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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. they certainly stemmed the tide...allowed the Toiges to regroup...and then it was wax lyrical with frees. Well done Gil
  2. The problem only EVER occurs once the ball escapes that confinement. We're possibly not so much profound as simply deep in IT !!
  3. I see us more as a Thermomix...we sound splendid...definitely a cult following...and we cost ourselves a bomb. results...well...yes Martha you cooked dinner..well done. ( over 24 easy payments ) and/or you may well get burned
  4. I WAS wondering...but that's hilarious !!! well done
  5. about 2.30 in the morning...we missed our chance...going to be a while
  6. 21 men in yellow and black...says it all
  7. Im referring to Goody's penchant for diarrhetic nonsense at pressers. Pay attention and youll find Ratten a lot less Fugazi in his dealings. We'll just differ...no need to change now
  8. Best i put other glasses on.lol..my bad Cracking game so far...go Lions
  9. Goidwin mentions many things...talks a lot...and we play Fugaziball I rate Ratten above Goodwin. Going to be an interesting year...or 6 months
  10. Apologies is ive missed this elsewhere Why isnt this a Lions home final ?
  11. Now if we can just add the requirement "FIT" to our recruiting...we might get somewhere
  12. Jack...been telling you for years we need a 'sarcasm' font
  13. Actually. ..depends on how fast or slow..eventually it will be
  14. Go stand under a cold shower until sense kicks in We should never entertain that pos.. ever..EVER
  15. In reality i just think Jade needed fresh air and a clear path.....and to get as far away from the dysfunctional heap of poo we are. He's been around this club long enough to know what's what and who's bogus. Don't blame him a bit....but it's a huge loss for us...huge.
  16. Bugger Bugger bugger bugger The only bloody bloke who actually knew anything imho Was hoping hed stay...gut feeling he wouldn't. ..and why would you. Good luck Twig
  17. Is the footy still going.....how odd
  18. Somewhat bemusing to read threads like this. Strikes me the same bias always floats to the top. Not only a bias but an inability it would seem to be able to distinguish between two qualities. Two that many seem either incapable or determined not to acknowledge as independent. Club Stalwart Club Captain Jones is without doubt a genuine stalwart of the club. If he is successful in the course of our club being successful then that is to be lauded. The ability to lead need not be dependent upon nor even connected to the ability to be reviewed as a player It's entirely reasonable to question his function as a captain whilst appreciating ( or not ) his contributions.
  19. There is possibly a subtle difference between a "boys club" approach and a club welcoming old boys. A possible ingredient that causes reticence among some with respect to embracing, indeed exploiting the abilities of past players etc is that there has been indeed times when there were ( possibly are ) insular groups within clubs that work and operate to their own agenda which may not be entirely congruent with that of the club. This and of itself should not preclude the seeking to bring knowledgeable and capable past players into the fold but should offer at least a caution that we need the club to be the prime focus.
  20. yes they most certainly do....and invariably the GF is shown The first time I went to NZ was to QT was 1990 I went partially to enjoy the Skiing..but as much to escape Melbourne in the throng of Filth Fever going into the GF. There was this obnoxious family every day on the ski bus, the type of Aussie tourists that make you blush or cringe. By the end of the week they will have made most peoples 'kill list' Sunday must have been their last day. I still had another week and Im sure I speak on behalf of the bus we couldnt wait for them to go. As we traveled towards the Remarkables that Sunday morning he ( [censored]#1) was bemoaning he didn't know the GF score. We all knew he was a Filthy Maggie as he wore his black and white scarf and beanie every bloody day. No-one answered. Either most didnt know, didn't care or just didnt want to make this lot any worse than they already were.. So I did. I told him Essendon had won by a goal after the siren. Wiped the smile right off his face and we didnt hear another peep out of them for the rest of the day. He was heading home the next day so for at least 24hours or until he happened upon the REAL score he was utterly miserable. I enjoyed the rest of my holiday
  21. Queenstown is definitely somewhere to visit. Place is built on Adrenalin; all set among breathtaking scenery. I haven't skied Cardrona...but have Coronet and the Remarkables. You can get some very good packages to ski there. I first did bungy during a ski season...probably not the most same thing I've ever done...the water..'freezing" Takes a little while to get used to skiing among NO trees !! ...but hey....less to hit ...lol Go there...highly recommend.
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