9 games this year. That’s pretty good for the 16th team with terrible delivery for a veteran that missed a year with a serious injury and has no pre-season, yet still takes the number one defender.

    Our team will be better off keeping Robbo, signing him to a one year contract.

    What hurts me most is the Robbo rejected a far better paying 3 year contract with the Dogs two years ago to stay loyal to the Dees, yet we delist him despite good form and no forward line two years later. This is poor form from the Football Department.

    What also hurts me is that we are going to keep a dud on our list Newton who has done nothing for our club and will never do anything except lose us games. I would much prefer to delist Newton (he is a pathetic footballer) pay out his contract and use his spot for Robbo. The FD must be able to see that Newton is the biggest dud in the AFL and only valuable if you are tanking, he is even a bigger dud than Jordan McMahon, so why no do this. Newton does not bleed for the club, for much of his time his attitude has been an embarrassment, he does not deserve to be on the list. Robbo on the other hand is a legend and 3rd highest goal kicker for our club.

    I think DB does not like his lack of defensive pressure, dislikes his extravertism and hates the fact he always goes to ground. But he is a great mark and accurate kick, and bleeds for the red and blue.

    I am happy with the overall performance of the FD but I strongly feel the get rid of Robbo decision wrong on every level and a decision which WILL cost us games next year.

  21. Its a funny thing football.

    The way the football cookie has crumbled Tom Scully would be on his way to Richmond if Jordan McMahon had of missed that goal a few weeks ago and we would only have pick 2, pick 20, pick 36, pick 52 and preseason pick 2. That is significantly short of picks 1, 2, 19, 35, 51 and PS 1.

    I know we still have one round to go but if it was Richmond in 16th place right now I can assure you that they would find a way of losing against West Coast in Perth this weekend, delivering them Tom Scully.

    Thank You, Thank You Jordan McMahon.

    You may be a dud player, and a poor shot at goal, but you came good when it counted, you did the best thing for the mighty Dees and for that I will forever be grateful. If Melbourne win a Premiership with Scully and Trengrove I propose life membership to the MFC. Jordan your heart beats true for the red and blue. Thank You.

    Sorry just realised someone else beat me to the punch with this on another thread!

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