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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. Don't know if I am the only one but, I am extremely concerned about the lack of urgency coming from the club about supporters renewing memberships and have not seen much in the way of the club marketing for new members. Have checked the table on the club web site and the numbers don't seem to have changed much in the last eight weeks or so. I would have thought that we should be out there in everyones face trying to up the membership numbers. We supposedly have a marketing department but I am concerned we are hearing nothing from them, they can't all be tied up trying to find sponsors. Memberships are our base funding and without them (along with a major sponsor) we really will strugle to survive.

    Well picked up I notice the same thing earlier in the week. What i could suggest is the last few weeks are "down time" theres not a lot of interest in football. Being our 1st game is next week I would hope some marketing will start next week (if it hasn't already, bit hard to know as I've already resinged!)

  2. On a side note, what relationship does ian collins have with the AFL currently?

    Surely some of the dealings b/w carlt$n, that catering co and the dome plus being a snr at afl head quaters would have had a lot of conflicting interests. I cannot believe that more of this have never been made. If you take a government official (i understand big difference with a private business like AFL) they have to be transperant. Lets face it the AFL govern a competion where most clubs have elected officials and really the same type of transperant dealings need to be seen.

  3. Firstly Sydney will make the 8, and if Melbourne win less then 5 games they get a priority pick.

    you forget the wce and freo either of them are capable of winning less then 5 this year. If pav goes down inj freo is in big trouble and wce game on sat night reminded me of some of our pre season games last year.

  4. This sort of stuff has been going on for years. If I remember correctly as a part of our salery cap breaches a boat was purchased for a father of one of the players. I can't see how this is any different from the above or players being made the enviornment face for xxxxx or even realestate dealings. If the rules were in place and sever penalties inc suspension etc were in place, players may take a more conservative approach.

    Another option is to have free agents but I don't think our comp really wants to go down that path.

    Surely there should be similar rules to sharemarkets in relation to insider trading. Basically if you are a member of a football board, sponser, player or official etc etc you have a vested interest in the afl and thus should not be open to any trading with any other listed player or official without written consent of the AFL. really their salery cap is more a joke then ever and the gap has widened between the poorer and richer clubs more then ever IMO. Lets face it most players and certainly the ones in question are not short of money therefore if they want to do business outside of football they can do it OUTSIDE OF FOOTBALL!

  5. In the current economic environment and devastating damages done in the bushfires how the fv@% could any Government justify any taxpayer money to the MFC no matter how small?

    Posters need to take off the blinkers and consider an opportunity not just from the perpsective of MFC's own limited good and think about sponsor implications.

    The Public Sector and the Non profit organisations are not going to throw their valuabvle dollars at another definite non profit entity no matter how left field or out of the box posters want to label it.

    The Club needs to focus on realistic and feasible options. And this thread has not uncovered any.

    Disagree they (NFP orgs) will still be marketing their orgainisations through the different media. I have seen many adds for blood donations reciently and doubt very much that is free for them. Therefore for 1 or a couple of games there is a real marketing opportunity for all involved. We are not talking massive dollars here towards the club, but at market rates for advertising that would be doing anyway. i.e., Mutually benifical. If the club does not have a sponser for next week it would be silly to suggest that they would not be looking at these types of short term solutions. If they aren't they might as well be putting their heads in the sand.

  6. The Demons get a Government bail out because it cant find a sponsor! Given the financial climate and recent bushfire disaster I am sure the Government will gladly and willingly dip into the pocket. I mean really the Government is already looking at a $50 billion budget deficit what's a few 100,000 more.

    This thread started off as silly and has got alarmingly more so.

    To help out...maybe the AFL could sponsor us... They do have lots of money... :lol:

    Look closely rhino - it was suggested just for the nab cub which could well be 1 game. Surely if we have no sponser a sml government contribution is better then a blank jumper

  7. If we "as a club are very hard on recruits" it's probably due to the fact that we have never really drafted a 'Superstar' in the mold of Buckley, Hird, Voss, Carey, Franklin et al.

    Ok thats 5 players across (15years x 16 clubs) = 1 in 48 chance of any club recruiting a legend/champion of the game each draft year. sorry but your drawing a very long bow there. Also I would suspect one of these is father son (Hird) so thats even less.

    Also to put franklin in the league of the others is wrong. He has played good footy for 2 seasons.

    Lets see where he and we are at in 10yrs time. In 2 years other clubs could well be hailing Jurrah in the same way. You never know.

  8. I hate it. Not really a big fan of the logo but that with a red background. Prefer the blue training top we are using with the small mfc logo in front.

    better then last years at least, I actually don't mind it, I think the issue with the old demon logo jumper was that there was too much blue in it and it still clashed. Hence they should use royal blue in these jumpers.

  9. What's the current criteria for Melbourne's drafting?

    Accurate hand and foot disposal, pace and leadership?

    How many of the 10 would have been picked up under that criteria I wonder

    Different criteria then....

