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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. MB...im not convinced the recruiters are our main deficiency. They simply showcase and catalogue those that are provided. The Coach and his gang of clowns are the ones who then go shopping. Id the Recruiters are rounded up and headed in a particular direction...concern yourself possibly more with those giving said directions..it's just a view I do concur that I have seen nothing from the coach(s) to suggest they are dealing well with their situation.....more akin to flailing in the quicksand. Finals in 2020 are already a pipe dream imho. At best all that would happen is an attempted reboot of the latter half of 2018 to only end in a similar demise...but happening before the finals of 2020. We have the wrong idea about how to play footy...and we bring , in the main , the wrong cast and kit bag to complement this ideal. I will, though, look on with great interest to see what we DO do over the off season. Maybe our future will look clearer then. All I see is a swampy mist at present. ( need to drain the swamp )
  2. I cant see it as nothing..the age old go-to of stacking and crowding the backline to slow down a torrent of attacks is removed. Yes at centre bounces only but if your opposition is piling on goals they surely are the ones that matter.
  3. Sums it up quite succinctly. I dont as a rule listen or bother with any pressers etc...all just fluff and bluff bs. Not hard to shut down an interview/conversation. .not at all. I dont think this FD really have much of a clue to be honest. They know lots of bits and pieces...but nothing gels...nothing really works. I have Zero confidence in the club at present. .Zero.
  4. This club is most definitely contaminated
  5. Goodwin did far more of an apprenticeship under Hird and Thompson... Pedigree stuff eh ?? Curiously Macca is a common factor too
  6. Everything about footy is about a 'balance'.... we just went too top heavy into crash bang bullyball. Came up looking like idiots
  7. No..Roos interviewed a number of prospectives. Goodwin however was Mahoney's/Viney's man and the rest is history
  8. Make all the changes you like...line up the deckchairs in what ever fashion tickles your fancy...... The boat is still going to SINK !!
  9. Rhetorical ?? or other.?? It's a good question with an unfortunate ( imho ) answer. We have none to my knowledge Viney ( T) actually had a time under Clarkson...but hes not officially in any coaching role currently
  10. Maybe you should...he's currently using an Idiot's Coaching Guide.
  11. You're making far too much sense. We need two rucks..is a given. ( therefore unlikely )
  12. And this describes everything quite succinctly as to why we're crud. Its not injuries per se....its about being an athlete and not a footballer
  13. In two minds here. Great to get this guy But we still have all those other guys stuffing around and stuffing up in the FD. Not sure we'll get the magic improvement some think this will make. Bit like yummy icing on a turd cake tbh.
  14. Of course he can coach. He just didnt git the mentality of some of the old back room boyz club of ours.
  15. Gee...didn't see this coming....oh wait.. I must confess i haven't seen a min of this game yet as i recorded it. I enjoyed a wonderful night out to dinner blissfully ignorant of the scores and had others agree not to tell me. As they pity this poor sod of a Dee supporter they agreed. And yet i already knew the outcome as it was so predictable ( as I and countless others could foresee ) Yep..see-saw til 3/4 time .. not much in it...run.out of legs. Maybe im wrong...Badloss does havea plan afterall. ...well at least a script. We follow it well. Do i detect a few others starting to understand what some of us here have been banging on about all year ( and more ) ? There's no joy in saying we're useless. ..and by design. It's just what is. And it wont change unless........
  16. Actually Chook. Im in a great mood About to head out to dinner. My evening can't be soured or enhanced by anything the Dees do just as I can't affect anything they do. Win Win Go Dees or not. Que sera sera
  17. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy lol
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