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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. Also not sure that Roos does not rate Patrrica, I think there is an expectation he will go 1. I don't expect Roos to go for Lever over maccatrin. But I don't know this. All I know is that Roos rates Lever, perhaps not as high as 3. Time will tell. Personally I would go for maccatrin assuming Patrrica is gone. Brayshaw a lock in.

    • Like 6
  2. It's been a bad day for the MFC, the disappointment and trade setback is significant. I understand that some will take this disappoint out on those who offered hope. This is natural. However, all is not lost. Let's see what Roos pulls out of the hat in the coming days.

    I note that the same people who have abused me (not that I care) are the same who smashed me for six months when I announced the absolute arrival of Roos in May 2013. Life is too short, we all love our club and yearn success. We are all on the same team. Personally despite my reservations on FA I remain optimistic, the most optimistic I have been since 2006.

    Let's hope tomorrow is a better day for our great club.

    • Like 15
  3. This is the biggest week for the MFC since the 2000 GF. I have been muted so no names will be mentioned, but if all goes to plan we will end up with 2 A Graders plus pick 2. The 2 players would enter our list as the 2 best players on our list. Roos may need to settle for a less experienced likely A Grader (a Tyson like) but this is not plan A. Don't be surprised if at least 1 of the players gained has been unmentioned on DL or the media. We are the main player in a massive game of chess. Roos is already a legend, on Thursday evening he may have become a God. A Demon God no less.

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  4. He is unlucky. A beautiful kick, big body, I thought he had the skills and poise. Had a good season with Casey. Personally I was shocked he did not get a gig under Roos. There must be more to the story;

    • Like 4
  5. Roos just said at a draft camp interview which is on another thread that we would not be offering pick 2 & 3 for Dangerfield. He made comments about how players would be traded the year before their contract ended to avoid FA and said if Dangerfield decided to leave that we with many other clubs would be chasing him.

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  6. How can the top club collect the bottom clubs best KP Defender who is only 26 and this not be band 1. KP Players don't grow on trees. We have already been screwed by the system, FA was never meant to deliver this, was never meant to create a 2 tier system. I hold my breath now as the AFL delivers us a knock out blow.

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