    Molan (pick 9) - Probably the unluckiest player taken high in the draft in a long time, no opportunity to shine IMO not the clubs or LM fault just bad luck

    Bell (14) Smith(15) - Bell injury concerns still could have an impact, smith is the reason you don't draft KPP low 1st round big risks (Brad Hall is another that comes to mind)

    Sylvia (3) McLean (5) - Both are and will continue to be excellent "hard nut" choices of which we were lacking at this stage

    Moloney (traded for pick 12) Bate (13) Dunn (15) - As above for maloney, Bate/dunn still young and are forwards so should come on

    Jones (12) - our weekest point was clearances at this stage and he was the clearance machine that year

    Frawley (12) - Lots of potential

    So based on this smith and bell are about the only question marks 2/9 is not a bad hit/miss rate. An interesting excercise would be to pick 2 or 3 other clubs with similar/later picks over this time and compare. I think we as a club are very hard on recruits for some reason more so then other clubs?? Surely these kids need the opportunity to develop.

  10. I'd be surprised if it didn't draw at least over 15,000.

    As "The Febes" says, Tasweigans love their footy, it will most likely gather some typ of donation for the bushfire victims not even to mention it's the defending Premier's (and their home team's) first game after winning the Premiership

    I'm sure I have read/heard that this game is close to a sell out. What does the stadium hold? I know its over 15k, hence why I used the 20k round figure which seems to ring a bell 18-19k for a couple of their big games in the last couple of years.

    I think its fantastic melbourne is finally getting exposure in the tassie market plus I know our generous brothers across bass straight will embrace our losses as much as anybody. To call this game back to melbourne next week is border line stupidity IMO and something that the AFL and tassie gov relations would be strained over.

  11. I want to see it officially. I have not received any email and there is nothing on the MFC web site. I cannot go on Saturday as I play tennis. I was planning to go on Friday evening. If it really has been changed I am majorally [censored] OFF!

    Undeeniable, while I totally support the bushfire appeal we have yet another example of the MFC dropping the ball. No Email, Nothing on the web site leave it to the scorpions and the forum to inform. Or were they presuming nobody would turn up? I have taken a day of annual leave in an industry that is in big trouble ATM and probably should not have, so while feeling your frustrations I'm trying to look past my personal feelings. I grew up in the area that the king lake fire started so personally I hope as much money can be raised as no doubt many family's I grew up with have been effected by this event. Hopefully I can re-organize my saturday commitments to make this game.

    One positive out of this is for those who believe in the "Friday the 13th curse", maybe its now safe for JW to pull the boots on!

    "I'd like it if we could turn the practice match into a Casey Community fund raising event. Saturday Morning is a more family-friendly time to do so as well"

    very well put. HG45

  12. Disagree. If he is we are going nowhere.

    Totally agree and if the club saw him in even our best 30 he would have been elivated in an instant at the end of last season. Its still great to have a guy with this work ethic around though, it can become infectous.

  13. That is just a stupid question. Ok Nostradamus, did you envisage Sewell, Ladson and Osborne helping Hawthorn win a flag when they were fringe players 3 years ago?

    Fair call, but in terms of this position that he plays I'm sure everybody would agree he is well behind Brock, Maloney, Jones, Jnr and Buckley. therefore unlikely to get a chance unless many long term injuries like last year.

    Some of his games last year were real highlights, but moving forward i think thats about all he will amount to. Good chance for B+F at the scorp's

  14. Well I mean lets face. Barely anyone ( in comparison to other clubs ) support the Dees, so why would they want to read about them.

    News papers still have a job, to sell papers.

    Until we start performing or at least so some signs of improvement or even have something decent to report (sponsorship anybody), expect the articles to be far and few in between.

    Correct, unless its really bad news or really good news you wont hear much about: Stkilda, Richmond, Bullies or melbourne and to a lesser extent the blues and essendon. Collingwood is the exception to rule. They are the slow news day fillers. Lets face it for the last 18 mths we have been making the papers generally for the wrong reasons, but in recent times things are starting to look better. Just wait until some of our recruits start winning games for us!

  15. Oh how lovely it is to see England get smashed by the Windies. And they can consider themselves fortunate to make 51, when they were at one stage 7/26. Luckily for them Flintoff showed a bit of backbone.

    Let's hope they keep that kind of form up going into the Ashes.

    I'm glad they have quality batsmen the likes of flintoff down the order to save humiliation and push the total up to a massive 51!

  16. YM the only issue I see here is Jnr at 18. As it stands now he is easily in our top 10 along with bruce. Maloney and Sylvia are yet to preform to expectation so until this happens they would have to slip out of the top 10. Also maric for jones for similar reasons

    Maybe now that Yze has retired, you can call yourself Bruce Magic! :wub:

  17. There were comments made just after the draft that suggested that we were never interested in him, something about not wanting the talented kids who had question marks over their injury histories.

    I still think the club got it right with this one. In 10yrs I'm confident we will reflect back and say the right decision was made. I'd also much prefer watching the local victorian boys then little tirds like thompson return home after you have invested in their development.

    Swift did look good though, right into the super coach side. With how bad wce are going to be this year I think he will have plenty of game time.

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